

单词 abstractor


Brit. /əbˈstraktə/, U.S. /əbˈstræktər/, /æbˈstræktər/
Origin: A borrowing from Latin, combined with an English element. Etymons: Latin abstract- , abstrahere , -or suffix.
Etymology: < classical Latin abstract-, past participial stem of abstrahere (see abstract v.) + -or suffix. Compare later abstracter n.
a. A person who makes an abstract of a text or document. Cf. abstracter n. 2a.
society > leisure > the arts > literature > prose > non-fiction > summary or epitome > [noun] > synoptical statement > one who
1584 Counter-poyson 110 The Abstractor will soone aunswere his cauill.
a1644 F. Quarles Shepheards Oracles (1646) ix If each abstraction draws A curse upon the abstractor from those laws, How can your Councels scape this judgment then?
1694 P. A. Motteux tr. F. Rabelais 5th Bk. Wks. xx Her Abstractors..and other Officers, for whom I want Names.
1700 S. Parker 6 Philos. Ess. 39 The dull Bogtrotting Abstractor.
a1789 W. Ross Lect. Pract. Law Scotl. (1792) II. 452 The liferentrix..concludes not only for poinding the ground, but also personally for the value against the abstractors.
1836 Knickerbocker Dec. 640 Monsieur Alcofribas, Quintessential Abstractor, and Historian of the very Horrific Life of the Great Gargantua.
1866 Social Sci. Rev. 1 Jan. 23 Single causes rightly named, whether maladies, or injuries,..may be classed or re-distributed according to the objects or the opinions of any abstractor.
1927 C. M. R. Balbi Deafness Explained (title page) Appointed by the Institution of Electrical Engineers as Abstractor to Science Abstracts in Electro Acoustics.
1964 Times Lit. Suppl. 2 Jan. 16/1 (advt.) [We] require an abstractor..for our new Research and Development Centre at Harlow.
2003 M. A. Drake Encycl. Libr. & Information Sci. (ed. 2) I. 3/1 Remuneration for abstracting is not a principal motivating factor, since many abstractors work for nothing.
b. spec. In the British civil service: a clerk on the grade of this name. Cf. abstracter n. 2b. Now historical.The grade or class of abstractor was originally used in 1855 (see quot. 1928 at abstracter n. 2b) in the General Register Office for clerks preparing abstracts of the numbers of births, deaths, and marriages (in accordance with the Births and Deaths Registration Act of 1836). From 1890 onwards the term was applied to a new class of assistant clerks in various departments. The spelling abstractor was typically preferred by the Civil Service from the late 1850s.
society > authority > rule or government > ruler or governor > a or the government > civil service > [noun] > civil servant > specific grades of British
permanent secretary1785
permanent under-secretary1859
second division1897
abstractor clerk1901
1859 L. Levi Ann. Brit. Legislation IV. 185/2 Registrar-General of Births, Deaths, and Marriages. 15 Taskworkers:..7 Indexers. 3 Statistical Abstractors.
1866 G. Graham Let. 3 Dec. in Twelfth Rep. Civil Service Commissioners (1867) App. II. 277 State to the Civil Service Commissioners that I do not wish any change to be made with respect to the qualifications of the ‘index compilers’ and ‘statistical abstractors’.
1894 J. Whitaker Almanack for 1894 175/1 Registry of Judgments, &c... Abstractor, C. J. Kingston £80 to £180.
1914 R. Moses Civil Service Great Brit. App. E, 312 Second Division Clerks..14,120, including 1,108 exceptionally appointed, chiefly from the class of Temporary Copyists and from Abstractors.
2004 E. Higgs Life, Death & Statistics iii. 65 Indexers, transcribers, sorters and statistical abstractors only needed to be tested on handwriting, orthography, accuracy in copying, and arithmetic.
2. A person who or thing which separates, removes, or extracts something from its place or context; = abstracter n. 1.
the world > space > place > removal or displacement > extraction > [noun] > one who
1602 W. Watson tr. E. Pasquier Iesuites Catech. i. xv. f. 51v The facultie of Phisicke admits none of these Paracelsian abstractors of quintessences into their schooles.
1694 P. A. Motteux tr. F. Rabelais 5th Bk. Wks. xxi. 96 The Gentlemen of her Houshold, Abstractors, Pazarons, Nebidins, Spodizators, and others..told us, That the Queen their Mistress did all impossible things, and cur'd Men of incurable Diseases, and they, her Officers, us'd to do the rest.
1791 Earl of Dundonald Let. in Ann. Agric. 24 517 It [sc. potato powder] is extremely cold to the touch; or, in other words, a powerful abstractor of heat from bodies to which it is applied.
1838 Dublin Rev. Apr. 342 The abstractor of a coin, and the destroyer of life, were then alike punished with death.
1880 Independent (N.Y.) 8 July 10/2 The water is a more powerful abstractor of heat than the atmosphere.
1905 Leslie's Monthly Mag. May 99/1 The possible abstractor of the Great Mogul, as Mr. Grey's famous diamond was called.
1991 New Scientist 16 Nov. 18/1 Water companies and other licensed abstractors have increasingly drawn on underground reserves to supply the demand.
2010 C. A. Job Groundwater Econ. viii. 287 These participants may be the landowner, the groundwater abstractor and seller, or governmental representative trying to correct any economic issues that may arise.


abstractor of titles n. (also abstractor of title) Law = abstracter of titles n. at abstracter n. Phrases.
1871 Indianapolis Directory 1871–2 167 Elliott Joseph T, abstractor of titles to real estate.
1922 H. Quick Vandemark's Folly viii. 149 All but one or two [sc. town-sites] now quite lost to all human memory or thought, except as some diligent abstractor of titles or real-estate lawyer discovers something of them in the chain of a title of a farm.
1998 Jrnl. Risk & Insurance 65 351 Professions such as abstractors of title and trade association executives, often ignored in other such books, are included here.
2003 Bismarck (N. Dakota) Tribune (Nexis) 26 Oct. 2 b He is also a licensed real estate broker and a certified abstractor of title in the state.


abstractor clerk n. now historical = sense 1b.
society > authority > rule or government > ruler or governor > a or the government > civil service > [noun] > civil servant > specific grades of British
permanent secretary1785
permanent under-secretary1859
second division1897
abstractor clerk1901
1901 Daily Chron. 5 Oct. 6/5 Two abstractor clerks in the War Office.
1957 R. Church Golden Sovereign ix. 85 The next Civil Service examination for Abstractor Clerks, that low rung on the ladder of permanent service, loomed nearer and nearer.
1982 J. Pellew Home Office, 1848–1914 ii. v. 93 In 1891 the department began to recruit from a newly established class of assistant (or abstractor) clerks.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2011; most recently modified version published online December 2021).




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