

单词 it stands to reason

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it stands to (also †with) (†great, good, etc.) reason
d. it stands to (also †with) (great, good, etc.) reason: it is plainly evident or logical (that). Cf. to stand to —— 11 at stand v. Phrasal verbs 2.
1528 T. Paynell tr. Arnaldus de Villa Nova in Joannes de Mediolano Regimen Sanitatis Salerni sig. B iij Considerynge then that mans eies be colde of nature: hit standeth with reason they shulde be washed with colde water and not with hotte.
1596 J. Harington New Disc. Aiax sig. G6 And thys standes with good reason.
1612 T. Shelton tr. M. de Cervantes Don-Quixote: Pt. 1 i. i. 6 For it stood greatly with reason, seeing his Lord and Master changed his estate and vocation, that he should alter likewise his denomination.
1620 T. Alured Let. in J. Gutch Collectanea Curiosa (1781) I. 173 Which stands to reason, and agrees with nature.
1632 P. Holland tr. Xenophon Cyrupædia 149 It standeth to good reason, that they who repose mutuall trust one in another, will joyntly sticke to it.
1698 Earl of Orrery Dr. Bentley's Diss. Examin'd 137 It stands to reason, that he thought the Expression common enough; or else he would not have us'd it.
1705 H. Blackwell Eng. Fencing-master (new ed.) 34 Schol. What you say stands to a great deal of Reason, and I will observe your Directions.
a1774 A. Tucker Light of Nature Pursued (1777) III. ii. 8 When we say a thing stands to reason, or is discordant from it.
1857 J. Ruskin Polit. Econ. Art i. 35 It stands to reason that a young man's work cannot be perfect.
1873 W. Black Princess of Thule xxiv. 395 Of course it stands to reason that the rich never have justice done them in plays and stories; for the people who write are poor.
1954 A. Thirkell What did it Mean? 292 She did not find them holding hands... But it stood to reason at their age.
1989 A. Davies Getting Hurt x. 142 Stands to reason, right? The past is past, so we can't do anything about it.
2005 T. Hall Salaam Brick Lane xi. 248 It stands to reason that they will be ‘Englished’ too... But it will take time.
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