

单词 indirect aggression

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indirect aggression
a. Not taking the straight or nearest course to the end in view; not going straight to the point; not acting or exercised with direct force; round-about. spec. indirect aggression, aggression by one nation by other than military means; so indirect aggressor; indirect evidence = circumstantial evidence at circumstantial adj. 1a; indirect rule, a system of governnment in which the governed people retain certain administrative and legal, etc., powers.
the world > action or operation > [adjective] > operating or acting indirectly
the mind > mental capacity > knowledge > hiding, concealing from view > keeping from knowledge > indirect action or process > [adjective]
side wind1672
society > leisure > the arts > literature > style of language or writing > obscurity > [adjective] > vague or inexplicit
the mind > attention and judgement > testing > attestation, witness, evidence > [noun] > evidence given, testimony > based on probability or circumstances
circumstantial evidence1736
presumptive evidence1766
indirect evidence1824
society > authority > rule or government > a or the system of government > direct rule, devolution, or trusteeship > [noun] > indirect rule
indirect rule1922
society > armed hostility > attack > [noun] > military aggression > non-military aggression
indirect aggression1939
1584 R. Scot Discouerie Witchcraft ii. iii. 24 All maner of waies are to be vsed, direct and indirect.
1665 R. Boyle Occas. Refl. Introd. Pref. sig. b2v To condemn Figurative and Indirect ways of conveying ev'n Serious and Sacred matters, is to forget How often Christ himself made use of Parables.
1720 D. Waterland 8 Serm. Divinity of Christ 237 The implicite or indirect proofs I shall but briefly mention.
1783 R. Watson Hist. Philip II (1793) I. iii. 381 To agree to such an indirect form of expression, as might not alarm the pride..of the Spaniards.
1824 T. Starkie Pract. Treat. Law of Evidence I. iii. 478 These positions lead immediately to an inquiry into the nature and force of indirect or circumstantial evidence.
1833 T. Starkie Pract. Treat. Law Evid. (ed. 2) I. 17 Indirect or inferential evidence, where an inference is made as to the truth of the disputed fact, not by means of the actual knowledge which any witness had of the fact, but from collateral facts ascertained by competent means.
1865 E. B. Tylor Res. Early Hist. Mankind i. 4 The place of direct records has to be supplied, in great measure, by indirect evidence.
1922 F. D. Lugard Dual Mandate Brit. Trop. Afr. x. 199 The Governor of the Gold Coast..observed: ‘The chiefs are keenly appreciative of our policy of indirect rule, and of the full powers they retain under their native institutions.’
1928 F. D. Lugard (title) Representative forms of government and ‘indirect rule’ in British Africa.
1928 F. D. Lugard 19 I propose in this chapter to discuss..‘Indirect Rule’—though ‘Dependent Rule’ would seem a more suitable term,—more especially in..the conditions of tropical Africa.
1931 Economist 28 Mar. 667/2 He [sc. Sir Donald Cameron]..submitted that this dream would be shattered if the policy, inaugurated in Tanganyika in 1925, of developing that territory on the lines of indirect rule by the mandatory and direct economic production by the natives were allowed to develop.
1939 H. Nicolson Diary 20 July (1966) 406 The Ambassador is..so interested in convincing them how right is the Soviet definition of ‘indirect aggression’ that he forgets to offer them any tea.
1940 B. Ward Russian Foreign Policy 28 Mutual guarantees, the definition of indirect aggression—all these were trivial points compared with the principal obstacle, the Polish guarantee.
1957 P. Worsley Trumpet shall Sound 261 This became particularly urgent, when..the growing inadequacy of direct methods of rule..brought about the introduction of Indirect Rule in many territories.
1958 Hansard Commons 16 July 1245 The question is one of perverting nationalist feelings and perverting those who wish to overthrow the established order of society so that they serve to further indirect aggression.
1958 Listener 7 Aug. 185/1 Much has been said about President Nasser's propaganda machine, which has given rise to a new term, ‘indirect aggression’, which in Western eyes, it seems, may now be held as justification for military intervention.
1958 Spectator 8 Aug. 184/3 Nor was this member of the Baghdad Pact the only indirect aggressor against France.
1959 Earl Jowitt & C. Walsh Dict. Eng. Law II. 960/1 Indirect evidence, proof of collateral circumstances from which a fact in controversy, not directly attested by witnesses or documents, may be inferred.
1959 Spectator 21 Aug. 236/2 The invention of ‘indirect rule’, the system of governing a territory by allowing the existing tribal authorities to continue to administer tribal law under the restraint of a British Resident.
1962 Listener 18 Oct. 593/2 The legacy of Britain's policy of indirect rule in this Region of Nigeria is clearly visible in the comparatively static nature of these societies.
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