

单词 in touching

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in touching
a. That which is perceived through touching; the way something feels. Frequently in in touching: to the touch. Obsolete.
the world > physical sensation > touch and feeling > [noun] > physical sensation through
contact sensation1901
the world > physical sensation > touch and feeling > quality of being tangible > [noun] > sensation produced by object touched
c1325 (c1300) Chron. Robert of Gloucester (Calig.) l. 1009 Wormes..deieþ þoru smul of þe lond oþer þorȝ torchinge [read touchinge; a1400 Trin. Cambr. touchinge, c1425 Harl. towchyng].
a1382 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Bodl. 959) (1961) Lev. xx. 6 He þat toucheþ..eny vnclene whoos touchynge is hory: shal been vnclene vn to þe euyn.
?c1425 tr. Guy de Chauliac Grande Chirurgie (Paris) (1971) 365 (MED) Galien..ȝeueþ 8 maners of knowynge þe mater of ham: of þe coloure, of þe touchinge, of þinges þat ben layde þerto.
a1439 J. Lydgate Fall of Princes (Bodl. 263) ii. l. 110 (MED) The rounde dropis off..reyn..On stonys harde..Perceth ther hardnesse..Al-be in touchyng water is but soffte.
a1500 (c1477) T. Norton Ordinal of Alchemy (BL Add.) (1975) l. 1131 (MED) It is no stone in towching ne in sygthe, But a subtile erthe.
a1500 tr. Lanfranc Sci. Cirurgie (Wellcome) f. 25 (MED) If þe blode be gret in substaunce and kyndelyche and þat in qualite, it makythe A carbocle whose colour is wan and in touchyng is hard.
1539 T. Elyot Castel of Helthe (new ed.) i. f. 3v The heed..is colde in touchynge.
1567 W. Painter Palace of Pleasure II. xxix. f. 315 I would to God, that thy beautie did prick mée no worsse, than the trée whereof thou takest thy name, is sharp in touching.
1606 H. Tripp tr. O. Casmann Vade Mecum sig. D4 Whatsoeuer is beautifull to the eye: whatsoeuer is sweete to the tast: whatsoeuer is pleasant to the eare: whatsoeuer delighteth the smell: whatsoeuer is soft in touching.
1701 W. Salmon Polygraphice (ed. 8) II. ix. iv. 672 The Palm of the Hand is long, and the Fingers of a good Proportion, and not soft in touching, but rather hard.
1712 J. Browne tr. P. Pomet et al. Compl. Hist. Druggs II. vi. 111/2 The Leaves are oblong,..rough in touching.
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