

单词 in irons

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in (also into) irons
b. in (also into) irons.
(a) Having, or so as to have, the hands or feet shackled; in or into shackles or fetters. Frequently in to put in irons: to shackle, to fetter.
society > authority > subjection > restraint or restraining > restraint depriving of liberty > binding or fettering > fettered or shackled [phrase]
in (also into) irons1340
society > authority > subjection > restraint or restraining > restraint depriving of liberty > binding or fettering > bind, fetter, or shackle [verb (transitive)]
to bind hand and footOE
to put in irons1533
to tie up1570
to tie (also lay) neck and heels1618
to tie down1699
1340 Ayenbite (1866) 128 Þe ilke þet is ine prisone in ysnes and ine ueteres.
c1390 (a1376) W. Langland Piers Plowman (Vernon) (1867) A. iv. l. 72 (MED) Þe kyng..Comaundede A Constable to casten him in Irens.
a1464 J. Capgrave Abbreuiacion of Cron. (Cambr. G. IV. 12) (1983) 142 Gilbert of Mydilton was..layd in yrunnes, and led to Londoun, and þere hanged and drawen in the site of the cardinales whech he had robbed.
1533 J. Bellenden tr. Livy Hist. Rome (1822) iii. 225 Virginius commandit the serjand to apprehend Ceso, and put him in irnis.
c1540 (?a1400) Gest Historiale Destr. Troy (2002) f. 55v The kyng..ffor hir tales of truthe teghit hir in yernes.
1633 T. Stafford Pacata Hibernia i. vii. 51 They were presently caried to Castle Lyshin,..and there straightly kept in Irons.
1676 tr. G. Guillet de Saint-Georges Acct. Voy. Athens 272 They clapt him in irons.
1726 G. Shelvocke Voy. round World ii. 26 He would see the ring-leaders..punish'd..carrying them home in irons.
1736 Gentleman's Mag. Apr. 201/1 He is immediately put into Irons, and threatened with Death.
1788 Calcutta Chron. 13 Mar. The Emperor has ordered only one year's confinement in irons.
1862 C. F. Browne Artemus Ward his Bk. 194 I was carrid to Montgomry in iuns.
1884 D. Pae Eustace 124 Boatswain, if those fellows make any more noise, have them taken below and put in irons.
1922 Northwestern Reporter 189 562/2 Throughout the day he was in irons going from place to place with the officers.
1955 R. Wilson Girls from Planet 5 vii. 52 I'm more inclined to feel sorry for this little girl than clap her in irons.
1992 B. Unsworth Sacred Hunger xvi. 117 They canna put a lad in irons only for existin'.
(b) Nautical. Of a sailing vessel: stalled head to wind and unable to come about or tack either way. Cf. in stays at stay n.1 2a.
society > travel > travel by water > directing or managing a ship > use of wind > use of wind in sailing [phrase] > by succession of tacks > in irons
in (also into) irons1832
1832 F. Marryat Newton Forster II. iv. 50 The yards would not swing round..and the ship was in irons.
1846 H. Raikes Life Sir J. Brenton 371 Neither helm or sails had any power over the ships, which were to use the common phrase..completely in irons.
1897 M. Kingsley Trav. W. Afr. 350 I was in a canoe that made such audaciously bad tacks, missed stays, got into irons, and in general behaved in a way that ought to have lost her captain his certificate.
1960 J. Barth Sot-weed Factor iii. xviii. 733 The sloop had not anchored but only come up ‘in irons’ some distance from the pirate ship.
2005 J. Toghill Compl. Sailing Man. 48/1 Catamarans (multihulls) can easily find themselves in irons.
extracted from ironn.1
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