

单词 imperfect concord

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imperfect concord
a. Of a concord: that may be raised or lowered by a semitone without becoming dissonant. Esp. in imperfect concord, imperfect consonance.The imperfect concords are the major and minor thirds and sixths, and their octaves.
society > leisure > the arts > music > musical sound > harmony or sounds in combination > chord > [noun] > imperfect concord
imperfect concord1609
concinnous discord (or interval)1654
a1450 Musical Treat. in Speculum (1935) 10 258 Ther be 9 a-cordis of descant..Of þe whech 9 a-cordis þer be 5 perfite & 4 inperfite.
c1475 Court of Sapience (Trin. Cambr.) (1927) l. 2068 (MED) She [sc. Dame Musica] taught theym..whyche were tewnes perfyte..Whyche tewnes eke byn clepyd imparfyte.
1609 J. Dowland tr. A. Ornithoparchus Micrologus 79 Emmeles are..those which sound thirds, sixts, or other imperfect Concords.
1653 Ld. Brouncker tr. R. Descartes Excellent Compend. Musick xii. 49 When we heare an imperfect Consonance, the eares are induced to expect a more perfect one, wherein they may receive more satisfaction.
1667 C. Simpson Compend. Pract. Musick 40 Concords are..Perfect and Imperfect... Perfects are these, 5th, 8th with all their Octaves. Imperfects are a 3rd, 6th, and their Octaves.
?1775 W. Waring tr. J.-J. Rousseau Dict. Music 90 The imperfect consonances preserves [sic] but one [harmonic], except the major sixth, which bears two.
1848 W. T. Brande & J. Cauvin Dict. Sci., Lit., & Art 800/2 You must not go from an imperfect concord to a perfect concord by similar motion; such passages being said to contain hidden octaves or fifths.
1881 F. A. Hoffmann Music 82 When a consonant or dissonant interval is invariable, it is called perfect, and when it may be either major or minor, it is termed imperfect.
1927 Musical Times July 599/1 One speculated as to the probability of the early church composers' deliberate choice of successions of perfect and imperfect concords as being specially suitable to the large and resonant buildings of the period.
2011 C. Gordon-Seifert Music & Lang. of Love iii. 70 The ear demanded that there be progress from an interval of more complexity (an imperfect consonance) to one of less complexity (a perfect consonance).
extracted from imperfectadj.n.
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