

单词 i thought as much

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I thought as much
(b) The same; what practically amounts to that, all that; esp. in I thought as much.
c1405 (c1395) G. Chaucer Franklin's Tale (Hengwrt) (2003) l. 310 This is as muche to seye as it was nyght.
1587 Sir P. Sidney & A. Golding tr. P. de Mornay Trewnesse Christian Relig. viii. 112 Is it not asmuch to say, as that the example of the Arke had imboldened them to venture vpon the Sea?
1615 W. Bedwell tr. Mohammedis Imposturæ ii. §65 I have heard as much, and all thou hast said is true.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Henry VI, Pt. 2 (1623) ii. i. 15 Glost. My Lord, 'tis but a base ignoble minde, That mounts no higher then a Bird can sore. Card. I thought as much, hee would be aboue the Clouds. View more context for this quotation
1713 J. Barker Love Intrigues 68 Though all this came from an unknown Hand, no Question but he believ'd it came from me; and by his Behaviour I concluded as much, for he always avoided my Presence.
1778 F. Burney Evelina I. xxi. 150 ‘Only see, here's Miss!’ cried the brother. ‘Well, I declare I thought as much!’
1794 R. B. Sheridan Duenna (new ed.) iii. 63 Efecks, father, I shou'd have guess'd as much.
1856 E. B. Browning Aurora Leigh v. 226 If the Iliad fell out..By mere fortuitous concourse of old songs, We'll guess as much, too, for the universe.
1873 W. Black Princess of Thule xxi. 341 The old woman apparently anticipated as much.
1951 ‘J. Tey’ Daughter of Time ix. 121 ‘He's away off the beam. Away off.’ ‘I suspected as much. Let us have the facts.’
1996 C. Bateman Of Wee Sweetie Mice & Men xvii. 135 ‘I don't know where that kind of attitude gets you at home, but it's liable to get you into trouble here.’ ‘No, well, it kind of gets me in trouble at home as well.’ ‘I thought as much.’
extracted from asadv.conj.
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