

单词 as mickle to say as

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as mickle to say as
c. In adverbial phrases, as: for as mickle as; in as (also †so) mickle (as); unto so mickle; as mickle to say as. Obsolete.
the world > existence and causation > causation > effect, result, or consequence > consequently or as a result [phrase]
unto so micklec1390
per consequencec1395
by suing?a1425
by consequent1489
by relation1565
of consequence1573
by consequence1581
in suit ofa1652
in consequence of1683
owing to1744
in consequence1775
in the wake of1866
the world > existence and causation > causation > cause or reason > [phrase] > for that reason or because of that or inasmuch as
in thatc1175
for as mickle asc1390
in as (also so) mickle (as)c1390
in that thatc1450
by (the) means (also mean) (that)1549
by and by1565
in regard1600
in that (also this) view1688
c1390 G. Chaucer Shipman's Tale 1223 For as muchel as this goode man And..this monk..Were..yborn in o village.
c1390 G. Chaucer Melibeus 2644 Where as ye seyn that fortune hath norisshed yow fro youre childhode, I seye that in so muchel shal ye the lasse truste in hire.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) 19596 (MED) Sua aght all priestes..In als mikel als in þaim es.
?a1425 Mandeville's Trav. (Egerton) (1889) 2 For als mykill as it es lang tyme passed sen þare was any general passage ouer þe see.
c1450 Alphabet of Tales (1904) I. 145 (MED) Hur moder..blamyd hur & reprovid hur þerfor, vnto so mekle, sho slew hur moder.
c1450 tr. Jan van Ruusbroec Treat. Perfection Sons of God (BL Add.) (1957) 252 Owre schadowe ȝit in so mykylle of the lyght of the sonne is schyned that we maye lere discernynge of vertues.
a1500 (?a1450) Gesta Romanorum (BL Add. 9066) (1879) 197 He was taken in her love in so mekell that he laye in his bedde.
c1500 (?a1475) Assembly of Gods (1896) 92 In as mekyll as hit ys now soo That ye hym here haue as your prysonere, I shall you shew my compleynt loo.
1530 Thorpe's Examinacion sig. Dii For as mekell [1583 mikle] as your asking passeth myne vnderstonding I dare nother denye it nor graunte it.
1563 J. Davidson Answer to Tractiue Kennedy in D. Laing Misc. Wodrow Soc. (1844) I. 192 For that war als mekle to say as God had appointit the Kirk to be judge betuix the thing that is and is not.
a1572 J. Knox Hist. Reformation Scotl. in Wks. (1846) I. 283 Never twa of thame universallie aggreing in all pointis, in samekle as thei ar of men.
1699 in D. Littlejohn Rec. Sheriff Court Aberdeenshire (1907) III. 106 For so meikle as I am of considerable age.
1862 G. Henderson St. Matthew vii. 24 There rase up an unco tempest insaemeikle that the ship was cover't wi' the waves.
1891 J. J. H. Burgess Rasmie's Büddie 33 Du sat on dy tronn awa in Lundin, An never sae muckle as said, ‘Rasmus, yun's you.’
extracted from mickleadj.pron.n.adv.
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