

单词 anybody's guess

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anybody's guess
P3. anybody's guess: a question to which no one knows the answer; an open question. Cf. anyone's guess at anyone pron. Phrases 4.
the mind > mental capacity > belief > uncertainty, doubt, hesitation > unreliability > [noun] > unpredictability > instance of
anybody's guess1893
1893 I. N. Ford Trop. Amer. vi. 108 The survey and estimates have been repeatedly readjusted, and the probable cost of the railway is now anybody's guess.
1938 Time 21 Nov. 70/2 What this type of angry, incoherent prose will prove is anybody's guess.
1958 W. Willetts Chinese Art I. ii. 69 In other cases, whether a particular jade is Neolithic, Shang-Yin, Chou, or even Han, may be anybody's guess.
2002 J. Eugenides Middlesex iii. 224 Where Lefty obtained the hash is anybody's guess.
extracted from anybodypron.n.
anybody's guess
1. The action of guessing; an act of guessing, a conjecture, rough estimate; a supposition based on uncertain grounds. by guess: at haphazard, by rough estimation instead of calculation or measurement; by conjecture, without having proofs; †also at, in, up, upon guess; by guess and by God (or Godfrey) (slang, originally Naval slang): (to steer) at hazard without a set course or without the guidance of landmarks; †after (by, to) my guess: as I estimate; †without guess: assuredly; †the guess of the hand: a rough estimate of the weight of something taken into the hand; my guess is or it is my guess: I am tolerably sure; to miss one's guess (U.S.), to be wrong in one's assumption; you have another guess coming: you are mistaken; your guess is as good as mine: a phrase used to indicate uncertainty about facts or circumstances or about the outcome of a set of events; anybody's guess (see anybody pron. and n. Phrases 2); anyone's guess (see anyone pron. 1).
the mind > mental capacity > belief > conjecture, guessing > [noun]
the mind > mental capacity > belief > conjecture, guessing > [noun] > a conjecture, guess
the world > existence and causation > causation > chance or causelessness > [adverb] > randomly or haphazardly
into uncertain1382
at adventure (also adventures)c1390
at or on six and sevena1398
at all adventure (also adventures)1485
by hab or by nab1530
at rovers (rarely rover)c1531
hab or nab1542
unsight, unseena1627
cross and pile1648
à tort et à travers1749
by guess and by God (or Godfrey)1931
the mind > mental capacity > knowledge > conformity with what is known, truth > disregard for truth, falsehood > lack of truth, falsity > mistake [phrase]
to miss the cushiona1529
to get, have, or take the (or a) wrong (or right) sow by the ear1546
to pray without one's beads1641
to have the wrong end of the stick?1793
to bark up the wrong tree1832
the boot (is) on the wrong leg or foot1834
to have another think coming1896
you have another guess coming1935
to be off the beam1941
the mind > mental capacity > belief > uncertainty, doubt, hesitation > expressions of doubt [phrase]
don't (you) be too (also so) sure1731
I don't rightly know1741
not necessarily1886
where do we go from here?1917
your guess is as good as mine1939
the mind > mental capacity > belief > uncertainty, doubt, hesitation > unreliability > [noun] > unpredictability > instance of
anybody's guess1893
c1330 R. Mannyng Chron. (1810) 321 Þe kynge's oste at gesse in þe Est mad lardere, Of tounes & hamelesse, of granges & garner.
1377 W. Langland Piers Plowman B. v. 421 I nam nouȝte shryuen some tyme but if sekenesse it make, Nouȝt tweies in two ȝere and thanne vp gesse I schryue me.
1390 J. Gower Confessio Amantis III. 211 For if a king shall upon gesse Withoute verray cause drede, He may be liche to that I rede.
a1400–50 Alexander 3552 If gomes be gouerners of gods þan mai þi gesse worth.
c1400 Rom. Rose 2817 Thy Ioye shal double, withoute gesse, Whan thou thenkist on hir semlinesse.
c1430 J. Lydgate Minor Poems (Percy Soc.) 58 To keep trewe weight, and selle peper by gesse..it accordith nought.
a1500 (a1460) Towneley Plays (1994) I. xii. 123 Then must we go eest After my ges.
1529 T. More Dialogue Heresyes iv, in Wks. 281/1 We maye haue also a greate geasse therat.
a1556 N. Udall Ralph Roister Doister (?1566) ii. i. sig. C.iijv I bring hir a ring, with a token in a cloute, And by all gesse, this same is hir house out of doute.
c1560 A. Scott Poems (S.T.S.) xxxiii. 24 Thow lychtleis all trew properteis Off luve express, And markis quhair nevir styme thow seis, Bot hittis be gaiss.
1577 R. Holinshed Chron. II. 1627/2 Soone after (by gesse) fiue of the clocke [etc.].
a1586 Sir P. Sidney Certaine Sonets in Arcadia (1598) sig. Ss1 Passing all ghesse, whence into me should fly So mazde a masse.
1607 E. Topsell Hist. Foure-footed Beastes 717 Being only weighed by the gesse of the hande, it seemeth much heauier.
1609 W. Shakespeare Sonnets lxix. sig. E3 They looke into the beauty of thy mind, And that in guesse they measure by thy deeds. View more context for this quotation
a1616 W. Shakespeare Julius Caesar (1623) ii. i. 3 I cannot, by the progresse of the Starres, Giue guesse how neere to day. View more context for this quotation
a1616 W. Shakespeare King Lear (1623) Heere is the guesse [1608 quesse] of their [sc. the enemy's] true strength and Forces.
1642 T. Fuller Holy State iii. xxiii. 217 The Fame is antedated..being related at guesse before 'twas acted.
1647 H. More Philos. Poems i. ii. xlviii 'Tis ghesse, not full perswasion.
1656 H. Phillippes Purchasers Pattern (1676) 46 By which you may have some ghess of the other rates.
1660 R. Boyle New Exper. Physico-mechanicall xiii. 87 A small Receiver, capable of containing (by guess) about a pound and a half of Water.
1698 J. Fryer New Acct. E.-India & Persia 304 Trees, not so long liv'd as elsewhere, if by the decayed Trunks any guess may be made.
1708 J. Swift Elegy on Partridge in Wks. (1755) II. i. 158 Mr. Bickerstaff spoke altogether by guess, and knew no more what will happen this year, than I did myself.
1718 M. Prior Solomon on Vanity i, in Poems Several Occasions (new ed.) 424 I confess, That human science is uncertain guess.
1719 D. Defoe Life Robinson Crusoe 127 By my Guess it could not be less than Fifteen or Twenty Leagues of.
1736 Bp. J. Butler Analogy of Relig. ii. vii. 239 Mere Guess, Supposition, and Possibility, when opposed to historical Evidence, prove nothing.
1751 R. Paltock Life Peter Wilkins I. x. 93 I was, to my Guess, five Weeks in the Vault or Cavern.
1773 O. Goldsmith She stoops to Conquer v. 95 By my guess we should be upon Crackskull common.
1781 W. Cowper Let. 23 Apr. (1979) I. 465 It is worth while to send You a riddle, you make such a Variety of Guesses.
1827 W. Scott Jrnl. 15 May (1941) 52 I have a guess the best gamecocks would call a truce if a handful or two of oats were scattered among them.
1842 W. Arnot Mem. J. Halley v. 304 Every effort of indolence to do a thing by guess..was sure to meet with an instant reproof.
1846 E. A. Poe N. P. Willis in Wks. (1864) III. 28 All this must be considered as mere guess on my part.
1871 J. Tyndall Fragm. Sci. (1879) II. xiii. 294 The inductive guess precedes experiment.
1879 R. Browning Ivan Ivanovitch in Idyls I. 99 No care to guide old Droug, he knows his way by guess, Once start him on the road.
1884 tr. H. Lotze Logic 344 The discovery of an universal law is always a guess on the part of the imagination, made possible by a knowledge of facts.
1909 J. C. Lincoln Keziah Coffin vii. 104 If ever a craft was steered by guess and by godfrey, 'twas that old hooker of Zach's t'other night.
1916 T. Wolfe Let. Sept. (1958) 4 I hope I will do well in all my studies and my guess is I'll have to ‘bone’ on math.
1921 Sat. Rev. 21 May 413/2 Governor Miller, who is responsible for the new legislation, seems to have missed his guess, if he means business.
1930 J. C. Ransom God without Thunder xi. 231 It is my guess, in brief, that the scientists, with their Tables No. 2, hope to have, in the first place, a means of predicting Tables No. 1.
1931 W. G. Carr (title) By Guess and by God.
1931 R. Graves Poems 1926–30 41 He lurches here and there by guess And God and hope and hopelessness.
1935 Punch 3 July 12/2 If you think I am fool enough to be hoodwinked.., you have another guess coming.
1936 M. de la Roche Whiteoak Harvest xviii. 199 You're wot I calls a well-plucked 'un... And, w'en you're older, an overdose of sex appeal, or I miss my guess.
1939 A. Derleth Let. 29 Dec. in Notes & Queries (1965) July 268/2 My guess, naturally, is the latter—but I would value a letter from you setting down your own convictions.]
1939 C. Day Lewis Child of Misfortune iii. vi. 337 If you think that's your doing..you've got another guess coming.
1939 I. Baird Waste Heritage xxii. 310 Your guess is as good as mine.
1943 N. Balchin Small Back Room xii. 135 ‘The question is, what will happen then?’..‘Your guess is as good as mine.’
1951 M. Kennedy Lucy Carmichael ii. v. 130 ‘Who's going to get in?’..‘Your guess is as good as mine.’
1957 E. Whate Press on Regardless i. 10 We drove by guess and by God, and the rest of that journey is best left to the obscurity which shrouded it at the time.
1958 I. Murdoch Bell xx. 246 My guess is that once you start to fight you'll know you can't stay with Paul.
1965 F. L. Utley in Bessinger & Creed Medieval & Linguistic Stud. 308 If I don't go down into history as the martyr President I miss my guess.
1967 Observer 30 Apr. 29/3 Will bloomers and shorts catch on? My guess is that they will.
1967 M. Procter Exercise Hoodwink vi. 47 ‘Did he give you the impression of being honest.’ Evans allowed himself a shrug. ‘Your guess is as good as mine, sir.’
1969 New Yorker 12 Apr. 121/1 It is not certain that there are any moonquakes, though Dr. Latham says he will miss his guess if the passive seismic experiment records none.
extracted from guessn.
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