

单词 hawse foul

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hawse foul
4. (a) ‘The situation of the cables before the ship's stem, when she is moored with two anchors out from forward, one on the starboard, and the other on the port bow’ (Smyth Sailor's Word-bk. 1867). (b) clear hawse, when both cables lead directly (without crossing) to their respective anchors. hawse foul, open hawse (see quots.). †full hawse, with all the cable run out (obsolete). to clear the hawse, fresh (freshen) the hawse (see quots.). hawse cross, hawse elbow, round turn in the hawse (see quot. 1881, and elbow n. 2e).
society > travel > travel by water > berthing, mooring, or anchoring > [noun] > action, fact, or opportunity of anchoring > specific manner or condition of
foul hawse1769
running moor1883
1597 J. Payne Royall Exchange 33 The ship on hull, the helme on lee, full hawse in tumbling roades.
1706 Phillips's New World of Words (new ed.) Burning in the Hawse, is when the Cable endures an extraordinary Stress. Clearing the Hawse, is the untwisting of two Cables, which being let out at two several Hawses, are wound about one another. Riding upon the Hawse, is when any weighty Substance falls directly before the Hawse, or lies across it.
1728 E. Chambers Cycl. (at cited word) A Fresh Hawse, when there is Reason to suspect the Cable may be fretted in those Holes... Freshing the Hawse, is when new Pieces are laid upon the Cable in the Hawse.
1748 B. Robins & R. Walter Voy. round World by Anson ii. i. 116 These..gusts make it difficult for ships..to keep a clear hawse when anchored.
1788 Chambers's Cycl. (new ed.) Hawse, foul, implies that the cables lie across the stern, or bear upon each other, so as to be rubbed or chafed by the motion of the vessel.
1794 D. Steel Elements & Pract. Rigging & Seamanship II. 254* When a ship at her moorings has her cables lead strait to her anchors, without crossing, she is said to ride with an open hawse.
1881 L. R. Hamersly Naval Encycl. (at cited word) If from an open hawse a ship swings 180° she brings a cross in the hawse, a second half swing in the same direction makes an elbow, a third, a round turn, a fourth, a round turn and an elbow, and so on.
extracted from hawsen.
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