

单词 handbook


Brit. /ˈhan(d)bʊk/, U.S. /ˈhæn(d)ˌbʊk/
Forms: see hand n. and book n.
Origin: Formed within English, by compounding; partly modelled on a Latin lexical item, and partly modelled on a Greek lexical item. Etymons: hand n., book n.
Etymology: < hand n. + book n., partly after post-classical Latin manualis (short for liber manualis : see manual n.) and partly after post-classical Latin enchiridion and its etymon Hellenistic Greek ἐγχειρίδιον (for both, see enchiridion n.). Compare Dutch handboek (1513), Middle Low German hantbōk , German Handbuch (14th cent. as hantbuch ; apparently beginning of the 18th cent. or earlier in more general application), Old Icelandic handbók , Old Swedish handbōk (Swedish handbok ). The revival of the word in more general use in sense 1a in the early 19th cent. is probably after German.
a. Originally: a book small enough to be easily portable and intended to be kept close to hand, typically one containing a collection of passages important for reference or a compendium of information on a particular subject, esp. a book of religious instruction (now historical). Later also more generally: any book (usually but not necessarily concise) giving information such as facts on a particular subject, guidance in some art or occupation, instructions for operating a machine, or information for tourists. Cf. enchiridion n.Frequently in book titles; earliest, according to William of Malmesbury, in the title of the manuscript anthology compiled by King Alfred in the late 9th cent. (see quot. a1200, and compare quots. c1367, 1570, a1695), although the English title is not attested in contemporary sources (in Asser's Latin Life of Alfred it is referred to thus: quem enchiridion suum, id est manualem librum, nominari uoluit; Byrhtferð (see quot. OE), who knew Asser's Life, is probably echoing this passage in the title of his own work).
society > communication > book > kind of book > textbook or book of instructions > [noun]
instruction book1546
bench book1887
user guide1936
user manual1936
society > communication > book > kind of book > textbook or book of instructions > [noun] > small or concise
OE Byrhtferð Enchiridion (Ashm.) (1995) ii. iii. 120 We gesetton on þissum enchiridion (þæt ys manualis on Lyden and handboc on Englisc) manega þing ymbe gerimcræft forþon we woldon þæt iunge men mihton þe leohtlicor þæt Lyden ongitan.
a1200 ( William of Malmesbury Gesta Regum Anglorum (B-version) (1998) I. ii. §123. 192 Handboc [c1125 A-version liber proprius quem patria lingua Enchiridion, id est, manualem librum appellauit].
c1367 in F. C. Haydon Eulogium Historiarum sive Temporis (1863) III. 9 (MED) Aluredus..semper enim habebat librum in sinu quod ipse vocabat manuale, quod Anglice vocabat handbok.
a1425 Medulla Gram. (Stonyhurst) f. 24 Enchiridion: an hand bok.
?1538 Encheridyon Spyrytuall Lyfe sig. C.iv, in tr. St. Martinus Rule of Honest Lyfe It is called encheridion, in englysh, an hand booke, not only bycause it is small and portatyue, but bycause it is (for the fruyte and vtylite therin) worthy and necessary to be had in in euery mans hande.
1570 J. Foxe Actes & Monumentes (rev. ed.) I. 190/2 A booke of his own making & in hys own tonnge, which in the englishe speech he [sc. King Alfred] caled a handbooke, in Greeke called it Enchiridion, in latin a manuell.
a1695 A. Wood Hist. & Antiq. Univ. Oxf. (1792) I. 41 Enchiridion..called by him [sc. King Alfred] and others ‘the Handbook’.
1810 W. Duane Mil. Dict. Pref. p. viii The government could at leisure prepare..handbooks upon the same simple principles of drills for artillery, riflemen, and cavalry.
1814 (title) A handbook for modelling wax flowers.
1836 (title) A hand-book for travellers on the Continent.
1854 P. Schaff Life & Labours St. Augustine xii. 85 Among his dogmatic works, we mention..the hand-book (Enchiridion) on Faith, Hope, and Love.
1863 Reader 21 Feb. 190 If by handbook he intends anything of a guide, he has failed in his object.
1920 Park Internat. Nov. 275/2 Clearly and simply written and clarified by maps, it will prove a useful handbook for the tourist.
1964 Archivum Linguisticum 16 15 Several handbooks discuss our problem either too cursorily or too unoriginally to invite analysis.
1968 M. I. Bogan in tr. St. Augustine Retractions xxviii. 122 This so-called ‘Foundation Letter’..was a sort of handbook or enchiridion designed for persons, either beginners or auditors, who were being instructed in Manichaeism.
1981 New Scientist 24 Dec. 920/4 A lot of thought has gone into this machine [sc. the Commodore VIC-20], which is accompanied by a handbook from which a nine year old can..learn to operate it.
2002 D. Goleman et al. Business: Ultimate Resource 1235/3 Employee handbooks typically include information on terms and conditions of employment, organisational policies and procedures, and fringe benefits.
b. Christian Church. = manual n. 1a. Now historical.
society > faith > artefacts > book (general) > service book (general) > [noun] > concerning sacraments
OE Possessions, Rents, & Grants, Bury St. Edmunds in A. J. Robertson Anglo-Saxon Charters (1956) 194 Siuerð hæfð an mæssereaf & an mæsseboc & Leofstan an handboc.
OE Ælfric Let. to Wulfsige (Corpus Cambr.) in B. Fehr Die Hirtenbriefe Ælfrics (1914) 13 He sceal habban eac þa wæpna..þæt synd þa halgan bec: saltere and pistolboc,..sangboc and handboc.
1774 R. Henry Hist. Great Brit. II. ii. ii. 205 By the twenty-first canon, priests are commanded to provide themselves with all the necessary books for performance of divine service, viz. the psalter, the epistle-book..the hand-book [etc.].
1998 K. Lowe Marriage in Italy 61 This..is a miniature, from a Benedictine ritual handbook (rituale)... The handbook has three sections.
2. U.S. A bookmaking operation or concern. Now chiefly historical.
society > leisure > entertainment > pastimes > betting > [noun] > book-maker's equipment > betting book or slip
1892 Chicago Tribune 26 July 7/1 100 men in and out of uniform and a covey of patrol-wagons stopped all but handbook betting at Garfield Park yesterday.
1938 N.Y. Times 30 Aug. 2 State's Attorney Courtney's men used axes on three more handbook establishments today.
1946 Chicago Daily News 26 June 14/2 The mob was..operating handbooks with full knowledge of your police department.
1970 Life 29 May 30/1 The authorities soon suspected the bakery was a Vitale handbook.
2006 P. R. Kavieff in S. M. Burnstein Motor City Mafia 8 They controlled the local wire service that provided horse racing information to more than 700 handbooks that flourished in Detroit.


ˈhandbooking n. U.S. (now rare) bookmaking.
society > leisure > entertainment > pastimes > betting > [noun] > book-making
1898 Morning Oregonian (Portland, Oregon) 3 July 3/2 It was decided by the Washington Park Club that the English system of hand booking, as inaugurated today, would be strictly adhered to.
1904 N.Y. Times 13 June 1 The handbooking possibilities on the Derby.
1920 Transmission Bets on Races (House of Representatives) 18 Anything..which will help the departments of police, in all the States put a stop to this class of work, especially of hand booking business and race horse forms.
1977 Winnipeg Free Press 7 Oct. 7/1 Relevant information is fed into the machine and exact odds are figured out mechanically. Straight handbooking is illegal here.


handbook man n. U.S. (now historical) a bookmaker.
society > leisure > entertainment > pastimes > betting > [noun] > book-making > book-maker
commission agent1798
ring man1857
street bookmaker1867
knight of the pencil1885
handbook man1894
street bookie1911
turf accountant1915
1894 Burlington (Iowa) Hawk-eye 9 Sept. 1/5 In the down-town district..are to be found men who will register or bet to any amount. These ‘handbook’ men are all given their odds..by a central syndicate.
1921 Cosmopolitan Apr. 76/2 Einstein shaved the odds, of course, like any handbook-man'll do, but he gave me fifty to one.
1991 R. C. Lindberg To serve & Collect vi. 100 After he covered the entire North Side with an army of handbook men, Tennes bought the Payne service for the purpose of supplying his poolrooms with information about odds, scratches, and race results.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2013; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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