单词 | grum |
释义 | grumadj. a. Of persons, and their aspect and mode of speaking: Gloomy, morose, surly; = glum adj. 1. ΘΠ the mind > emotion > suffering > dejection > [adjective] ungladc888 wearyc888 drearyc1000 dreary-moodOE heavyc1000 unmerryOE droopy?c1225 mournc1275 sada1300 languishinga1325 amayedc1330 matec1330 unlightc1330 unblissful1340 lowa1382 mishappyc1390 dullc1393 elengely1393 droopinga1400 heavy-hearteda1400 joylessa1400 sytefula1400 mornifc1400 tristy?c1400 lightless?1406 heartlessa1413 tristc1420 amatec1425 languoring?c1425 mirthlessc1430 heavisome1435 darkc1440 gloomingc1440 comfortlessc1460 amateda1470 chermatc1475 tristfula1492 lustless?1507 dolorous1513 ruthful1513 downcast1521 deject1528 heartsicka1529 lumpisha1535 coolc1540 dowlyc1540 glum1547 discouraged1548 uncheerfulc1555 dumpish1560 out of heart1565 sadded1566 amoped1573 tristive1578 desolated1580 dejected1581 à la mort1586 delightless1589 afflicted1590 gladless1590 groanful1590 gloomya1593 muddy1592 sitheful1592 cloudy1594 leaden-hearted1596 disconsolated1598 clum1599 life-weary1599 spiritless1600 dusky1602 chop-fallen1604 flat1604 disanimated1605 jaw-fallen1605 moped1606 chap-fallen1608 decheerful1608 uncheerful1612 lacklustrea1616 pulled1616 dumpya1618 depressed1621 head-hung1632 grum1640 downa1644 dispirited1647 down-at-mouth1649 down in (rarely of) the mouth1649 unhearted1650 sunlessa1658 sadful1658 unlightened1659 chagrin1665 saddened1665 damp1667 moping1674 desponding1688 tristitious1694 unenjoying1697 unraised1697 unheartya1699 unked1698 despondent1699 dismal1705 unjoyful1709 unrejoiced1714 dreara1717 disheartened1720 mumpish1721 unrejoicing1726 downhearted1742 out of spirits1745 chagrineda1754 low-spirited1753 sombrea1767 black-blooded1771 glumpy1780 oorie1787 sombrous1789 morose1791 Novemberish1793 glumpish1800 mopeful1800 die-away1802 blue-devilish1804 blue-devilled1807 malagrugrous1818 down in the hip1826 yonderly1828 sunshineless1831 downfaced1832 broody1851 in a (or the) trough1856 blue-devilly1871 drooped1873 glummy1884 pippy1886 humpy1889 pipped1914 lousy1933 pissed1943 crappy1956 doomy1961 bummed1970 the mind > emotion > anger > irascibility > ill humour > [adjective] moodyc1300 distemprec1374 melancholiana1393 solein1399 darkc1440 gloomingc1440 girning1447 melancholyc1450 tetrical1528 tetric1533 distemperate1548 morose1565 sullen1570 stunt1581 humorous1590 gloomya1593 muddy1592 clum1599 dortya1605 humoursome1607 distempereda1616 musty1620 grum1640 agelastic1666 fusty1668 purdy1668 ill-humoured1693 gurly1721 mumpish1721 sunking1724 tetricous1727 sumphish1728 stunkard1737 sulky1744 muggard1746 farouche1765 sombrea1767 glumpy1780 glumpish1800 tiffy1810 splenitive1815 stuffy1825 liverish1828 troglodytish1866 glummy1884 humpy1889 scowly1951 1640 Ld. Kynalmeaky in Lismore Papers (1888) 2nd Ser. IV. 146 The King replyed nothing but Look'd very grum. 1670 C. Cotton tr. G. Girard Hist. Life Duke of Espernon iii. ix. 465 Retaining a kind of a grum reservedness in the rest of his Actions. 1704 London Gaz. No. 4030/4 There is lately come to Colchester..a tall Man,..grum countenance. 1735 H. Fielding Old Man taught Wisdom 33 Oh dear Papa! don't look so grum. 1767 T. Bridges Homer Travestie (ed. 2) I. ii. 54 He silence broke, And with so grum an accent spoke, Those people that the circle stood in, Fancy'd his mouth was full of pudding. 1781 Lieut. Archer Let. 30 June in Naval Chron. (1804) 11 284 An old grum fellow of a sailor. 1845 W. E. Frye tr. A. G. Oehlenschlager Gods of North 20 Then thus replied with accent grum The god to heroes dear. 1861 L. L. Noble After Icebergs xiv. 68 Shy and grum at first, but presently talkative enough. ΚΠ 1745 E. Almond in Philos. Trans. 1744–5 (Royal Soc.) 43 250 His Voice, like a Man's, very groom. This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1933; most recently modified version published online March 2021). < adj.1640 |
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