单词 | grame |
释义 | gramen. Obsolete exc. archaic. ΘΚΠ the mind > emotion > anger > [noun] irrec825 gramec1000 brathc1175 wrathc1175 mooda1225 ortha1225 felonyc1290 irea1300 greme13.. thro1303 wrathhead1303 errorc1320 angera1325 gremth1340 iroura1380 brethc1380 couragec1386 heavinessc1386 felona1400 follya1400 wrathnessc1440 choler1530 blast1535 malice1538 excandescency1604 stomachosity1656 bad blood1664 corruption1799 needle1874 irateness1961 α. β. a1225 Juliana 26 Þe reue rudnede ant o grome grede.c1300 Passion our Lord 72 in Old Eng. Misc. 39 Þe Gywes..þerof hi hedde grome.c1325 Body & Soul 70 Mid Godes grom.c1000 Ælfric Genesis xix. 25 God towearp þa swa mid graman þa burga. c1000 Ælfric Homilies II. 120 Wel hi sind Dere gehatene forðan ðe hi sind fram graman generode. a1175 Cott. Hom. 223 Þa nam he mulcene gramen and andan to ðan mannum. a1300 Cursor Mundi 2423 Þe king was radd for godds gram. c1380 Sir Ferumbras (1879) l. 596 Olyuere stert vp hol & sound & spekeþ til him wyþ grame. a1500 (?c1400) Sir Triamour (Cambr.) (1937) l. 1223 Hyt ys grete schame On a hors to wreke thy grame! ?1553 (c1501) G. Douglas Palice of Honour (London) ii. l. 990 in Shorter Poems (1967) 66 Out on sik gram I wyll serue na repreif. 1621 H. Ainsworth Annot. Five Bks. Moses & Bk. Psalmes Psalm ii. 5 Grame, grimnesse or fierceness of countenance. 2. Grief, sorrow; harm. In plural. Troubles. ΘΚΠ the mind > emotion > suffering > [noun] sorec888 teeneOE sorrowOE workOE wrakeOE careOE gramec1000 harmOE howc1000 trayOE woweOE angec1175 derfnessc1175 sytec1175 unwinc1175 wosithc1200 ail?c1225 barrat?c1225 derf?c1225 grief?c1225 misease?c1225 misliking?c1225 ofthinkingc1225 passion?c1225 troublec1230 pinec1275 distress1297 grievancea1300 penancea1300 cumbermentc1300 languorc1300 cumbering1303 were1303 angera1325 strifea1325 sweama1325 woea1325 painc1330 tribulationc1330 illa1340 threst1340 constraintc1374 troublenessc1380 afflictiona1382 bruisinga1382 miseasetya1382 pressurec1384 exercisec1386 miscomfortc1390 mislikea1400 smarta1400 thronga1400 balec1400 painfulnessc1400 troublancec1400 smartness?c1425 painliness1435 perplexity?a1439 penalty?1462 calamity1490 penality1496 cumber?a1513 sussy1513 tribule1513 afflict?1529 vexation of spirit1535 troublesomeness1561 hoe1567 grievedness1571 tribulance1575 languishment1576 thrall1578 tine1590 languorment1593 aggrievedness1594 obturbation1623 afflictedness1646 erumny1657 pathos1684 shock1705 dree1791 vex1815 wrungnessa1875 dukkha1886 thinkache1892 sufferation1976 the mind > emotion > suffering > sorrow or grief > [noun] rueeOE teeneOE sorrowOE gramec1000 sytec1175 ruthc1225 dolea1240 balec1275 sighinga1300 dolour13.. ermingc1300 heartbreakc1330 discomfortc1350 griefa1375 tristourc1380 desolation1382 sichinga1387 tristesse1390 compassiona1400 rueinga1400 smarta1400 displeasure14.. gremec1400 heavity14.. dillc1420 notea1425 discomforturec1450 dolefulnessc1450 wandremec1450 regratec1485 doleance1490 trista1510 mispleasance1532 pathologiesa1586 balefulness1590 drearing1591 distressedness1592 woenessa1600 desertion1694 ruesomeness1881 schmerz1887 α. β. c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1963) l. 719 Ȝe doð þan kinge muchel scome þer-fore ȝe sculen han grome [c1300 Otho grame].c1275 Sinners Beware 335 in Old Eng. Misc. 83 Þu vs hauest iwroht þes schome And alle þene eche grome.c1306 Pol. Songs (Camden) 219 Oure wajour turneth us to grome.c1000 Sax. Leechd. III. 212 Æppla gaderian graman ge[tacnað]. c1200 Trin. Coll. Hom. 67 Mid te bitere grame þat alle synfulle men schule þolen on domes dai. a1340 R. Rolle Psalter xiv. 4 Þat..he dide to his neghburgh iuel ne gram. a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 8405 He is wis and o redi tung, þat neuer serued grefe ne grame. c1500 Lyfe Roberte Deuyll 1030 in W. C. Hazlitt Remains Early Pop. Poetry Eng. (1864) I. 259 That valyaunt knyght am I, That saued youe thre tymes fro grame. 1513 G. Douglas in tr. Virgil Æneid iv. Prol. 161 All ȝour solace sall returne in gram. ?1565 Smyth that forged New Dame sig. B.i v Age doth me muche grame. 1597 N. Mother's Blessing E 6 Gif thou haue an euill name It will turne the to grame. 1865 A. C. Swinburne Masque Queen Bersabe 114 By Termagaunt that maketh grame. 1872 D. G. Rossetti Staff & Scrip in Poems (ed. 6) 49 God's strength shall be my trust, Fall it to good or grame 'Tis in his name. This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1900; most recently modified version published online December 2021). † grameadj. Obsolete. 1. (a) Angry; vexed; furious; (transferred of heat) fierce. (b) Grieved, sorrowful. ΘΚΠ the mind > emotion > anger > [adjective] irrec825 gramec893 wemodc897 wrothc950 bolghenc1000 gramelyc1000 hotOE on fireOE brathc1175 moodyc1175 to-bollenc1175 wrethfulc1175 wraw?c1225 agrameda1300 wrathfula1300 agremedc1300 hastivec1300 irousa1340 wretheda1340 aniredc1350 felonc1374 angryc1380 upreareda1382 jealous1382 crousea1400 grieveda1400 irefula1400 mada1400 teena1400 wraweda1400 wretthy14.. angryc1405 errevousa1420 wrothy1422 angereda1425 passionatec1425 fumous1430 tangylc1440 heavy1452 fire angry1490 wrothsomea1529 angerful?1533 wrothful?1534 wrath1535 provoked1538 warm1547 vibrant1575 chauffe1582 fuming1582 enfeloned1596 incensed1597 choleric1598 inflameda1600 raiseda1600 exasperate1601 angried1609 exasperated1611 dispassionate1635 bristlinga1639 peltish1648 sultry1671 on (also upon) the high ropes (also rope)1672 nangry1681 ugly1687 sorea1694 glimflashy1699 enraged1732 spunky1809 cholerous1822 kwaai1827 wrathy1828 angersome1834 outraged1836 irate1838 vex1843 raring1845 waxy1853 stiff1856 scotty1867 bristly1872 hot under the collar1879 black angry1894 spitfire1894 passionful1901 ignorant1913 hairy1914 snaky1919 steamed1923 uptight1934 broigus1937 lemony1941 ripped1941 pissed1943 crooked1945 teed off1955 ticked off1959 ripe1966 torqued1967 bummed1970 the mind > emotion > suffering > sorrow or grief > [adjective] sorelyc888 gramec893 sorrowfuleOE unblithec897 sorryeOE carefulOE charyOE sickOE yomerOE sorry-moodOE sweerc1000 yomerlyOE sorrilyOE woea1200 balec1220 sorry?c1225 sorec1275 sorec1275 gremefula1300 sada1300 ruthlyc1300 thoughtfulc1300 woebegonea1325 heavyc1330 grievousc1374 woefula1375 sorrowya1382 dereful?a1400 sorousa1400 sytefula1400 teenfula1400 wrotha1400 balefulc1400 tristy?c1400 tristc1420 dolefulc1430 wapped in woec1440 yhevidc1440 dolenta1450 condolentc1460 discomforted1477 tristfula1492 sorrow1496 dram?a1513 dolorous1513 earnful?1527 troublous1535 amort1546 mournfula1558 passioned1560 sadded1566 tristive1578 distressed1586 passionate1586 sorrowed1596 distressful1601 passionful1605 sighful1606 contristed1625 anguishinga1642 sadful1658 saddened1665 tristitious1694 sick as a parrot1705 pangful1727 woesome1778 grieving1807 ruesome1833 yearned1838 doleant1861 mournsome1869 thoughted1869 tragical1887 grief-stricken1905 α. β. c893 tr. Orosius Hist. ii. iv. §6 He swa grom wearð on his mode.a1250 Owl & Nightingale 992 Hweþer is betere of twere twom, That mon beo bliþe oþer grom.OE Beowulf 777 Þær þa graman wunnon. c1000 West Saxon Gospels: Matt. (Corpus Cambr.) xxvi. 10 Hwi synt ȝe grame [L. molesti] þysum wife? c1175 Ormulum (Burchfield transcript) l. 7145 Maþþew..seȝȝþ..Þatt tatt unnfæle herode king. Wass gramm. & grill. c1275 Laȝamon Brut 24774 Þe he greteþ mid his grame wordes. c1300 Havelok (Laud) (1868) 2469 God was him gram. a1325 (c1250) Gen. & Exod. (1968) l. 1228 Bi ðe desert a-wei che nam, In ard weie and hete gram. c1330 R. Mannyng Chron. (1810) 106 Hir dede dos him fulle gram. 1508 Golagros & Gawane (Chepman & Myllar) sig. bii* To greif thair gomys gramest that wer. 1560 Proude Wyues Pater noster 190 in W. C. Hazlitt Remains Early Pop. Poetry Eng. IV. 160 Forbere your husbonde whan he is grame. 2. absol. as n. plural. Devils. [So Old Saxon gramon, Old Norse gramer.] ΘΚΠ the world > the supernatural > deity > a devil > [noun] > collectively gramec1175 potestatec1384 c1175 Lamb. Hom. 103 He..maceð of cristes leoman heoranna [read horena] leoman and of godes husa gromena wuniunge. This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1900; most recently modified version published online December 2021). † gramev. Obsolete. 1. impersonal as in (it) grames me: I am grieved, vexed, displeased, in distress. ΚΠ α. β. a1225 Leg. Kath. 2075 Þe king walde weden, swa him gromede wið ham.c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1978) l. 12584 Ful swiðe us mæi scomien and ful swiðe us mai gromien [c1300 Otho gramie].c1200 Trin. Coll. Hom. 69 Þanne ne þarf us noðer gramien, ne shamien. c1275 Laȝamon Brut 25216 Fol sore ous may samie and wel sore gramie. c1380 Sir Ferumbras (1879) l. 691 Oþer weys þee schal grame. 14.. Pilgrim's Sea Voy. (E.E.T.S.) i. 3 Many a man hit gramys, When they begyn to sayle. 2. intransitive. To be vexed or displeased; to fret. ΘΚΠ the mind > emotion > suffering > state of annoyance or vexation > be annoyed or vexed [verb (intransitive)] gramea1225 aruea1230 irkc1330 teena1400 it irks (me)1483 heavec1540 vex1592 chagrin1728 α. β. a1225 Juliana 66 Þe reue gromede þat he grispatede aȝein þet wod he walde iwurðen.1399 W. Langland Richard Redeles Prol. 41 I wolde be gladde þat his gost myȝte..grame if it greued him. a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Gött.) l. 17836 Wid þair hertis gun þai grame. a1420 T. Hoccleve Min. Poems (1892) 43 Stif stande in þat & yee shuln greeue & grame. a1529 J. Skelton Magnyfycence (?1530) sig. Fi v The crane and the curlewe thereat gan to grame. 3. transitive. To anger, grieve, vex. ΘΚΠ the mind > emotion > anger > [verb (transitive)] > make angry wrethec900 abelgheeOE abaeileOE teenOE i-wrathec1075 wratha1200 awratha1250 gramec1275 forthcalla1300 excitea1340 grieve1362 movea1382 achafea1400 craba1400 angerc1400 mada1425 provokec1425 forwrecchec1450 wrothc1450 arage1470 incensea1513 puff1526 angry1530 despite1530 exasperate1534 exasper1545 stunt1583 pepper1599 enfever1647 nanger1675 to put or set up the back1728 roil1742 outrage1818 to put a person's monkey up1833 to get one's back up1840 to bring one's nap up1843 rouse1843 to get a person's shirt out1844 heat1855 to steam up1860 to get one's rag out1862 steam1922 to burn up1923 to flip out1964 c1275 (?c1250) Owl & Nightingale (Calig.) (1935) l. 1603 Ah þu me hauest sore igramed [a1300 Jesus Oxf. igremed] Þat min heorte is wel neh alamed. c1320 tr. J. Bonaventura Medit. 548 And for a lytyl wurde þou wylt men grame. c1350 Barlam & Jos. (Bodl.) 908 Þæt þu me hast gramyd þin hert auȝt be sor. c1450 Cov. Myst. (Shaks. Soc.) 27 Gret schame it is us nakyd to se, Our lord God thus to grame. c1460 J. Russell Bk. Nurture 348 Þan may þe sewere his lord serue & neythur of yow be gramed. DerivativesΚΠ c1175 Lamb. Hom. 33 A þer [in helle] is waning and graming and toþen grisbating. c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1963) l. 3054 Þa seide Gudlakes sune. mid gromiende [c1300 Otho gram] speche. Ȝif [etc.]. This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1900; most recently modified version published online December 2021). < n.c1000adj.c893v.c1175 |
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