

单词 greater periwinkle

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greater periwinkle
a. Any of several plants of the Old World genus Vinca (family Apocynaceae), comprising evergreen trailing subshrubs and herbaceous perennials with flattish, chiefly bluish-purple flowers and glossy leaves, cultivated as ornamentals and locally for their medicinal properties; esp. (more fully lesser periwinkle) V. minor and (more fully greater periwinkle, †large periwinkle, larger periwinkle) V. major. Also: a representation of any of these plants in art or craft.A garland of this flower was apparently placed on the heads of persons on their way to execution (cf. quots. a1350 at α. , ?a1439 at α. ).
the world > plants > particular plants > cultivated or valued plants > particular cultivated or ornamental plants > foliage, house, or garden plants > [noun] > periwinkle
OE Ælfric Gloss. (St. John's Oxf.) 311 Uinca, perfince [c1225 Worcester peruenke].
OE Antwerp Gloss. (1955) 118 Uinca, peruincæ.
c1330 (?c1300) St. Patrick's Purgatory (Auch.) in Englische Studien (1877) 1 108 (MED) Fair were her erbers wiþ floures, rose and lili diuers colours, primrol and paruink.
a1350 ( in R. H. Robbins Hist. Poems 14th & 15th Cent. (1959) 18 (MED) Y-fetered were ys legges vnder his horse wombe..A gerland of peruenke set on ys heued.
c1400 (?c1390) Sir Gawain & Green Knight (1940) 611 A lyȝtly vrysoun..Enbrawden and bounden wyth þe best gemmez On brode sylkyn borde,..and bryddez on semez, As papiayez paynted peruyng bitwene, Tortors and trulofez entayled so þyk As mony burde þeraboute had ben seuen wynter.
a1439 J. Lydgate Fall of Princes (Bodl. 263) vi. 126 (MED) Thou hast..Crownid oon with laureer hih on his hed vpset, Other with peruynke maad for the gibet.
?c1450 in Anglia (1896) 18 317 (MED) Parwynke is an erbe grene of colour, In tyme of may he beryth blo flour.
1532 (?a1400) Romaunt Rose 1432 (MED) There sprang the vyolet al newe, And fressh pervynke, riche of hewe.
1608 E. Topsell Hist. Serpents 63 The Egyptian Clematis or Periwinke..is very good against the poyson of Aspes.
β. a1475 in Anglia (1911) 34 253 (MED) Of pervyncle arraide all in grene, And of mergelyn, in right gret largesse, Hir faire Coursers were couered al by dene.1551 W. Turner New Herball sig. K vjv Vinca peruinca,..called in Englyshe perwyncle, or periwyncle... It hath prety blewe floures and the herbe crepeth vpon the grounde very thyke.1578 H. Lyte tr. R. Dodoens Niewe Herball 32 Peruincle hath many small and slender long branches.1601 P. Holland tr. Pliny Hist. World II. xxi. xi. 92 The Pervincle..continueth fresh and greene all the yeare long.1629 J. Parkinson Paradisi in Sole cii. 391 Double purple Periwinkle.1674 W. Salmon tr. Pharmacopœia Londinensis (1678) 47/1 Clematis, vinca pervinca... Periwinkle, is Segnotick [sic] and Vulnerary, stops the Bloody Flux.1701 R. Morden New Descr. & State of Eng. 128 The greater Periwinkle in Hedges.1777 J. Lightfoot Flora Scotica I. 147 [Vinca minor] The Lesser-Periwinckle. Anglis.1798 W. Wordsworth Lines Early Spring in W. Wordsworth & S. T. Coleridge Lyrical Ballads 116 Through primrose-tufts, in that sweet bower, The periwinkle trail'd its wreathes.1866 Cornhill Mag. Nov. 547 White periwinkles, flinging their light of blossoms and dark glossy leaves down the swift channels of the brawling streams.1874 R. Brown Man. Bot. ii. iii. 202 Large periwinkle (Vinca major).?1877 F. E. Hulme Familiar Wild Flowers I. Summary p. x Larger Periwinkle... Corolla salver-shaped.1900 W. Robinson Eng. Flower Garden (ed. 8) 858/2 V. acutiloba is a distinct and elegant Periwinkle, and flowers late in autumn and in winter.1924 W. H. Fitch et al. Illustr. Brit. Flora (ed. 5) 168 Vinca major L. Larger periwinkle; b[lue].1950 G. Brenan Face of Spain vii. 156 The ground about was scattered with flowers—star of Bethlehem, dwarf iris, periwinkles.1992 Times 13 Jan. 16/2 Lesser periwinkle is an evergreen plant that flourishes through the winter.2014 M. Poland Keeper vii. 69 A four-season sky: high and white; deeply grey with rain linking sea to cloud;..blue as periwinkles; still as autumn.
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