

单词 goa


Brit. /ˈɡəʊə/, U.S. /ˈɡoʊə/
Forms: 1600s– Goa, 1700s Goar. Also occasionally with lower-case initial.
Origin: From a proper name. Etymon: proper name Goa.
Etymology: < Goa (Konkani goẽ), the name of a state on the west coast of India.Goa was under Portuguese rule from 1510 until 1961, when it became part of the modern state of India. The place name is attested in English contexts from the first half of the 16th cent., in early use also with reference the capital city of the Portuguese colony (now Old Goa). The English place name Goa apparently reflects the Portuguese form Goa, which itself reflects Gujarati goā and Marathi gova (where the v is purely graphic). The various Indian forms of the name are < Sanskrit gopaka- (in gopakapurī, lit. ‘town of herdsmen’).
attributive, with the sense ‘of, relating to, or native to Goa; Goan’.Recorded earliest in Goa stone n. at Compounds.
the world > the earth > named regions of earth > named cities or towns > [adjective] > in India
1681 R. Hooke Memorandum Bk. 24 Aug. in Notes & Rec. Royal Soc. (2007) 61 150 Presented Mr Bayles Goa stone.
1683 G. Harvey Conclave of Physicians xi. 128 If the West-Indies cannot aford us a Remedy, we will for the East, and fetch the Goa-Stone.
1723 G. Knowles Materia Medica Botanica (end matter) Arbor Goa..The Goa Tree.
1793 J. Leslie tr. Comte de Buffon Nat. Hist. Birds VII. 22 The Goa Woodpecker has its bill one third longer than that of Bengal.
1885 W. Dymock Veg. Materia Medica W. India (ed. 2) 842 The Goa potato..is less common, but deserves to be more generally known, as it the whitest and most delicate of the species.
1902 New Internat. Encycl. IV. 272/2 The Siberian cedar is Pinus cembra; Goa cedar, a species of cypress.
1978 J. Updike Coup vii. 268 He removed the anzad from his back and with his bow of bent goa wood produced a wheedling of melody.
1996 B. J. Manekshaw Parsi Food & Customs xii. 213 The secret of a good Goa curry is the smoothness of its texture.
2002 Econ. & Polit. Weekly 15 June 2272/2 The BJP..had won no seats and had polled just .047 per cent of the total vote in the Goa assembly elections of 1989.


Goa ball n. Obsolete = Goa stone n.; (also) an ornamental case for such a stone.
1853 G. Macilwain Mem. J. Abernethy I. xv. 272 I have myself a small mass of odorous matter (a Goa ball) which..must have been emitting the odour for little less than a century.
1879 Archaeol. Jrnl. 36 384 The gilded spherical, or egg-shaped objects, known as ‘Goa Balls’, are supposed to have been the work of the Jesuit fathers.
Goa bean n. a tropical leguminous plant, Psophocarpus tetragonolobus, native to South-East Asia and cultivated for its edible winged pods, tubers, leaves, seeds, and flowers; (also) a seed of this plant. Also called winged bean.
1839 Madras Almanac p. i In this month the following vegetables and fruits are procurable in the market in small quantities and at high prices—carrots,..white beans, Goa beans, Europe beans, and peas.
1840 R. Wight Illustr. Indian Bot. I. 192 The curiously-winged pods of..Goa bean, (as it is called here) also afford a passable vegetable.
1863 Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinb. 7 298 Psophocarpus tetragonolobus, DC., the Goa bean, is cultivated in gardens for the table, but not to any great extent.
1929 Bull. Hawaii Agric. Exper. Station No. 60 40 Although the Goa bean..has long been known and used in the Orient, it has only recently been introduced into Hawaii.
1992 Internat. Jrnl. Food Sci. & Nutrition 43 100/2 The occurrence of high levels of unsaturated fatty acids..is comparable with some other edible legumes like Goa beans and soya beans.
2014 H. Erasmus Meridian of Darkness xiv. 55 Philippe returned with a rich haul, which ranged from succulent grass stems, Goa beans, a plethora of marula tree fruit, and baobab tree roots.
Goa plum n. Obsolete rare a large tropical evergreen tree, Parinari excelsa (family Chrysobalanaceae), native to West Africa; (also) the fruit of such a tree, a small edible drupe having brown warty skin and mealy yellow flesh. Also called grey plum, Guinea plum, rough-skinned plum.
1886 H. Yule & A. C. Burnell Hobson-Jobson 290/2 Goa Plum. The fruit of Parinarium excelsum, introduced at Goa from Mozambique.
1914 Cent. Dict. VII. (rev. ed.) at Plum Goa plum. Same as the gray plum.
Goa powder n. the dried and powdered sap of a Brazilian tree ( Vataireopsis araroba, family Fabaceae ( Leguminosae)), used as a treatment for eczema, ringworm, and other skin conditions; cf. araroba n.
the world > health and disease > healing > medicines or physic > medicines for specific purpose > preparations treating or preventing specific ailments > [noun] > for skin diseases > plant-derived
poonga oil1857
Goa powder1863
1863 Jrnl. Soc. Arts 27 Nov. 34/2 Mr. David S. Kemp, ‘On Goa powder’.
1874 Med. Times & Gaz. 24 Oct. 471/1 Goa powder..is a fine yellowish powder without smell or taste... It is sold by the chemists in Calcutta and Bombay in small phials.
1910 Brit. Med. Jrnl. 19 Nov. 1593/2 The product gained from the exotic Goa powder holds its undisputed position.
2014 S. Fitzmaurice & J. Y. M. Koo in J. Y. M. Koo et al. Mild to Moderate Psoriasis (ed. 3) ix. 90 It is an antipsoriatic medication derived from a tree extract known as Goa powder.
Goa stone n. now historical a hard lump, typically spherical or egg-shaped, of an artificial material containing a variety of organic and inorganic components (including bezoar, coral, precious metals, aromatics, etc.), grated or shaved into a liquid for use as a (supposed) fever remedy; cf. Goa ball n.
the world > health and disease > healing > medicines or physic > medicines for specific purpose > febrifuge or antipyretic > [noun] > others
Goa stone1681
spirit of Mindererus1772
1681 R. Hooke Memorandum Bk. 24 Aug. in Notes & Rec. Royal Soc. (2007) 61 150 Presented Mr Bayles Goa stone.
1719 in T. D'Urfey Wit & Mirth V. 347 Perfum'd with fragrant Goar Stone.
1760 R. Brooke in Philos. Trans. 1759 (Royal Soc.) 51 79 I seemed to find great relief by drinking punch, into which Goa stone had been plentifully grated.
1865 C. W. King Nat. Hist. Gems (1867) 256 The Goa-stone..is of the shape and size of a duck's egg, has a greyish metallic lustre, and, though hard, is friable.
1996 D. Alden Making of Enterprise 543 The true Goa stone..consisted of a blending of white and red coral with Bezoar stones.
2010 C. Ram-Prasad Exploring Life, Myth, & Art India 117 (caption) The object contained in this ornate gold case is a ‘Goa stone’.
Goa trance n. (also with capital initials) a variety of electronic dance music originating in Goa as a subgenre of trance (see trance n.1 Additions) and closely associated with western travellers there during the 1990s, typically employing energetic, relatively simple rhythms together with more complex, layered melodies, and influenced by psychedelic and Indian music; cf. psychedelic trance n.Recorded earliest in Goa trance music.
1994 Independent (Nexis) 8 July 24 A commune in Poona, India, where for 50p a day, healthy looking westerners sat around on the floor painting, to the sound of loud Goa trance music.
1995 Independent on Sunday 29 Oct. 6/7 Goa Trance, the latest dance-music craze to sweep the club world, a hypnotic blend of hard electronic rhythms and Eastern ideals, is fuelled by the archetypal Sixties hallucinogen, LSD.
2002 Korea Herald (Nexis) 20 Dec. This Goa trance party appears to be a well-organized hangover from the early rave scene.
2012 Scotsman (Nexis) 21 May It has become a mecca for those seeking enlightenment in one way or another—be it meditating in yoga postures or dancing on a beach to Goa trance.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2016; most recently modified version published online March 2022).


Brit. /ˈɡəʊə/, U.S. /ˈɡoʊə/
Origin: Apparently a borrowing from Sinhala. Etymon: Sinhala -goyā.
Etymology: Apparently < Sinhala -goyā (in e.g. kabaragoyā kabaragoya n.) < Sanskrit godhā iguana. Compare mugger n.3The y in the Sinhala word is purely graphic, as the script dictates that internal groups of vowels must be separated by a consonant sign.
Now rare.
The mugger or marsh crocodile, Crocodylus palustris.
the world > animals > reptiles > order Crocodilia (crocodiles and alligators) > [noun] > suborder Eusuchia > family Crocodylidae > crocodylus palustris (marsh crocodile)
1844 J. E. Gray Catal. Tortoises Brit. Mus. 62 The Muggar or Goa. Crocodilus palustris.
1863 J. G. Wood Illustr. Nat. Hist. (new ed.) III. 31 The Marsh Crocodile (Crocodilus palustris), sometimes known by the names of Mugger, or Goa.
1973 R. Steel in O. Kuhn Handbuch der Paläoherpetologie XVI. 64/1 The Mugger (Magar), Goa or Swamp Crocodile, attaining a length of 5 m and ranging from Sind and Baluchistan through India to Assam and south to Ceylon.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2016; most recently modified version published online March 2022).


Brit. /ˈɡəʊə/, U.S. /ˈɡoʊə/
Origin: Apparently a borrowing from Tibetan. Etymon: Tibetan dgoba.
Etymology: Apparently < Tibetan dgoba (pronounced /ɡowa/, with different tones in different dialects), also written rgoba in Western Tibetan (compare quot. 1846).
A small antelope, Procapra (formerly Gazella) picticaudata, native to the Tibetan plateau, the male of which has distinctive long tapering horns. Also called Tibetan gazelle.
the world > animals > mammals > group Ungulata (hoofed) > group Ruminantia (sheep, goats, cows, etc.) > antelope > [noun] > genus Procapra (Chinese gazelles)
1846 B. H. Hodgson in Jrnl. Asiatic Soc. Bengal 15 335 This exceedingly graceful little animal..is called by the Tibetans Rágóa or Góá simply.
1888 Blackwood's Edinb. Mag. Aug. 242 We intended to try our luck after the goa.
1907 R. Lydekker Game Animals 190 In early summer goa are found in small herds.
2008 A. A. E. van der Geer Animals in Stone xxii. 275 The goa has distinctive horns, which rise vertically and curve sharply backwards.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2016; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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