

单词 good, fast, bold in stour

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good, fast, bold in stour
b. Phrases. stiff, stith, strong in stour; also rarely good, fast, bold in stour. Obsolete.
1338 R. Mannyng Chron. (1725) 6 A stiffe knyght in stoure.
1338 R. Mannyng Chron. (1725) 213 Edward & Edmunde, knyght gode in stoure.
?a1366 Romaunt Rose 1270 The knyght was faire and styf in stour.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 2203 Nembrot..O babilon king stijf in stur.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Gött.) l. 18181 Sua stith [Vesp. stijf] in sture, and king of bliss, Dede and alsua liuand es.
a1400 Minor Poems from Vernon MS lv. 37 Þer nis non so strong in stour,..From þat day forþ,..Of his strengþe he leost a quantite.
a1500 (a1460) Towneley Plays (1994) I. xxv. 327 He is..of so mekill myght, And styf in euery stoure.
a1500 (?a1400) Sir Torrent of Portyngale (1887) l. 1642 Welcom, sir knyght, That fast art in stoure.
1508 W. Dunbar Ballade Barnard Stewart in Poems (1998) I. 177 Welcum, in stour most strong, incomparable knight.
1622 (?a1513) W. Dunbar Poems (Reidpeth) (1998) I. 65 The Bruce that euir was bold in stor.
1857 F. Palgrave Hist. Normandy & Eng. II. 352 The Danes were very stiff in the stour.]
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