

单词 a bow too long bent waxes dull

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a bow too long bent waxes dull
c. figurative with many phrases: e.g. to have two (many, etc.) strings to one's bow: to have two (or many) resources or alternatives. †the bent of one's bow: one's intention, inclination, disposition, ‘calibre’ (cf. bent n.2 8, 9). †to shoot in (another's) bow: to practise an art other than one's own. †by the string rather than the bow: by the most direct way. Proverb, a bow too long bent waxes dull: relaxation is desirable; hence in other allusive phrases.
society > travel > means of travel > route or way > [phrase] > by the most direct way
by the string rather than the bow1690
next ways1789
c1532 A. Fortescue in Oxf. Dict. Proverbs (1948) 59/1 A bowe that is longe bent, will waxe dulle.
1546 J. Heywood Dialogue Prouerbes Eng. Tongue i. xi. sig. Divv Ye haue many stryngs to the bowe.
1546 J. Heywood Dialogue Prouerbes Eng. Tongue i. xi. sig. Div I, hauyng the bent of your vncles bow.
1578 J. Lyly Euphues f. 44 My counsayle is that thou haue more strings to thy bow then one.
1678 S. Butler Hudibras: Third Pt. iii. i. 1 As he that has two Strings t' his Bow And burns for Love, and Money too.
1690 W. Walker Idiomatologia Anglo-Lat. Pref. 4 To save..the labour of turning from place to place with references, which to some is tedious and to all unpleasing who love to go by the string rather than by the bow.
1721 J. Kelly Compl. Coll. Scotish Prov. 33 A Bow o'er bent will weaken. Eng. All Work and no Play makes Jack a dull Boy.
1783 Ainsworth's Thes. Linguæ Latinæ (new ed.) i. at Bent I have got the bend of his bow, ego illius sensum pulchrè calleo.
1814 J. Austen Mansfield Park I. viii. 169 Miss Bertram..might be said to have two strings to her bow . View more context for this quotation
1817 J. Keats Let. 5 Sept. (1931) I. 38 But let us refresh ourself from this depth of thinking, and turn to some innocent jocularity—the Bow cannot always be bent.
1876 C. M. Yonge Womankind xi. 80 A strain which makes it very desirable..to unbend the bow, by a journey abroad, a sea-side sojourn.
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