

单词 a water

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a water
13. Water as the medium of travel for ships, boats, etc., or as the setting for trade, business, leisure, etc., carried out on ships, boats, or other craft. Esp. in on (also upon) (the) water (formerly also †a water; cf. a prep.1). See also Phrases 1c, Phrases 1f(b).
the world > the earth > water > body of water > [noun] > water viewed as medium of transit
eOE tr. Orosius Hist. (BL Add.) (1980) iii. xi. 81 Hie ealle winnende wæron wið Antigones, & wið Demetrias his sunu, sume on londe, sume on wætere.
lOE Anglo-Saxon Chron. (Laud) (Peterborough contin.) anno 1122 Þæræfter wæron feole scipmen on sæ & on wæter & saedon þet hi sægon on norðeast fir micel & brad wið þone eorðe.
a1200 MS Trin. Cambr. in R. Morris Old Eng. Homilies (1873) 2nd Ser. 43 (MED) Ure helende..ferde sumwile mid mede ouere water.
c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1963) l. 283 Iseih his broðer ferden hu heo iuaren weren. a wætere [c1300 Otho watere] & a londe.
a1325 (c1250) Gen. & Exod. (1968) 574 (MED) He woren on water driuen..in ðe arche.
a1400 Siege Jerusalem (Laud) (1932) l. 51 (MED) Nathan..An heye setteþ þe sayl ouer þe wode water &..on þe deep drof on faste.
c1400 (c1378) W. Langland Piers Plowman (Laud 581) (1869) B. xviii. l. 242 (MED) Peter..went on þe water.
a1500 (?c1425) Speculum Sacerdotale (1936) 248 (MED) A grete oste..londyd and lafte water at the londe callyd Terra Calabritidis.
c1540 (?a1400) Gest Historiale Destr. Troy (2002) f. 64v Prothylus..put on þe water ffyfte shippes fyn.
1613 M. Ridley Short Treat. Magneticall Bodies 16 As a ship upon the water is directed even forward by the sterne and ruther.
1669 S. Pepys Diary 28 May (1976) IX. 563 Spent the evening on the water, making sport with the Westerne bargees.
1726 J. Swift Gulliver II. iv. iii. 37 It was impossible that..a parcel of Brutes could move a wooden Vessel whither they pleased upon Water.
1758 J. Blake Plan Marine Syst. 28 Great numbers of men..are employed in the coasting trade, or otherwise upon the water.
1838 J. F. Cooper Home as Found I. ix. 150 He rises early, and is out on the water, or up in the forest, all the morning.
1883 G. C. Davies Norfolk Broads xxxii. 251 The eelmen, living so much on the water..become very observant.
1914 Scotsman 24 Aug. 4/2 Germany has to-day another enemy in the field and on the water.
1922 C. Laurin Scand. Arts 515 Michael Ancher and Kröyer portrayed the stout seadogs in hip-boots and southwesters at their work on the water.
1972 E. Staebler Cape Breton Harbour 41 ‘Nice day out on the water,’ he said, ‘though it's gettin' loppy.’
1994 Thousand Islands Sun Vacationer (N.Y.) 17 Aug. 4/2 Historic race boats, antique outboards and inboards, classic hydroplanes, and Gold Cup racers will all take to the water.
2006 A. M. Foley Having my Say xi. 59 When I started working on the water, more market boats than trucks carried the catch.
extracted from watern.
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