

单词 for full due

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for (a) full due
Apparently only in for (a) full due: completely, entirely, fully; properly, in earnest; once and for all; (in later use sometimes) for good, indefinitely.
the world > relative properties > wholeness > completeness > completely [phrase] > in full or to fullest extent
to the full1340
at the fulla1375
at one's righta1425
in (the) wholea1475
every (each) whit1526
full due1574
in gross1606
in full habitudea1661
to capacity1958
the world > existence and causation > existence > state or condition > infiniteness > [adverb] > without definite limit or indefinitely
full due1574
1574 A. Golding tr. J. Calvin Serm. on Job xxix. 134/2 What hath bene sayde heretofore: that is to wit, that Iob felt alwayes some comfort, and that God forsooke him not for a full doo [Fr. ne l'a point delaissé du tout].
1631 J. Burges Answer Reioyned 475 Howbeit once, for a full-doe, I desire..to make it appeare [etc.].
1653 J. Carter Tomb-stone 99 Do they daily pray, thy Kingdome Come? For a ful-do. And not so much a new signe, as the sum of all before.
1731 S. Newcome et al. Let. 2 Jan. in Rec. Fort St. George (1931) XX. 24 They [sc. coffee trees] may stand a twelve month..after that they are to be planted about eight feet asunder, for a full do, and will begin bearing in six Month's Afterwards.
1835 N. Ames Old Sailor's Yarns 174 We'll set up our fore-rigging for a full do; for we must sail Wednesday evening, right or wrong.
1874 C. E. K. Davis Miss Wealthy's Hope iv. 81 And Sylpha she'll be home for a full-do come summer.
1902 Rec. Proc. Court Inq. Case Rear-Admiral W. S. Schley, 1901 I. 222 in U.S. Congress. Serial Set (57th Congr., 1st Sess.: House of Representatives Doc. 485 pt. I) CIII I think it [sc. a hawser] was made fast for full do finally on the Merrimac about 1 o'clock of the 27th.
1936 R. Millholland Splinter Fleet of Otranto Barrage i. 24 There we were, moored for a ‘full do’ and condemned to wait an hour while three lordly servants of the state of New York held up a ship of Uncle Sam's Navee.
β. 1574 A. Golding tr. J. Calvin Serm. on Job lxviii. 321/2 Till he [sc. God] deliuer vs for a full adoo [Fr. pleinement], from all oure necessities.1581 J. Maplet Diall Destiny f. 73v The others where they once make any way thei quite destroy there for a full a doe, and neuer close or shut vp the same agayne.γ. 1773 E. Thompson Shadwell's Fair Quaker (rev. ed.) v. 62 I am ready to serve you in all capacities, though I did not pass the wedding gasket for a full due.1780 W. A. Miles Artifice ii. 13 I wish your tongue was coil'd away in your mouth for a full due.1808 ‘A Naval Officer’ Cruise vi. 302 Then 'tis, we hope, to soon make sail, That done for full due is the gale.a1825 R. Forby Vocab. E. Anglia (1830) at Full-due ‘I shall soon have done with Mr. A; or I shall go away from B. for a full-due’, for good and all.c1860 H. Stuart Novices or Young Seaman's Catech. (rev. ed.) 32 How will you turn in the lower rigging when it is marked off for a full due?1884 S. B. Luce Seamanship 116 The stays and then the shrouds are set up for a full due.1920 U.S. Naval Inst. Proc. July 1085 The brakes were set up for a full due.1943 Argus (Melbourne) 22 May (Week-end Mag.) 3/1 Jack [i.e. the typical sailor] still talks of ‘rigs’ for his clothes..and stows his gear away for a ‘full due’.2015 www.navy-net.co.uk 22 Oct. (O.E.D. Archive) Sprayers finally disappeared into the history books when HMS Fearless paid off for full due in 2002.
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