

单词 for the worse

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for (also †to, †into) the worse
a. for (also †to, †into) the worse: indicating a negative change in condition or quality, fortune, or circumstances.In quot. OE in to worse in the same sense.
the world > action or operation > adversity > in adversity [phrase] > at the or one's worst > from a prosperous or thriving condition
for (also to, into) the worseOE
out of God's blessing into the warm sun1546
down (the) wind1600
on (also, esp. in early use, upon) the go1682
to the bad1802
the world > action or operation > harm or detriment > disadvantage > disadvantageously [phrase]
on wiðereOE
for (also to, into) the worse1548
OE King Ælfred tr. Psalms (Paris) (2001) xlv. 5 Gehwyrfed wæs ure land and ure folc to beteran, and hi and heora land to wyrsan.
?a1425 Mandeville's Trav. (Egerton) (1889) 113 Þe iournee chaunged efter to þe werse.
1548 W. Forrest Pleasaunt Poesye 352 in T. Starkey Eng. in Reign King Henry VIII (1878) i. p. xcv The worlde is chaunged from that it hathe beene, Not to the bettre, but to the warsse farre.
1572 Treat. Treasons against Q. Elizabeth ii. f. 148v These be ynough, I trow, to shew it a change, and a change for the woorse.
1620 Horæ Subseciuæ 319 Honor nourisheth in light and vain men a wrong opinion of their own worth, and consequently, often changeth their manners into the worse.
1668 J. Dryden Secret-love iii. i. 25 All we have done succeeds still to the worse.
a1712 W. King Let. in Wks. (1776) III. 272 It is thy curse Ever to change, and ever for the worse.
1790 R. Burns in J. Johnson Scots Musical Museum III. 248 I trow we swapped for the warse.
1835 T. Mitchell in tr. Aristophanes Acharnians 263 (note) The Doric character generally was undergoing a most important change for the worse.
1860 W. Collins Woman in White (1974) 416 She was certainly not in any respect altered for the worse since I had seen her last.
1956 A. Huxley Heaven & Hell (1960) 108 For them, as for the positive visionary, the universe it transfigured—but for the worse.
1988 H. Mantel Eight Months on Ghazzah Street (1989) 19 Life had changed for the worse.
2006 H. O'Neill Lullabies for Little Criminals 29 Jules told me that he was taking a turn for the worse and that he was going to be in the hospital longer than we'd thought.
extracted from worseadj.n.
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