

单词 fire-penny

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fire-penny n. (a) a tax or custom levied on ships to pay for beacons (obsolete); (b) (on the Scottish island of St Kilda) a payment made for the use of a tinderbox (now historical and rare). [It seems likely that sense (b) reflects a Scottish Gaelic expression, but no model has been traced.]
1277 Patent Roll, 5 Edward I (P.R.O.: C 66/96) m. 17 Les..Bailifs as Barons des porz [sc. the Cinque Ports]..eyent les deus deners de Nefs costumers ke sunt apelez fire penyes a fius [= feux] sustenir en les lus acoustumez pur seurte de la Riuage.
1305 Patent Roll, 33 Edward I (P.R.O.: C 66/125) m. 8 La franchise des fir penyes por les feuz sustenir por peril & por damages de foreines en temps de la dite feire [sc. at Yarmouth].
1698 M. Martin Late Voy. St. Kilda iii. 117 There is but one Steel and Tinder-Box in all this Commonwealth; the Owner whereof fails not upon every occasion of striking Fire in the lesser Isles, to..exact Three Eggs, or one of the lesser Fowls..this by them is called the Fire-Penny.
1793 J. L. Buchanan Trav. W. Hebrides v. 137 The infamous pot-penny and fire-penny are dropt, as the people have got pots and flints of their own.
1886 Celtic Mag. Jan. 123 The other tax was the fire-penny, which was levied by the possessor of the only flint and steel in St. Kilda.
1972 C. Maclean Island on Edge of World iii. 45 In Martin's time, however, there were two island taxes, which were known respectively as the fire-penny and the pot-penny.
extracted from firen.int.
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