

单词 analytico-chemical

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1. Forming adjectives with the sense ‘relating to analytic ——’ or to ‘relating to —— analysis’. Chiefly in analytico-chemical.
1750 J. Towers tr. R. Cumberland Philos. Enq. Laws Nature ii. v. §.xlvi. 430 To other persons, these Analytico-Geometrical Questions appear not only very disagreeable, but also at too remote a Distance from my present design [L. Abstineo ab exemplis hujusmodi solutionum Geometricis, quoniam ea Analytices peritis abunde sunt nota, aliis vero ingrata forent, ac a re nostra nimis aliena viderentur.].
1801 tr. M. H. Klaproth Analyt. Ess. Chem. Knowl. Mineral Substances I. sig. a2 It is hoped that the translation of his Analytico-chemical Essays..will meet with their kind approbation.
1938 R. W. Lawson tr. G. von Hevesy & F. A. Paneth Man. Radioactivity (ed. 2) xxiii. 230 This analytico-chemical difference.
1944 Obituary Notices Fellows Royal Soc. 4 687 Pyman's neat demonstration, by an analytico-chemical method, of the orientation of 1:4- and 1:5-dimethylglyoxalines.
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