

单词 examination


Brit. /ᵻɡˌzamᵻˈneɪʃn/, /ɛɡˌzamᵻˈneɪʃn/, U.S. /ɪɡˌzæməˈneɪʃ(ə)n/, /ɛɡˌzæməˈneɪʃ(ə)n/
Forms: Middle English examinacioun, Middle English examynacionne, Middle English examynacioun, Middle English examynaciyun, Middle English examynacyoun, Middle English examynatioun, Middle English excaminacioun (transmission error), Middle English–1500s examynacion, Middle English–1500s examynacyon, Middle English–1600s examinacion, Middle English–1600s examynation, Middle English– examination, 1500s examenacyon, 1500s examenation, 1500s examinacyon, 1500s examynation, 1500s examynatyon, 1600s examenatione, 1600s exammination, 1600s exeamennation, 1600s exemination, 1600s exemnation; also Scottish pre-1700 examinacioun, pre-1700 examinacioune, pre-1700 examinatioun, pre-1700 examinatyowne, pre-1700 examnacioun, pre-1700 examynatioun, pre-1700 examynatiowne, pre-1700 examynatyowne, pre-1700 exemenatioun.
Origin: Of multiple origins. Partly a borrowing from French. Partly a borrowing from Latin. Etymons: French examination; Latin exāminātiōn-, exāminātiō.
Etymology: < (i) Anglo-Norman examinacioun, Anglo-Norman and Old French, Middle French examinacion, examination interrogation, formal questioning (late 13th cent. in Old French), scrutiny, inspection (end of the 13th cent. or earlier), inquiry (end of the 13th cent. or earlier, earliest in a legal context), and its etymon (ii) classical Latin exāminātiōn-, exāminātiō process or practice of weighing, legal examination or scrutiny (2nd cent. a.d.), in post-classical Latin also divine judgement, Last Judgement (from 8th cent. in British sources), judicial ordeal (9th cent.; 12th cent. in British sources), torture (12th cent. in a British source), testing (of metal) (12th cent. in a British source), testing of candidates for ecclesiastical office (from 12th cent. in British sources), academic testing by questioning (13th cent. in a British source), assay (from 13th cent. in British sources) < exāmināt- , past participial stem of exāmināre examine v. + -iō -ion suffix1.Compare Old Occitan examination (1489), Catalan examinació (15th cent.), Spanish examinación (first half of the 13th cent.), Portuguese examinação (16th cent.; now rare), Italian esaminazione (second half of the 13th cent.; now rare); also Old Frisian examinātie, Middle Low German examinācie.
a. The action or an act of formally questioning a person; the process of being questioned; esp. (Law) the formal questioning of a witness under oath or affirmation. See also cross-examination n. at cross-examine v. Derivatives, direct examination n. at direct adj. and adv. Additions, re-examination n.
society > law > administration of justice > court proceedings or procedure > trying or hearing of cause > [noun] > formal interrogation
a1325 Statutes of Realm (2011) vii. 49 Bote ȝif þe tressepas habbe suuche riules þat him bihoui grete examinacion.
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) ii. l. 313 (MED) With tales he hem ladde With good examinacioun, Til he knew.
1435 in J. F. South & D. Power Memorials Craft of Surg. (1886) App. 317 Whanne the maistris..sitte in iugement or in examinacioun or in cominicacioun of the seid craft with the hool felowschip.
a1470 T. Malory Morte Darthur (Winch. Coll. 13) (1990) I. 328 Than woll I have hym in examynacion myself, for tyll that I know what is his ryght name.
1536 Deposition Consistory Court Ely in E. Anglian (1909–10) 13 316 Examination of witnesses in a cause of substraction of tithes between Magr. Christopher Willyes, vicar perpetual of Borne, and Nich. Harvey of Melborne.
1570 J. Foxe Actes & Monumentes (rev. ed.) II. 1907/1 I was once (sayth he) in examination before fiue or sixe Byshops..euery weeke thrise I came to examinations.
1592 R. Greene Thirde Pt. Conny-catching sig. Bv What hee spake of either came to him by examinations, or by riding in the circuits.
1651 W. Leach Bills Proposed for Acts 9 Commissioners for examination of witnesses in the high Court of Chancery.
1672 T. Manley Νομοθετης: Cowell's Interpreter sig. Ddv/b The Examiner writes on the back that it was shewed to such a one [sc. Witnesse] at the time of his Examination.
1781 E. Pendleton Let. 3 Dec. in Lett. & Papers (1967) II. 381 They have a great defaulter..under examination who is accused of having pocketed £200,000.
1798 G. Buckner Rep. Mar. in E. Pendleton Lett. & Papers (1967) II. 649 Pursuant to a Dedimus to us directed for the examination of Witnesses..we this day met at the house of the Plaintiff.
1841 T. B. Macaulay Warren Hastings in Edinb. Rev. Oct. 245 There remained examinations and cross-examinations.
1905 S. E. Baldwin Amer. Judiciary xiv. 207 A large discretionary power..in limiting or extending the examination of a witness so as..to get out the truth and nothing but the truth.
1968 H. L. Packer Limits of Criminal Sanction viii. 159 Facts can be established more quickly through interrogation in a police station than through the formal process of examination and cross-examination in a court.
2003 M. E. Tigar Examining Witnesses (ed. 2) iii. 106 Even..if the journalist seems willing or eager to testify, keep the examination focused.
b. Law. A formal written or oral statement made by a witness or accused person when questioned; spec. a statement made by an accused person to a magistrate before being sent for trial. Frequently in to take the examination of: to question (a witness or accused person) and take down in writing his or her answers. Obsolete.
society > law > administration of justice > court proceedings or procedure > evidence > [noun] > testimony or statement of witness > when examined
1435 Rolls of Parl.: Henry VI (Electronic ed.) Parl. Oct. 1435 §12. m. 5 Thanne it shall bee lefull to the seide commissioners..to resceive and take examination of the seide persones, so beyng in prison or beyonde the see, by their attourne or depute, havyng londes and tenementz to the yerely value of c s.
1457 in R. R. Sharpe Cal. Let.-bks. London (1911) K. 385 (MED) Examynacions taken and hadde..before..thaldermen of þe Citee of London, of the persones herafter folowing.
1533 J. Frith Bk. answeringe Mores Let. (title page) Vnto which boke are added..the artycles of his Examinacion before the Bishoppes.
1591 Hortop's Trauailes Eng. Man (rev. ed.) 30 The Earle of Sussex..commanded his secretorie to take my name and examination.
1621 H. Elsynge Notes Deb. House of Lords (1870) 10 The clerke reade the examinacions taken in Courte.
1657 W. H. in True Narr. James Nayler 60 The verbal report of those persons..ought to be received or credited as a true testimony..when they have burnt their Examinations.
1766 H. Brooke Fool of Quality II. viii. 29 The judge cried out, Clerk, hand me up the examination of this prevaricator.
1787 G. Washington Diary 20 Mar. (1979) V. 119 Mr. Potts & Mr. Roger West for the purpose of taking the privy examination of Fanny Washington came here.
1826 Act 7 Geo. IV c. 64 §3 Every Justice of the Peace before whom any Person shall be taken..shall take the Examination of the Person charged.
1848 Act 11 & 12 Victoria c. 42 §19 (margin) Place where Examination taken, not an open Court.
c. Interrogation under torture; an instance of this. Now historical.In some instances perhaps simply a contextual use of sense 1a.
1447 O. Bokenham Lives of Saints (Arun.) (1938) l. 3939 (MED) Seyng þis cruel examynacyoun [i.e. a man being scourged].
1559 J. Aylmer Harborowe sig. N3v What examinacions and rackynges, of poore men was there, to fynde out the knyfe that shoulde cutte hir throte?
1593 R. Cosin Apol. for Sundrie Proc. (rev. ed.) ii. iv. 24 Not onely the defendant, but the Accuser also is subiect to examination by torture.
1628 Briefe & True Relation Murther T. Scott 4 Which by sharpe examination vpon the racke was effected on Wednesday following.
1682 Animadversions Capt. Wilkinson's Information 12 Had the Captain been in some Places, far less occasion would have brought him to Examination by Rack or Limbo.
1728 J. Morgan Compl. Hist. Algiers I. iv. 274 The Tormentors examined him..for several hours they ceased not their Examinations.
1766 W. Bollan Freedom Speech & Writing 29 All those whom the justice of the old law..exempted from the cruel examination by torture.
1845 Times 4 Nov. 4/5 The corn laws once suspended would stand as little chance of restoration as trial by wager or examination by the rack.
1870 Royal Cornwall Gaz. 28 May 7/1 Examination by torture is not yet extinct.
1905 W. P. Ker Ess. Mediæval Lit. 58 It is unlikely that he would have stood a long examination on the rack.
1999 J. Enders Medieval Theater of Cruelty i. 56 When threatened with examination by torture before the Roman courts of Jerusalem and Caesarea, Paul asked the centurion, [etc.].
d. Law. A preliminary hearing held before a magistrate to determine whether or not there is enough evidence to proceed to trial; the questioning of an accused person during such a hearing. Now usually more fully preliminary examination. Now historical.This sense arose in connection with sense 1b, but compare earlier sense 3.
society > law > administration of justice > court proceedings or procedure > trying or hearing of cause > [noun] > preliminary hearing
?1605 True Relation Wonderfull Mercies sig. B2 They brought him before the Magistrates, who after his examination, he still denying the fact, was committed to prison, put vpon the Racke, and grieuously tormented... Afterward, being brought to the publike place of tryall, [etc.].
1691 A. Wood Athenæ Oxonienses I. 167 He was taken in the night time in his Lodging by one Norton, who..conducting him to a Magistrate, was after examination, committed close Prisoner to the Compter in London.
1794 Parl. Reg. 1781–96 XXXIX. App. 429 The proprietor of the house..on being carried before the proper Magistrate for examination, refused to give any account of these weapons.
1828 Q. Rev. Jan. 164 Previous to this statute, the magistrates, on the preliminary examination, had no power of hearing any evidence for the prisoner.
1861 G. Ross W. Bell's Dict. Law Scotl. (rev. ed.) 234/2 The party is brought before a magistrate for examination.
1903 J. A. James & A. H. Sanford Our Govt. iii. xxv. 232 An accused person is given a preliminary examination before a local justice to determine whether he shall be held for trial.
1986 R. Thompson Sex in Middlesex (1989) 7 Since magistrates combined this inquisitorial role with the judicial, the examination might often act as the real trial when the examining magistrate decided in his own mind on the guilt or innocence of the accused.
2004 G. R. Hartman et al. Landmark Supreme Court Cases 186 He was not told of his right to counsel or to a preliminary examination before a magistrate.
e. examination-in-chief n. Law the questioning of a witness by the party which has called that witness to give evidence; = direct examination n. at direct adj. and adv. Additions.Contrasted with cross-examination n. at cross-examine v. Derivatives.
1726 Cases High Court Chancery I. 331 The Plaintiff examined his Witnesses de bene esse in Michaelmas Vacation, and in Hillary Term following the Defendant puts in an Answer, and about five Weeks afterwards, before any Replication filed, or Examination in chief, the Witness dies.
1782 Trial Ann, Countess of Cork & Orrery 28 Which she hath already particularly mentioned in her examination in chief.
1820 New Times 28 Aug. 2/1 Here the Attorney General finished his examination in chief.
1872 Standard (London) 1 Feb. 2/2 The one [accident] the plaintiff recollected was not mentioned in his examination in chief.
1930 Daily Gleaner (Kingston, Jamaica) 30 Sept. 21/3 In the witness box Samuel Rigby in his examination-in-chief, when asked what the demijohn was like said about two Haitian gallons.
1997 P. D. James Certain Justice i. 8 Venetia had watched her during the examination-in-chief, noting her strengths, assessing her vulnerability.
f. Law. In bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings: the action or process of formally questioning a debtor with regard to financial liabilities, assets, conduct, etc.
1735 J. Lilly Pract. Reg. I. 271 [A person who hath become bankrupt shall] submit to be examined..and upon such Examination fully discover all his or her Effects and Estate [etc.]
1766 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. ii. xxxi. 482 The bankrupt, upon this examination, is bound..to make a full discovery of all his estate and effects.
1822 Law Chron. 31 Oct. 347/2 The public examination of the bankrupts are fixed for the 11th and 25th November, and the Sheriff-clerk's office, Edinburgh.
1863 Times 22 Oct. 9/4 The bankrupt, a paper-pulp maker, of the Old Kent-road, came up for examination.
1922 Daily Ardmoreite (Ardmore, Okla.) 22 Nov. 7/3 It is..ordered that the bankrupt..personally appear..at the first meeting..and there submit to an examination touching his bankruptcy.
1956 Irish Times 18 Feb. 5/8 The examination was adjourned for a week, the bankrupt undertaking to produce all his bank books.
2004 S. A. Frieze Personal Insolvency Law in Pract. x. 72 The official receiver may make an application to the court for the public examination of the bankrupt.
2. The action of judging or appraising a person or thing according to a standard or criterion. Cf. examine v. 1a. Obsolete.
the mind > attention and judgement > judgement or decision > evaluation, estimation, appraisal > [noun] > according to rule or standard
c1405 (c1390) G. Chaucer Melibeus (Hengwrt) (2003) §299 For as muche as þt the examinacion is necessarie, lat vs bigynne at the Sirurgiens.
a1500 (c1425) Andrew of Wyntoun Oryg. Cron. Scotl. (Nero) vi. l. 120 Þat al examynacioun Off þa personys propyrly Þe kyrk sulde haf in gret party.
a1500 tr. Thomas à Kempis De Imitatione Christi (Trin. Dublin) (1893) 139 (MED) Grace..in euery understondinge submittiþ himself..to goddis examynacion.
3. Judicial inquiry into the guilt or innocence of an accused person; an instance of this; a hearing, a trial. Obsolete except as merged with sense 1.
society > law > administration of justice > court proceedings or procedure > trying or hearing of cause > [noun] > judicial inquiry
judicial inquiry1702
c1410 tr. R. Higden Polychron. (St. John's Cambr.) (1879) VII. 165 Sone þe day of examinacioun [L. dies examinis] was sette.
a1438 Bk. Margery Kempe (1940) i. 40 (MED) Whan sche was on a tyme moneschyd to aper be-for certeyn offycerys,..þe good Vykary..went wyth hir to her hir examynacyon.
a1513 R. Fabyan New Cronycles Eng. & Fraunce (1516) I. ccx. f. cxxxv The Bysshop he commytted to the Examynacion & correccion of the Clergy.
1526 Bible (Tyndale) Acts xxv. 26 I have brought him vnto you..that after examinacion had, I myght have sumwhat to wryte.
1662 E. Stillingfleet Origines Sacræ ii. v. §3 After a particular examination of Jeremiah..they acquit him.
1685 E. Stillingfleet Origines Britannicæ v. 304 They anointed Kings..and not long after they without Examination took them off.
1690–1700 Order of Hospitalls sig. D For the Examination of Single-Women being gotten with Child.
a. The action or process of testing a person's knowledge, skill, or competence, by means of written or oral questions or practical tasks; the process of being tested in this way.
society > education > educational administration > examination > [noun]
1421 Petition in Rotuli Parl. (1767–77) IV. 158/1 That every practysoner in Fisyk..be withynne on of the Universitees of this lond by a certeine day, that they that ben able and approved, after trewe and streyte examinacion, be receyved to theyr degree.
1583 W. Stoughton Abstr. Certain Acts Parl. 53 He must..submit him selfe priuately, to the examination of euery one of that degree, wherevnto he desireth to be promoted.
1612 J. Brinsley Ludus Lit. v. 48 Which worke of continuall examination, is a notable quickner and nourisher of all good learning.
1714 J. Ayliffe Antient & Present State Univ. Oxf. I. i. i. 6 Rules..touching the Time and Method of Study, the Examination of Students, and the giving of Degrees, &c.
1830 J. Bentham Constit. Code I. ix. 407 Applicants..presenting themselves for examination.
1878 Pop. Sci. Monthly Feb. 442 The suicides which have occurred on the part of young men preparing for examination at the University of London.
1920 Sat. Rev. 23 Oct. 330 No Government School inspectors or systems of examination can compete with a method of..selection so infallible.
2005 Daily Tel. 13 May 27/2 It allows the examination of skills that were traditionally unexaminable, particularly creative skills.
b. A set of questions or tasks designed to test a person's knowledge, skill, or competence; spec. a formal test taken by students or pupils, typically in the form of (originally) an oral question-and-answer session or (now frequently) a timed, silent session in which all candidates write answers to the same set of previously unseen questions, usually without access to reference materials; esp. such a test leading to a formal qualification when passed.The full form examination is now chiefly used in formal contexts, with the abbreviated form exam (exam n. 2a) more common in everyday use.class examination, competitive examination, honours examination, local examination, pass examination, school examination, etc.: see the first element.
1534 R. Barnes Supplicacion H. VIII (rev. ed.) sig. h2v In this tyme was the hoole body of the vniuersite gathered together, and knocked at the schole doores, and sayde, they wolde here the examynation.
1598 in M. Wood & R. K. Hannay Extracts Rec. Burgh Edinb. (1927) V. 234 The hie seige at Mychaelmes sall be presentit for the exemenatiouns for the College.
1612 J. Brinsley Ludus Lit. xxviii. 282 That euery yeare..there be a solemne examination by the Gouernours of the schoole.
1694 E. Gibson Let. 19 Dec. in H. Ellis Orig. Lett. Eminent Lit. Men (1843) 235 We met with him..just as he was going for Pauls to [read to Pauls for] examinations.
1728 E. Chambers Cycl. Scrutiny, in Antiquity, an Examination..performed in the last Week of Lent, with regard to the Catechumens who were to receive Baptism on Easter Day.
1783 J. James, Jr. Let. 11 June in Lett. R. Radcliffe & J. James (1888) 232 To day..I went through part of my examination for Orders.
1847 C. Dickens Dombey & Son (1848) xiv. 129 A dreadful uncle..volunteered examinations of him, in the holidays, on abstruse points.
1866 London Univ. Cal. 40 The Examination shall be conducted by means of Printed Papers.
1901 Westm. Gaz. 23 Aug. 8/2 During the examination it was found that he had some books with him. The examiner at once ordered his expulsion from the hall.
1975 L. E. Goodall & D. P. Sprengel Amer. Metropolis 75 Oral examinations..allow the interviewers to get an idea of the applicant's ability to think quickly.
2004 MUD (Middlesex Univ. Students' Union) Apr. 3/1 Students taking examinations this semester can attend workshops..on assessment skills.
a. Investigation of the nature or condition of something by means of visual or physical inspection; an instance of this.
the world > action or operation > endeavour > trial or experiment > [noun]
1433 Rolls of Parl.: Henry VI (Electronic ed.) Parl. July 1433 §24. m. 11 Plese hit you to make my said lordes, to yeve a leiser to the sight and diligent examination of certain bokes and recordes of youre eschequier.
1587 W. Bayley Briefe Discours Bathes Warwicke sig. A4 I spent more time in triall and examination of them [sc. baths], than in the others, and so did wholy put mine endeuors for the discouerie of their minerals, natures, and properties.
1590 J. Hester tr. J. Du Chesne Sclopotarie i. 7 Hee sought for venome in this powder, in which is none at all, as by the particular examination of the parts..we haue declared.
1630 tr. G. Botero Relations Famous Kingdomes World (rev. ed.) 99 The examination of passengers at..the frontier Tounes of the Princes of Italie.
1695 J. Woodward Ess. Nat. Hist. Earth 172 A Body, that has the shape and appearance of a Diamond, may prove, upon Examination, to be nothing but Crystal.
1712 E. Budgell Spectator No. 283. ¶17 His Powder upon Examination being found very innocent.
1753 T. Smollett Ferdinand Count Fathom I. xiii. 73 She..desired him to look into her needle case and thimble, and seeing his examination fruitless, earnestly intreated him to rummage her closet.
1819 J. G. Children Ess. Chem. Anal. Introd. 10 The examination of a substance containing few elements.
1863 Royal Charter §42 in London Univ. Cal. 35 Which accounts shall be subject to such examination and audit as the said Commissioners may direct.
1936 S. Glasstone Recent Adv. Gen. Chem. iv. 143 The liquid under examination is placed in a capillary tube.
1975 Whig-Standard (Kingston, Ont.) 4 July 24/3 The roadbed is so heavily covered with clumps of soft maples..that only close examination reveals the old travel route.
2007 D. Abu-Jaber Origin (2008) iv. 37 There was a thorough examination of the scene—no signs of forced entry or an intruder's presence.
b. spec. The process of examining a person or part of the body for diagnostic purposes, esp. by means of visual inspection, palpation, auscultation, or percussion; an instance of this. Also: inspection of the organs of a dead body to determine cause of death; an instance of this, an autopsy.Frequently with modifier specifying the part of the body examined, as eye examination, pelvic examination, rectal examination, etc.See also medical examination n. at medical adj. and n. Compounds, post-mortem examination at post-mortem adj.
1637 T. Brian Pisse-prophet vii. 41 They [sc. midwives] could not better tell by that secret examination of their bodies which they might make..whether a women were with child or no.
1767 D. Hume Let. 13 Mar. (1932) II. 128 He was taken up for Dead; and on Examination was found to have his Skull..fractured.
1779 J. Andree Theory & Cure Venereal Dis. 130 They are hard swellings..and are seldom discovered but on the Surgeon's examination.
1844 Medico-chirurg. Rev., & Jrnl. Pract. Med. 41 229 Vaginal examination proved this canal to be hot, hard, inelastic.
1877 Spirit of Times 24 Nov. 447/2 We would most earnestly recommend your having a competent veterinary surgeon make a careful examination.
1936 Times 10 July 11/4 Only 68 firms required workers to undergo an eye examination before engagement.
1966 A. MacLean When Eight Bells Toll i. 8 After a cursory examination.., the good doctor drops the corpse's wrist.
1988 Jrnl. Sex Res. 24 315 Examination revealed slight retroflexion of the uterus.
2003 N.Y. Times (National ed.) 26 Oct. viii. 3/2 Tom's last heart examination showed no new problems.
a. Investigation of or inquiry into a subject, situation, proposition, etc.; critical analysis. Also: an instance of this; an analysis, a study.
the mind > attention and judgement > enquiry > investigation, inspection > close examination, scrutiny > [noun]
a1450 (?c1421) J. Lydgate Siege Thebes (Arun.) (1911) l. 2954 (MED) But he to-forn..Make a due examynacioun How it wil tourne.
a1538 T. Starkey Dial. Pole & Lupset (1989) 50 That was agred at the begynnyng for the bettur examynatyon of every thyng.
1591 H. Smith (title) The Examination of Vsvry, in two Sermons. Taken by Characterie, and after examined.
c1626 H. Wotton Let. in Reliquiæ Wottonianæ (1672) 549 After the examination of circumstances, there is a liberty of judgment.
a1663 R. Sanderson in I. Walton Life of Sanderson (1678) sig. m3 Upon the clear evidence of truth and reason, after a serious and unpartial examination of the grounds.
1749 J. Mason Ess. Power of Numbers & Princ. Harmony 4 What I intend then is a particular Examination of the numerical Structure both in Verse and Prose.
1794 A. Radcliffe Myst. of Udolpho I. i. 13 To look, with cool examination, upon the disappointments he sometimes threw in her way.
1809 T. G. Fessenden Pills 8 The folly of the gun boat system of oppugnation is rendered..evident by the following examination of the subject.
1864 J. H. Newman Apologia 129 In that very agreement..would really be found on examination, the elements..of an essential discordance.
1927 Amer. Mercury Feb. 232/1 A brief examination of his system of selection will reveal the nucleus of the fiasco.
1955 Ann. Reg. 1954 1 The commission..undertook to make a thorough examination..of the whole wage structure.
2010 M. Wood Story of Eng. i. 8 It is only through close examination of local conditions that real historical change can be observed.
b. In the British Parliament, and some other bicameral legislatures: the scrutiny of a private bill before its second reading, by an appointed officer of either house, to check its compliance with the rules that regulate private bill procedure.
1810 Jrnl. House of Commons 66 681/2 Between the First and Second Readings, every such Bill shall..be examined..by the Clerks of the Private Bill Office..; and the Examining Clerk shall..sign and date the breviate of such Bill, with the day of such Examination.
1854 Adelaide Observer 19 Aug. 11/5 The interests of the public must be protected by a rigid examination of all private bills introduced into the Council.
1919 Irish Times 20 Jan. 6/3 Examiners of private bills..sat on Saturday in the House of Commons for the examination of proofs of compliance with Standing Orders.
1939 W. I. Jennings Parliament xii. 437 Seeing that the provisions of some 75 Standing Orders have to be satisfied, the examination is by no means cursory.
2010 Compan. Standing Orders & Guide to Proc. House of Lords (ed. 22) ix. 173 (heading) Examination for compliance with standing orders.
c. Investigation of an application for a patent with regard to the originality of the invention, and its declared or perceived benefit; an instance of this.
1829 Q. Rev. Apr. 399 Examination of patent claims—..applications for patents..have been referred to the Academy of Sciences at Turin, with the intention of..supporting only those which are true improvements.
1869 Amer. Law Reg. June 325 Abolish all preliminary examinations for novelty, and..either patents will become, for the most part, valueless; or the country will be overrun with charlatan inventors.
1902 Washington Post 8 Feb. 10/3 An injunction was secured, restraining the Commissioner of Patents from proceeding with the examination of an application for a patent made by Thomas H. MacDonald.
1950 Times 10 June 9/4 Some progress has been made in reducing the numbers of patent and trade mark applications awaiting examination.
2007 M. H. Brodowski et al. in E. S. Ewing & H. B. Wellons Biotechnol. & Law ii. 34 Claims initially submitted for examination can be drafted to avoid the known prior art.
7. The action or an act of testing the physical properties of something; spec. the assay of metal. Also (and earliest) figurative and in figurative contexts with reference to the testing of the soul, deeds, etc. (cf. examine v. 1b). Obsolete.Later only as a contextual use of sense 5a.
the world > action or operation > endeavour > trial or experiment > trial, test, or testing > [noun]
?1510 T. More tr. G. Pico della Mirandola in tr. G. F. Pico della Mirandola Lyfe I. Picus sig. g.iiiv In straite balance..If thou shuldest oure synne pondre..who able were to bere thy punisshment The hole engyne of all this world..with such examinacion might not stande.
a1555 H. Latimer Serm. St. Stephen's Day in Frutefull Serm. (1572) f. 164 Calamities..be but examinations and profes, to prouoke vs to call vpon God.
1612 B. Jonson Alchemist ii. iii. sig. E He'll turne..a thousand thousand Ounces Of any imperfect mettall, into pure Siluer, or Gold, in all examinations, As good, as any of the naturall Mine. View more context for this quotation
1728 M. Earbery tr. T. Burnet Of State of Dead (ed. 2) I. 161 The Examination by Fire at the Day of Judgement.
1730 P. Shaw tr. G. E. Stahl Philos. Princ. Universal Chem. ii. iv. 297 A certain corrosive Liquor which dissolves all the Metals except Gold..they therefore use for a rough and ready examination of Gold.
1735 W. Ellis London & Country Brewer I. ix. 118 There should be first an Examination made by pegging the Vessel to prove if such Drink is fine, the Hop sufficiently rotted, [etc.].
8. Reflection on and moral evaluation of one's thoughts, conduct, motives, etc., esp. in order to identify one's failings; an instance of this; = self-examination n. 1. Frequently: spec. (more fully examination of conscience) a devotional exercise involving such reflection, typically performed daily or in preparation for the sacrament of penance; also in extended use. See also examen n. 2.
society > faith > aspects of faith > spirituality > contemplation or meditation > self-examination > [noun]
1557 R. Edgeworth Serm. very Fruitfull xiii. f. ccxxvi Al these circumstances S. Peter speaketh in few wordes, Conscientie bone interrogatio in deum, the examination or discussion of a good & welbeleuing conscience toward God.
1599 Lady Hoby Diary 8 Sept. (1930) 70 Then I came and wrowght awhill, and so to praier and examenation, then to supper, after to lecor, and then to bed.
a1653 Z. Boyd Sel. Serm. (1989) iv. 211 Weakenesse, sicknes, & death..are sent for to scourge the negligence of Gods children in the examination of them selues.
a1694 J. Tillotson Several Disc. Repentance (1700) ii. 51 A particular discussion and examination of our Consciences.
1742 A. Donlevy Catechism p. xxxi All the mortal Sins, which after a diligent Examination, they are conscious of.
1753 R. Challoner Catholick Christian Instructed 122 The Penitent, having duly prepared himself by Prayer, by a serious Examination of his Conscience, and a hearty Contrition for his Sins, kneels down at the Confession Chair.
1839 Family Prayer-bk. Eng. Catholics 166 Let me not, I pray thee, pass over anything in this examination.
1885 W. E. Addis & T. Arnold Catholic Dict. (ed. 3) 327/1 Spiritual writers recommend that this examination should be made at least every evening.
1932 Times 29 July 7/3 The need for a collective examination of conscience on the part of the [medical] profession.
1985 D. E. Harrell O. Roberts ii. 73 The Australian debacle triggered in Oral a period of personal examination and soul searching.
2000 E. M. Jeep Children's Daily Prayer for Summer p. vi A prayer before sleep..traditionally includes thanksgiving for the events of the day and an examination of conscience.


C1. General attributive.
(a) In sense 4, as examination candidate, examination hall, etc.In less formal contexts, equivalent compounds with exam are now more common; see exam n. Compounds 1.
1827 Times 3 Dec. 2/5 The annual visitation of the University was held in the Examination-hall.
1829 W. M. Thackeray Let. 12 Mar. (1945) I. 39 This is my private tutor's examination day.
1858 Sat. Rev. 14 Aug. 150 Cramming, crammers, and cram-books, are the..fruits of this examination system.
1884 Pall Mall Gaz. 16 Sept. 11/1 The ‘examination fever,’ as it has been called, that leaves such unpleasant sequelæ behind it..is now endemic in the metropolis.
1886 Oxf. Univ. Cal. 55 Full information..will be found..in the Examination Statutes.
1928 I. Curtis in Schools of Eng. xvii. 334 All the examination work which falls to the Education Board,..is carried out by the pool as part of the regular work.
1954 R. G. Macfarlane in H. W. Florey Lect. Gen. Pathol. xi. 214 Mental stress such as occurs in examination candidates.
2002 Independent 12 June 1/4 The tutorial centre is not an official examination centre.
examination question n.
1821 H. Marsh Speech House of Lords 14 June 31 The Examination Questions are proposed in the first instance.
1938 E. Goudge Towers in Mist (1998) xiii. 297 Canon Leigh the Subdean was bent low over his study table, setting searching examination questions upon morals.
2015 N. Tennant Introd. Philos. p. xxi The problems..can be used for take-home assignments, or for examination questions.
examination result n.
1868 Trewman's Exeter Flying Post 13 May 1/4 For Examination Results of this School see [etc.].
1905 M. F. Reany Med. Profession i. 21 ‘Spoon-feeding’..is excellent for obtaining good examination results.
2009 T. Footman Noughties Gloss. 170 Photographs of pretty teenagers celebrating examination results.
b. In sense 5, as examination equipment, examination table, etc.
1890 Canad. Med. Rec. Jan. 74/2 The patient..should be induced to come to the office where an examination table or chair can be used.
1909 Amer. Jrnl. Med. Sci. Mar. 417 I dispose of those examination findings which confirm or supplement our clinical findings in an unexpected way.
1958 Nursing (St. John Ambulance Assoc.) xxii. 262 An examination tray is prepared containing the following apparatus..: Head mirror and torch or hand lamp [etc.].
1988 J. Ellroy Big Nowhere (1994) i. 5 Examination slabs, refrigerators and dissecting tables for bodies found within City confines.
2014 A. M. Christensen et al. Forensic Anthropol. iii. 55 These analyses should be performed in a forensic anthropology laboratory which has access to some basic examination equipment.
examination board n. an organization or body responsible for setting and marking examinations and (usually) for awarding qualifications; = exam board n. at exam n. Compounds 2.
1836 Shipping Gaz. 16 Nov. You think it practicable and desirable to have an examination board.
1896 N.Y. Times 17 Feb. 10/2 There is to be a permanent Examination Board.
2005 Independent 23 Feb. 32/3 Ruth Kelly would be advised to examine the marking scheme and grade boundary policies of the three examination boards.
examination conditions n. (a) the requirements which must be met in order to take or pass an examination (now rare); (b) the conditions under which examinations are normally taken (usually with reference to conducting written examinations in silence, within a time limit, without access to reference materials, etc.); esp. in under examination conditions; = exam conditions n. at exam n. Compounds 2.
1881 Trans. Inst. Naval Architects 22 146 For neither of the three years is it necessary to answer any questions under the heads of wood and composite shipbuilding to fulfil the examination conditions.
1895 Weekly Irish Times 2 Nov. 2/6 I should like very much to have an essay from you written within about 2 hours..and under examination conditions.
1952 Jrnl. Brit. Inst. Radio Engineers 12 465/1 The loss in total membership..is primarily caused by the termination of Studentship registrations due to inability to meet examination conditions.
1993 Math. in School 22 17/2 Examination conditions are highly artificial.
2013 Herald Sun (Austral.) (Nexis) 2 Sept. 38 Make sure that you practise a number of papers under examination conditions.
examination paper n. (a) a written or printed set of questions to be answered by an examination candidate; = exam paper n. (a) at exam n. Compounds 2; (b) a set of answers to such questions, written by an examination candidate; = exam paper n. (b) at exam n. Compounds 2.
society > education > educational administration > examination > [noun] > paper
examination paper1829
exam paper1837
special paper1960
1829 W. M. Thackeray Let. 18 Apr. (1945) I. 55 I have unluckily left my examination paper in the lecture room.
1837 (title) Examination papers for theological students.
1888 Science 1 June 255/1 He is so busy marking examination-papers.
1982 R. R. Grinker in M. Shepherd Psychiatrists on Psychiatry iii. 30 My English professor awarded me a grade A without reading my examination paper.
2006 Age (Melbourne) (Nexis) 11 Sept. 9 Read the examination paper very carefully. Go over the questions many times before responding to them.
examination room n. (a) a room in which an inspection, assessment, or interrogation is carried out; esp. one in which a patient is examined by a medical professional; (b) a room in which candidates take an examination.
society > education > place of education > educational buildings > [noun] > college or university buildings > exam room
examination room1766
writing school1847
1766 Lloyd's Evening Post 22 Jan. 81/2 The landlord..took him in a coach to St. Bartholomew's Hospital; but as the Coachman was carrying him to the Examination-room, he expired.
a1795 S. Bishop Poet. Wks. (1796) II. 31 (heading) Ode VI. [Spoken in the Public Examination Room (called the Chapel) at Merchant-Taylors' School].
1817 Morning Post 17 June On her approaching the examination room.., Mr. Butler, her Solicitor, asked her if she had not better drop her veil.
1842 Punch 2 3/2 Copying out their notes in little, that they may smug from them, when locked up in the examination-room.
1962 Chron.-Telegram (Elyria, Ohio) 12 Oct. (Final ed.) 1/1 This is the polygraph examination room, remodeled more four months ago.
1990 J. McIlroy in B. Jones & R. Johnson Making Grade II. ix. 166 What are you allowed to take with you into the examination rooms: calculators, tables, books?
2013 Daily Tel. 18 Oct. 8/2 The students visited an examination room nearby in one-hour intervals to have their blood alcohol content..measured.
examination school n. Oxford University (a) (in plural or, occasionally, in singular; also with capital initials) the building in which many of the university examinations are held; cf. school n.1 13b; (b) a course of study subject to examination; cf. school n.1 15 (now historical).Examinations were held in the Bodleian buildings until the construction of the new Examination Schools on High Street in the 1870s.
1814 Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 104 511 The occasional formation of nitre is observable..very abundantly on the inclined base of the windows of the Examination school.
1849 Oxf. Chron. 6 Jan. 3/4 At the final examination there will be four examination schools instead of two.
1868 M. Pattison Suggestions Acad. Organisation vi. 244 If he [sc. a professor] wishes for any auditors at all, he must make himself subservient to the examination schools.
1870 Oxf. Univ. Gaz. 15 Nov. 4/1 The site of the proposed Examination Schools.
1961 E. Williams George xx. 320 I was able to keep up the illusion of study by..walking down to the Examination Schools in white tie and mortar-board.
1999 M. Chibnall Deb. Norman Conquest iv. 56 Oxford had an examination school in modern history in the 1850s, and a separate historical tripos was established in Cambridge in 1873.
2002 Daily Tel. 30 Aug. 21/1 She walks out of the examination schools to be greeted, not by jets of champagne, but by her mother.
examination script n. an examination candidate's set of written answers; = exam script n. at exam n. Compounds 2.Not common in North American use.
1915 Jrnl. Educ. Jan. 17/1 The above facts are elementary; but there is abundant evidence in examination scripts that they are rarely taught with success.
1978 H. Carpenter Inklings iii. iii. 136 He has written it on the back of old examination scripts.
1998 Times 13 Mar. 22/7 There is a difference between knowing canonical orthographical conventions..and turning in an impeccably spelt examination script.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2016; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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