

单词 exemplification


Brit. /ᵻɡˌzɛmplᵻfᵻˈkeɪʃn/, /ɛɡˌzɛmplᵻfᵻˈkeɪʃn/, U.S. /ɪɡˌzɛmpləfəˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/, /ɛɡˌzɛmpləfəˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/
Forms: late Middle English exemplyficacion, late Middle English–1500s exemplificacion, late Middle English– exemplification, 1500s exemplyfycacion, 1600s examplification.
Origin: Of multiple origins. Partly a borrowing from French. Partly a borrowing from Latin. Etymons: French exemplification; Latin exemplification-, exemplificatio.
Etymology: < (i) Anglo-Norman exemplificacion, exemplification certified copy of a legal document (mid 14th cent. or earlier), and its etymon (ii) post-classical Latin exemplification-, exemplificatio use of an example (11th cent.; 13th cent. in a British source), action of copying, copy (from 14th cent. in British sources; 15th cent. in continental sources), action of giving (moral) example (15th cent. in a British source) < exemplificat- , past participial stem of exemplificare exemplify v. + classical Latin -iō -ion suffix1. Compare earlier exemplify v.
I. A copy or representation.
a. A certified copy or transcript of a legal document. Cf. exemplify v. 6a.This sense is still in use in the United States but is now historical in the United Kingdom.
society > communication > writing > written text > [noun] > transcript or copy > official copy
1442 in J. Graves Proc. King's Council Ireland (1877) 286 (MED) I grutchede to ensele þe seide exemplificacions.
1461–2 Rolls of Parl.: Edward IV (Electronic ed.) Parl. Nov. 1461 §41. m. 18 Actis judiciall, and exemplificacions of the same.
1542 T. Elyot Bibliotheca Transumptum, that whiche is written out of a recorde, and approued vnder the kynges seale... In the common lawe they call it an exemplification.
1571 Act 13 Elizabeth I c. 6 in Statutes of Realm (1963) IV. i. 539 An Exemplification or Constat, under the Great Seale of England, of the Inrolment of the same lettres Patentes.
1653 in Coll. Scarce & Valuable Tracts (1795) II. 538 To the Masters of the Chancery for examining every Skin of an Exemplification of a Record.
1707 in Colonial Rec. Pennsylvania (1852) II. 347 Charged or Caveated the Mr. of the Rolls that he should make out no Exemplification or Coppy thereof.
1767 T. Hutchinson Hist. Province Massachusets-Bay, 1691–1750 212 An exemplification of Burgess's commission was obtained.
1838 J. L. Wendell Rep. Supreme Court N.-Y. 17 493 The defendants produced exemplifications of the judgment and execution under which the property was sold.
1915 Encycl. Digest. Alabama Rep. VI. 298/2 The certificate of a judge to the exemplification of a record of another state that the attestation of the clerk ‘is in due form’ is sufficient to admit such exemplification in evidence.
2014 Oklahoma Law Rev. 67 202 The Seventh Circuit has followed a broad interpretation, ruling that exemplification fees could be awarded for the cost to create any exhibit.
b. Perhaps: (more generally) a transcript, a written copy. Obsolete.
society > communication > writing > [noun] > setting down in writing > at length
1588 J. Harvey Discoursiue Probl. conc. Prophesies 54 But which of them were the originall record of the maker, or phantastical exemplification of the writer..it is to little purpose to know.
2. An imitation or representation of something. Obsolete.
the world > relative properties > relationship > imitation > [noun]
1650 C. Elderfield Civil Right Tythes 310 Let thy life be..a counterpart or exemplification of thy book of religion.
1692 T. Beverley Concil. Disc. Dr. Crisp's Serm. 10 If we consider the Covenant of Grace, as it is in its highest, noblest Representation, it is an Ectype or Exemplification of the Everlasting Covenant.
1768 T. Balguy Lett. Confessions Faith v. 27 Τόπος retains the same sense, viz. that of a pattern or form to be imitated; not an imitation or exemplification of a pattern or form.
II. The citing of illustrative examples; an illustrative example.
a. The action or an act of citing an example as evidence or for the purpose of illustration; an instance of exemplifying.
the world > relative properties > kind or sort > individual character or quality > an individual case or instance > [noun] > exemplifying some rule, activity, quality, etc. > action of exemplifying or instantiating
1450 in 3rd Rep. Royal Comm. Hist. MSS (1872) App. 279 in Parl. Papers (C. 673) XXXIII. 1 For exemplificacion it is well knowen that [etc.].
a1500 (a1475) G. Ashby Dicta Philosophorum l. 1076 in Poems (1899) 91 (MED) To a wise man with a kyng is spedeful..To showe to hym demonstracion Of Stories, exemplificacion Playnly, that he may vnderstand [etc.].
1548 Hall's Vnion: Henry VIII f. lxxxiiiiv For the more exemplificacion of the same, he sent the lorde de Roche with letters of credence to signifie..that to the same articles he..promised in the worde of a king as prince faythfull, to observe.
1663 E. Waterhouse Fortescutus Illustratus l. 547 There much undoubtedly to be said and written in exemplification of the renown and worship that is due to this state and dignity of the learned Long-Robe.
1781 S. Johnson Addison in Pref. Wks. Eng. Poets V. 99 The mention of another like consequence from a like cause..is not a simile, but an exemplification.
1809 S. T. Coleridge Friend 10 Aug. 35 So much in proof and exemplification of the probable expediency of pious deception.
1864 J. H. Burton Scot Abroad II. i. 60 In exemplification of some of the recondite principles laid down.
1917 N. Douglas South Wind (1921) xix. 230 Simplicity he declared to be..the guiding motive of his governance. In exemplification whereof he would point to his method of collecting taxes.
1948 T. McDowell Amer. Stud. v. 50 Examples of these novel courses are described, both as exemplifications of the aims of American Studies and as suggestions for teachers and administrators.
2010 S. V. Subramanian in M. M. Fischer & A. Getis Handbk. Appl. Spatial Anal. c vii. 507 In this chapter, for exemplification, we will consider the structure of individuals nested within neighborhoods.
b. An example that is evidence of or serves to illustrate an assertion, general rule, etc.; a person who or thing which is typical of or embodies a quality or type.
the world > relative properties > kind or sort > individual character or quality > an individual case or instance > [noun] > exemplifying some rule, activity, quality, etc.
patron saint1803
for instance1959
1582 G. Martin Discov. Corruptions Holy Script. xv. 243 As we haue translated, to euery humane creature: meaning temporal Princes and Magistrates, as is plaine by the exemplification immediatly folowing, of king, and dukes and other sent or appointed by him.
1725 H. Wanley Diary 15 Oct. (1966) II. 382 There were more Exemplifications of Armes, & other things than I expected.
1794 Freemasons' Mag. May 325 The figure of the Mahratta..is one of the most beautiful exemplifications of national character that we ever saw.
1803 T. R. Malthus Ess. Princ. Population (new ed.) i. iv. 25 An exemplification of the obvious truth, that population cannot increase without the food to support it.
1865 G. Grote Plato I. ii. 379 Particular exemplifications of the Beautiful, substituted in place of the general concept.
1904 F. Rolfe Hadrian VII xx. 341 He [sc. Pythagoras] would appear to have been an exemplification of the phenomenon of bi-location.
1939 War Illustr. 28 Oct. 217/1 Germany is the modern exemplification of the ‘police state’ in action.
2015 Church Times 19 June 24/3 This fascinating book is a splendid exemplification of how enlightening reception-history approaches to the New Testament can be.


eˌxemplifiˈcational adj. of or relating to exemplification (sense 3).
the world > relative properties > kind or sort > individual character or quality > an individual case or instance > [adjective] > of or relating to exemplification
1826 J. Bentham in Westm. Rev. Oct. 498 Case to which the exemplificational [shape of a code] more particularly applies, that of an as yet only proposed code.
1968 N. Goodman Langs. of Art vi. v. 253 The fourth and final symptom of the aesthetic is the feature that distinguishes exemplificational from denotational systems.
2011 D. Davies Philos. of Performing Arts i. i. 15 This point is being made by means of the more obvious representational, expressive, and exemplificational properties that it articulates.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2016; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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