

单词 et cetera

et ceteran.

/ɛt ˈsɛtərə/
Forms: Also et cætera; often abbreviated as etc., &c.; also etcetera.
Etymology: < Latin et cētera (et and + cētera, often written cætera, the rest, neuter plural of *cēterus the other).
1. As phrase: And the rest, and so forth, and so on (cf. Greek καὶ τὰ λοιπά, German und so weiter), indicating that the statement refers not only to the things enumerated, but to others which may be inferred from analogy. Occasionally used when the conclusion of a quotation, a current formula of politeness, or the like, is omitted as being well known to the reader. Also Yours etc., used as an ending in letters. A custom formerly common, but now nearly disused except in certain government offices, is to write ‘&c., &c.’ in the addresses of letters, as a substitute for the titles of office or dignity affixed to the name of the person addressed.
1418 in F. J. Furnivall Fifty Earliest Eng. Wills (1882) 37 Also a gowne..in ward, &c.
a1450 Knt. de la Tour cxiii. 154 Not to foryete the countesse moder unto the erle et cetera.
1532 T. More Confut. Tyndale in Wks. 612/1 The woordes of saynt Paule, It is impossible that they whiche haue once been illumined, &c.
1640 in J. Rushworth Hist. Coll. III. ii. 1186 I A.B. do swear, That I do approve the Doctrine and Discipline..established in the Church of England..nor will I ever give my Consent to alter the Government of this Church by Archbishops, Bishops, Deans, and Archdeacons, &c.
1745 J. Elton Let. 7 Feb. in J. Hanway Hist. Acct. Brit. Trade Caspian Sea (1753) II. viii. 38 I beg you will not loose one single thought upon me. I am, &c.
1825–6 C. Dickens Lett. (1965) I. 1 Cheaper in comparison than a Leg. Yours &c C Dickens.
1860 All Year Round 17 Mar. 497 In the name of the indigent classes themselves..et cetera.
1920 F. W. Crofts Cask xi. 124 An unexpected call to England prevented me ordering this in person. Yours, etc., Leon Felix.
1970 Times 13 Nov. 11/4 He came..from Italy. Yours, &c., F. Bennett.
2. As n. Also plural etceteras n.
a. The phrase as a name for itself. Also attributive, as in Etcetera Oath, a form of oath which the convocation of 1640 attempted to impose on the English clergy: see quot. 1640 at sense 1.
the mind > language > linguistics > linguistic unit > phrase > [noun] > other specific types of phrase
et cetera1600
1600 W. Shakespeare Henry IV, Pt. 2 ii. iv. 181 Come we to ful points here? and are & cæteraes, no things?
1640 in J. Rushworth Hist. Coll.: Second Pt. (1721) II. 1206 This Clause is administer'd with an &c. which we conceive was never tendered in any Oath before now.
1640 Ld. Digby Speech 9 Nov. in J. Rushworth Hist. Coll.: Third Pt. (1721) I. 31 Besides the bottomless Perjury of an Et cætera.
1640 Sir J. Culpepper in J. Rushworth Hist. Coll.: Third Pt. (1721) I. 33 Besides the Et cætera Oath.
1656 P. Heylyn Extraneus Vapulans 208 I thought our Author had been such an enemy to all etcæteras, because of the mysterious import..which they carry with them.
1681 Humble Ess. Peace & Truth Church (fly-leaf) The Year 1640, when the Et cætera Oath was imposed.
1709 J. Addison Tatler No. 133. ⁋7 I have by me an elaborate Treatise on the Aposiopesis call'd an Et cætera.
1761 D. Hume Hist. Eng. III. liii. 147 An oath which contained an et cætera in the midst of it.
1853 G. Brimley Ess. (1858) viii. 293 Even then, a comprehensive etcætera would be needed for supernumeraries.
1898 Daily News 15 July 6/2 Colonial affairs..formed a sort of etcetera department of the War Office.
1900 Daily News 23 May 6/3 The nickname, Etcetera Department, sometimes given to the English Home Office.
b. as substitute for a suppressed substantive, generally a coarse or indelicate one. spec. (plural), trousers.
the world > textiles and clothing > clothing > types or styles of clothing > clothing for legs > clothing for legs and lower body > [noun] > trousers
et cetera1794
1597 W. Shakespeare Romeo & Juliet ii. i. 38 Ah that she were..An open Et cætera, thou a poprin Peare. View more context for this quotation
1611 R. Cotgrave Dict. French & Eng. Tongues at Bergamasque The (Italian) Bergamasks..buckle up their wiues &c. with a deuice like a trusse.
1643 E. Bowles Mysterie Iniquitie 43 It is concluded..betwixt the two Etcetera's, that a Cessation of armes..should bee agreed on.
1794 W. Scott Let. 5 Sept. (1932) I. 36 A pair of new boots & Buckskin &c's in which the soldier is to be equipt.
1843 J. R. Planché Fortunio i. i. 8 Hush! hush! for up I go, To put a light Silk pair of tight Etcæteras on below.
1937 E. Pound Fifth Decad Cantos xlii. 7 And how this people can in this the fifth et cetera year of the war, leave that old etcetera up There on that monument!
1942 J. Cary To be a Pilgrim xix. 36 ‘All the things you silly geese have muddled up till you don't know your etc. from an etc.’ A very coarse comparison, such as never before..had I used to a woman.
c. A number of unspecified things or persons.
1656 A. Cowley Misc. 23 in Poems A pretty Thomasine, And then another Katharine, And then a long Et cætera.
1746 Brit. Mag. 331 A Gardner, and a long &c. of Heroes fell for our Sakes.
1824 S. E. Ferrier Inheritance I. ix. 97 Milton, Spenser, and a long et cetera of illustrious names.
1868 M. Pattison Suggestions Acad. Organisation ii. 37 The powers..conferred on the Chancellors, including an etc. of consuetudinary privileges.
1891 N.E.D. at Et cetera Mod. Newspaper, There were present Messrs. A., B., C., &c.
d. plural only: Things usually included under the phrase etcetera; usual additions, extras, ‘sundries’.
1817 M. Keating Trav. I. 232 Various fanciful forms of puddings, forced meats, minced meats, and indescribable et-ceteras.
1839 C. Dickens Nicholas Nickleby xxvi. 255 Fifty guineas a-year without the et-ceteras.
1862 E. Johnston Gifts & Graces v. 62 The thousand little etceteras which had to be done the day before the move.
1884 Bazaar, Exchange & Mart 22 Dec. 664/2 These et-ceteras, by the by, must be much in the children's way.
3. as v. (cf. 2b).
1867 H. Kingsley Silcote lxi I am etcetera'd if I stand it.


Hence various whimsical nonce-words.
etˈceterarist n.
a1843 R. Southey Doctor (1847) VI. 71 The benevolent and erudite etcæterarist of Bealings.
etˈceteraize v.
1831 Fraser's Mag. 3 67 He..sowed his wild oats of course—soberized—etceteraized.
etˈceteraly adv.
1822 Blackwood's Edinb. Mag. 12 56 To write critically, scientifically..etceteraly.
This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1891; most recently modified version published online December 2021).




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