

单词 anglo-saxon


Brit. /ˌaŋɡləʊˈsaksn/, U.S. /ˌæŋɡloʊˈsæks(ə)n/
Forms: also occasionally with lower-case initial in the second element.
Origin: A borrowing from Latin. Etymon: Latin Anglo-Saxones.
Etymology: < post-classical Latin Anglo-Saxones the English people, sometimes (in British sources) apparently spec. the West Saxons together with the Mercians (860, a1010 in continental sources; from 10th cent. in British sources) < Anglo- , combining form of classical Latin Anglus (see Angle n.3) + post-classical Latin Saxones , plural of Saxon- , Saxo Saxon n.; compare the earlier collocation Angli Saxones , Saxones Angli , lit. ‘the English Saxons’, the English people, in contradistinction to the continental Saxons (8th cent. in a continental source). With use with reference to Old English compare earlier Saxon n. 2.In post-classical Latin Anglo-Saxones , Anglo- , combining form, is used adverbially, as in similar Latin and Greek compounds, e.g. classical Latin sacrōsanctus sacredly sanctioned (see sacrosanct adj.), Hellenistic Greek Ἰνδοσκυθία Indian Scythia, Scythia of the Indus (compare Indo-Scythian adj. at Indo- comb. form1 2), Hellenistic Greek Συροϕοῖνιξ , classical Latin Syrophoenix , Phoenician of Syria (see Syrophœnician n.). Compare also classical Latin Gallograecī (see Gallo-greeks n. at Gallo- comb. form1 1b). Post-classical Latin Anglo-Saxones , which had become rare after the Norman Conquest, was apparently revived in historical use by Camden (writing in Latin) in the late 16th cent.:1586 W. Camden Brit. 43 (running title) Anglo-Saxones.1607 W. Camden Brit. (rev. ed.) 94 Nunc..Anglo-Saxones ad differentiam eorum in Germania, vocatos.1607 W. Camden Brit. (rev. ed.) 128 Maiores nostri Anglo-Saxones Wittena-ge-mott, .i. Prudentum Conuentus..vocârunt.Compare earlier English-Saxon adj. Compare also earlier use of Angle-Saxon denoting Old English ( < Angle n.3 + Saxon n., after post-classical Latin Anglo-Saxones):1589 G. Puttenham Arte Eng. Poesie (new ed.) iii. iv. 120 I meane the speach..so is ours at this day the Norman English. Before the Conquest of the Normans it was the Anglesaxon, and before that the British. Compare Old English Angel-Seaxe (also Angol-Seaxe , Angul-Seaxe , Ongol-Seaxe ) the English people, sometimes apparently specifically the West Saxons together with the Mercians ( < Angel- , combining form (see Engle n.) + Seaxe Saxons (see Saxon n. and adj.)):OE Aldhelm 4 Þus me gesette..Ealdelm, æþele sceop, etiam fuit ipselos on æðel[e] Angolsexna, byscop on Bretene.lOE Royal Charter: Æðelstan to Holy Trinity, Winchester (Sawyer 427) in A. J. Robertson Anglo-Saxon Charters (1956) 48 Mid Godæs gifæ ic Æþelstan Ongolsaxna cyning & brytænwalda [L. rex et rector totius huius Britanniae insule] eallæs ðyses Iglandæs þurh Godæs sælene and ealra his halegra.lOE Royal Charter: Eadred to Ælfsige Hunlafing (Sawyer 566) in A. J. Robertson Anglo-Saxon Charters (1956) 56 He hafað geweorðad mid cynedome Angulseaxna Eadred cyning & casere totius Brittannię.The Old English word probably also served as the model for post-classical Latin Angel-Saxones (also Angul-Saxones) the English people, sometimes apparently specifically the West Saxons together with the Mercians (from end of 9th cent. in British sources); compare:?a899 Royal Charter: Ælfred to Bp. Denewulf of Winchester (Sawyer 354) in J. M. Kemble Codex Diplomaticus V. 134 Ego Ælfredus, gratia Dei, Angul-Saxonum rex. Compare French anglo-saxon, adjective (1664) and noun (1694 as a language name).
A. n.
a. Chiefly in plural. A member of the English-speaking people inhabiting England before the Norman Conquest.
the world > people > nations > native or inhabitant of Europe > British nation > English nation > [noun]
John Bull1748
Johnny Bull?1762
1602 J. Colville Parænese sig. aa By proces of tyme vhenas the Anglo-Saxons by meanis of the forsaid Palladius and vther holy Catholique preists var on the vay to be Christians thair king forsaid Osualdus send as sayis Baeda [etc.].
1610 P. Holland tr. W. Camden Brit. 127 (title) English Saxons; (marg. title) Anglo-Saxons.
1610 P. Holland tr. W. Camden Brit. 177 The Anglo-Saxons our ancestors termed it, Wittena-ge-mott, that is, An assembly of the wise.
1685 G. Mackenzie Def. Antiq. Royal Line Scotl. 193 He defers our Setling here, till the Year 503,..upon design to make our Settlement here, later then that of the Anglo-Saxons, who settl'd here in Anno 449.
1726 N. Tindal tr. P. Rapin de Thoyras Hist. Eng. (new ed.) I. i. 70 They were generally called Saxons, yet they had sometimes the compound Name of Anglo-Saxons given them.
1736 J. Thomson Britain: 4th Pt. Liberty 39 Ere, blood-cemented, Anglo-Saxons saw Egbert and Peace on one united Throne.
1767 T. Percy Ess. Anc. Minstrels 7 Much greater honours seem to have been heaped upon the northern scalds..than appear to have been paid to the minstrels and harpers of the Anglo-Saxons.
1846 T. Wright Ess. Middle Ages I. i. 2 Public attention..was first drawn to the writings of the Anglo-Saxons at the time of the reformation.
1867 E. A. Freeman Hist. Norman Conquest I. App. 608 I speak therefore of our forefathers, not as ‘Saxons’, or even as ‘Anglo-Saxons’, but as they spoke of themselves, as Englishmen.
1923 W. S. Holdsworth Hist. Eng. Law (rev. ed.) II. 36 The Anglo-Saxons, in common with other Germanic peoples, based their primitive organization upon the tie of kindred.
1999 Church Times 1 Oct. 14/3 The Anglo-Saxons borrowed the Latin words giant and devil.
2004 Jrnl. Mil. Hist. 68 375 The Anglo-Saxons held off their Norman opponents at Hastings.
b. In non-historical use: a person of English (or British) heritage or descent, or (more generally) of Germanic origin. Hence also: a white English-speaking person.
the world > people > ethnicities > Germanic people > ethnically English people > [noun] > person
1845 Milwaukie (Wisconsin Territory) Daily Sentinel 24 Oct. Generations of Anglo-Saxons should remember with mutual falicitations [sic], The Conquest of the White Flag; or, The Storming of Quebec.
1853 T. P. Thompson Audi Alteram Partem (1858) I. xv. 51 Sometimes they stand on the right and the necessity for the European to live by plunder; and sometimes..they concentrate their claim upon the Anglo-Saxon.
1904 J. Conrad Nostromo ii. vi. 180 It is part of the truth of things which hurts the—what do you call them?—the Anglo-Saxon's susceptibilities.
1946 Far Eastern Surv. 15 210/1 White Anglo-Saxons are the controlling group in the economic and political life of the country.
1996 Stars & Stripes 8 Sept. 14/2 But Dubrac is now mayor, and he and the other city fathers seem to have decided that if you cannot beat the Anglo-Saxons, you might as well join them.
c. In Israel: an English-speaking Jewish person; a Jewish person of English or English-speaking descent.
the mind > language > languages of the world > Indo-Hittite > [noun] > Indo-European > Germanic > English > one who speaks English
1951 S. G. Millin People S. Afr. 218 Ninety-nine per cent of the Jews of South Africa were Zionists..and, because their language was English, the other Israeli solemnly called them the ‘Anglo-Saxons’.
1972 H. Kemelman Monday Rabbi took Off xlvii. 275 The bunch of Anglo-Saxons and Yekkies that run Hadassah and your hospital, too, you call them real Israelis?
1987 Jrnl. Palestine Stud. 16 164/1 Among Jews considered Westerners are East Europeans, Germans, Frenchmen, Italians, ‘Anglo-Saxons’ from several parts of the English-speaking world, [etc.].
2007 Forward (Nexis) 20 Apr. (Arts & Culture section) b1 English-speaking Jews..are remade in Israel into Anglo-Saxons.
a. The English language as spoken before c1150; Old English.
the mind > language > languages of the world > Indo-Hittite > [noun] > Indo-European > Germanic > English > Old English
Old English1871
1678 G. Hickes Ravillac Redivivus 77 I confess I have a great veneration for our own and the Northern English language, upon the account of the Anglo-Saxon..to which they are so nearly ally'd.
1698 Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 20 445 The manuscripts..are written in these Languages, viz. Hebrew,..Malayan, Malabaric, Russian.., Anglo-Saxon, English, and one Book..of the Hieroglyphicks of Mexico.
1783 Bailey's Universal Etymol. Eng. Dict. (ed. 25) Anglosaxon, the Saxon language as it was spoken in England.
1876 H. Sweet Anglo-Saxon Reader xi The oldest stage of English before the Norman Conquest is now called ‘Old English,’ but the older name of ‘Anglo-Saxon’ is still very generally used.
1884 N.E.D. (at cited word) In this Dictionary, the language of England before 1100 is called, as a whole, ‘Old English’... Anglo-Saxon, when used, is restricted to the Saxon as distinguished from the Anglian dialects of Old English.
1955 R. Quirk & C. L. Wrenn Old Eng. Gram. 1 In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries the term Anglo-Saxon..was the commonest name for the language; but..it has gradually been replaced in the last hundred years by the more scientific term Old English.
2001 A. Frantzen in P. Pulsiano & E. Treharne Compan. Anglo-Saxon Lit. v. xxvi. 478 English literature was a popular topic and Anglo-Saxon was compulsory within it.
b. The English language, esp. considered as plain, forthright, unaffected, or crude. Hence: coarse, profane, or obscene language.
the mind > language > languages of the world > Indo-Hittite > [noun] > Indo-European > Germanic > English
Eng. Lang.1857
1866 J. C. Gregg Life in Army xv. 137 Occasionally a word of honest, hearty Anglo-Saxon, or a ‘bit of the brogue’, to remind you that you are not in Naples, but in New Orleans.
1872 H. A. Wise Seven Decades Union 141 He [sc. Senator Leigh of Virginia] was a purist in his Anglo-Saxon.
1917 in Amer. Speech (1929) 4 271 I like your stilted style best Jack. When you descend to the Anglo Saxon you get too much in dead earnest.
1927 Yale Rev. Jan. 414 Tell me what you forget and I will tell you what you are, says the psycho-analyst. But I can do this, too, and in plain Anglo-Saxon. The man who insists on telling me what he forgets is a fool.
1947 K. Malone in Word Study Oct. 2/2 In current speech Anglo-Saxon often means plain English. In this use, the word has Latin for antonym.
1999 Richmond (Virginia) Times Dispatch (Nexis) 28 Dec. f2 Pardon my Anglo-Saxon, but it's been one hell of a year.
B. adj.
a. Designating England and its English-speaking inhabitants before the Norman Conquest; of or belonging to these.
the world > people > ethnicities > Germanic people > ancient Germanic peoples > [adjective] > Saxons
West Saxona1387
East Saxon1606
1652 M. Nedham tr. J. Selden Of Dominion of Sea sig. Kkk In the later time of the Anglo-Saxon Empire [L. Anglo-saxonici imperii], the Norwegians or Danes..at length seized both this Isle and the Hebrides.
1726 N. Tindal tr. P. Rapin de Thoyras Hist. Eng. (new ed.) I. iii. 134 The Anglo-Saxon kings [Fr. les Princes Anglo-Saxons] were naturally very restless.
1784 J. Pinkerton Ess. Medals xix. 194 Was he ignorant that Sihtric was the Anglo-Saxon king of Northumberland?
1849 Gentleman's Mag. Mar. 263/1 The rise of the feudal proprietor in Anglo-Saxon England.
1874 Trans. Royal Hist. Soc. 3 115 The remnants of the Anglo-Saxon nobles and people.
1924 B. C. Williams in O. Henry Prize Stories of 1923 p. xv American writers have their origins among Anglo-Saxon scops, Celtic bards, French trouvères, Hebrew psalmists and historians.
1964 Church Hist. 33 3 The canons elected by local councils of Anglo-Saxon bishops.
1998 College Rev. 61 150 The centrality of this concept [sc. honour] in the Anglo-Saxon worldview can be recognized by the number of names by which it is known.
b. In non-historical use: designating people of English (or British) heritage or descent, or (more generally) of Germanic origin; of or relating to such people. Hence also: white and English-speaking.
the world > people > ethnicities > Germanic people > ethnically English people > [adjective]
1832 R. Choate in Deb. Congress 13 June 3515 The whole circle of the..arts, trades, and branches of manufacture, which characterize the..industry of the Anglo-Saxon race of men.
1837 Virginia Free Press 23 Feb. The negroes..pant to attend our soirees—to reach the boxes of the theatre, to sit in the same pews at Church, and be in fact on a perfect social level with the Anglo-Saxon race of this continent.
1855 T. B. Macaulay Hist. Eng. III. 143 The Puritan part of the Anglosaxon colony had little right to complain.
1875 W. James Coll. Ess. & Rev. (1920) 16 But the thing which to our Anglo-Saxon mind seems so outlandish is that crowds of dapper fellows, revelling in animal spirits and conscious strength, should enroll themselves in cold blood as his [sc. Schopenhauer's] permanent apostles.
1924 R. Graves Mock Beggar Hall 63 Yet commonsense, the Anglo-Saxon flair Seems weakest on its vaunted practical side.
1995 Daily Herald (Chicago) 20 Apr. v. 1/6 We have a couple of students who are Anglo-Saxon, a couple who are African-American.
a. Designating the Old English language; of or in Old English.
the mind > language > languages of the world > Indo-Hittite > [adjective] > Indo-European > Germanic > English > Old English
Old English?1566
a1675 J. Lightfoot Wks. (1684) App. xiv. xxiii The New Testament in Turkish, done by Mr. Seaman, is just now in the Press at Oxford: of which I have some sheets by me: as I have also of the old Gothic, and Anglo-Saxon Gospels, now Printed with a Glossary to them at Leyden.
1730 S. Taylor Hist. & Antiq. Harwich & Dovercourt 83/1 Guild is from the Anglo-Saxon Word Gild.
1790 A. Bicknell Grammatical Wreath ii. 9 The ancient Anglo-Saxon tongue..[makes] up the body or substance of the common or vulgar part of our present language.
1869 Amer. Naturalist 2 631 The old Anglo Saxon word, meaning to burn,..still adheres in the corn ‘brands’.
1890 Amer. Jrnl. Philol. 11 235 Short extracts, with literary notices and translations, of each poem in Anglo-Saxon literature.
1939 Amer. Speech 14 224 A valuable study of Anglo-Saxon word order.
1994 E. L. Doctorow Waterworks 148 I was put in mind of the great Anglo-Saxon poem Beowulf , written to instruct young sachems.
b. Designating the English language or English words, esp. as considered plain, forthright, or profane.
1850 Weekly Wisconsin (Milwaukee) 23 Jan. Within two or more centuries, Rio de Janeiro and Valparaiso will be the richest of cities in the forty United States, and will contend with each other which of the two speaks with the most purity the Anglo-Saxon tongue.
1859 S. Smith My Thirty Years out of Senate 10 The best and truest exposition of the peculiar Yankee dialect of the Anglo-Saxon language that there is extant.
1863 C. Lyell Geol. Evid. Antiq. Man xxiii. 466 Among the [Germans of Pennsylvania]..I found the newspapers full of terms half English and half German, and many an Anglo-Saxon word which had assumed a Teutonic dress, as ‘fencen’, to fence, instead of umzäunen.
1927 in Amer. Speech (1928) 3 376 Several Laborites were suspended in the House of Commons..to the accompaniment of..the hurling of bald Anglo-Saxon epithets traditionally classed as unparliamentary.
1958 Spectator 31 Jan. 133/2 The Bishop was reported in reputable newspapers as having said (and in more Anglo-Saxon terms) that he had been reliably informed of the truth of this fact.
2007 Scotl. on Sunday (Nexis) 12 Aug. 20 There is a sufficient number of choice Anglo-Saxon expressions if..you feel that terms such as tosser, pillock, numptie and eejit don't suffice.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2008; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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