

单词 above oneself

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above oneself


P1. above earth (also †mould): living, among the living, on earth; unburied. See also above ground adv. 2. Now rare.
a1200 MS Trin. Cambr. in R. Morris Old Eng. Homilies (1873) 2nd Ser. 195 (MED) Þe nes non abuuen eorðe him ilich on almesse.
a1400 (?a1350) Seege Troye (Egerton) (1927) l. 37 (MED) Þe king of Troye haþ..Þe feirest þing aboue moolde..a shepes skyn of golde.
a1425 (a1400) Prick of Conscience (Galba & Harl.) (1863) l. 849 (MED) His body, Yf it suld lang oboven erthe ly, It myght þe ayr swa corrumpud mak.
c1450 Alphabet of Tales (1905) II. 383 (MED) Þies iiij brethur war onone streken..& rotid abown erde.
?1614 G. Chapman tr. Homer Odysses i. 8 Diuine Vlysses, yet, abides not dead Aboue earth, nor beneath; nor buried In any seas, (as you did late conceiue).
1877 P. J. Bailey Festus (ed. 10) ix. 131 Meanwhile, be it ours to hie Unstayed by aught above earth, or beneath.
a1893 C. Sangster Edition Hitherto Uncollected Poems (1958) 198 The Sphinx is living, and not dead; No grotesque monster carved in stone, But soul and spirit, flesh and bone; Like nought above earth, or below.
1991 D. Gioia Gods of Winter 10 A lock of hair, a piece of an infant's birth cord, All that remains above earth of a first-born son.
P2. from (also †fro) above.
a. From heaven; from God.
a1325 (c1250) Gen. & Exod. (1968) l. 4001 Fro abuuen cam to him bi-neðen Word in herte, dat he sal queðen.
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) i. 3278 (MED) Unto Marie from above..His oghne Sone adoun he sente.
c1485 (c1300) Assumption of Virgin (Harl.) l. 386 (MED) Sone thu art hider y-come with thyn angelis, from a-bone.
1535 Bible (Coverdale) Gen. xlix. D Helped..wt blessynges of heauen from aboue, with blessinges of ye depe yt lyeth vnder.
1611 Bible (King James) James i. 17 Euery good gift and euery perfect gift is from aboue. View more context for this quotation
1794 A. Radcliffe Myst. of Udolpho I. ii. 53 We must ask support from above.
1840 G. S. Faber Primitive Doctr. Regeneration 38 A light from above had infused itself into my expiated..bosom.
1962 C. Ekwensi Burning Grass v. 40 ‘Allah be praised,’ said Jalla. ‘All prosperity is from above.’
2002 Philos. East & West 52 101 Here we have a Christology that starts from above, descends to the level of a human being, and ascends again to the divine plane.
b. From a higher position or level.
a1425 (a1400) Prick of Conscience (Galba & Harl.) (1863) l. 612 (MED) For he may se fra his body com, Bathe fra aboven and fra bynethe, Alkyn filthe with stynkand brethe.
a1500 (a1460) Towneley Plays (1897–1973) 27 (MED) All shal be fordone..with floodis that from abone shal fall.
1575 G. Turberville Bk. Faulconrie 241 The..moysture of the head distilling from aboue, vpon those breathing partes, and there encreased..breede difficultie of breathing.
1687 A. Lovell tr. J. de Thévenot Trav. into Levant i. 200 A neat Brazen Door..pierced through to let in light from above.
1720 Hist. Life & Adventures D. Campbell viii. 251 She..descended into that Room full of Company as a Miracle appearing in a Machine from above.
1834 Tait's Edinb. Mag. New Ser. 1 42/1 London rain,..a true right-lined, continuous, equable outpouring of water pellets from above.
1913 J. Conrad Chance i. 9 Pale shafts of light slant from above into the gloom of its chilly passages.
1998 HomePC Feb. 116/2 The arrangement gives you easy access to the slots from above.
c. From a superior authority; from a person or group of a higher rank or with greater power.rare before 20th cent.
1465 M. Paston in Paston Lett. & Papers (2004) I. 297 Ye shuld..haue a wrytte from a-bove for to delyuer yt.
1615 Earl of Exeter Let. 23 Aug. in Montagu Musters Bk. (1935) 125 I haue lately receiued letters from aboue, to make my repaire to the Court very shortly.
1655 H. L'Estrange Reign King Charles 54 It is..the perpetuall lot of those who are of choisest admission into Princes favours, to feel as strong reverberations of envie and ill will from beneath, as they do irradiations of grace and favour from above.
1904 Collier's 7 May 8/1 Everything emanates from above in the Land of the Bear.
1941 ‘G. Orwell’ Lion & Unicorn i. 15 The liberty to..choose your own amusements instead of having them chosen for you from above.
2006 Washington Post 14 Jan. b1/3 It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that Admiral Rempt is under intense pressure from above.
a. above all: beyond everything; first and foremost; chiefly.
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) Prol. 971 (MED) Division aboven alle Is thing which makth the world to falle.
c1400 (c1378) W. Langland Piers Plowman (Laud 581) (1869) B. x. l. 357 Þat is—loue þi lorde god leuest aboue alle.
a1425 (?a1400) G. Chaucer Romaunt Rose (Hunterian) (1891) l. 5750 Her hertis arn in grete distresse That folk lyue not holily But abouen all specialy Sich as prechen veynglorie.
1518 J. Colet Statuta Paulinae Scholae in J. H. Lupton Life Colet (1887) 277 The Maister shall..first se that they canne the cathechyzon... I will the Chyldren lerne ffirst aboue all the Cathechyzon in Englyshe.
1603 W. Shakespeare Hamlet i. iii. 78 This aboue all, to thy owne selfe be true.
1691 T. Beverley Thousand Years' Kingdom 7 Above all I persevere, that within the Six next Summers, viz. in 97, the Kingdom of Christ shall be in its Succession.
1796 J. Morse Amer. Universal Geogr. (new ed.) II. 568 Persia contains mines of..above all, turquoise stones.
1845 A. M. Hall Whiteboy I. v. 80 Irish improvements need perpetual refreshing, and, above all, Patience.
1903 H. James Ambassadors i. i. 4 Having, above all, for the moment, nobody and nothing to consider.
1993 P. O'Brian Wine-dark Sea i. 12 Stephen was well acquainted with him as a shipmate and above all as a patient.
b. above measure: beyond what can be measured or reckoned; beyond all limits; excessively. Now rare. beyond measure is now the more usual phrase.
a1439 J. Lydgate Fall of Princes (Bodl. 263) v. 2435 (MED) Outraious he was aboue mesure..Hatful also to eueri creature, And heuy born of worthi kynges thre.
1557 New Test. (Geneva) 2 Cor. x. 13 We wil not reioyce aboue measure.
1660 T. M. Walker's Hist. Independency IV. 56 The newes of this victory so fleshed our bloodhounds that they began to boast above measure.
1761 L. Sterne Life Tristram Shandy III. xxii. 112 When corporal Trim had brought his two mortars to bear, he was delighted with his handy-work above measure.
1871 ‘G. Eliot’ Middlemarch (1872) I. iii. 51 All the while being visited with conscientious questionings whether she were not exalting these poor doings above measure.
1950 Jrnl. Higher Educ. 21 461/2 I am sure that Chaucer, Hugo, Goethe, Cervantes, Dantes, and the rest would be rejoiced above measure to be allowed to speak to their audience without hindrance and not darkly through a fog of footnotes.
2002 J. Scodel Excess & Mean in Early Mod. Eng. Lit. vii. 216 Portraying Aristippus as the teacher of tippling ‘above measure’.
P4. above the law: (originally) having control over or responsibility for the laws of the land; (in later use) not subject to the rule of law; immune from prosecution, able to break the law with impunity (esp. as a result of corruption or abuse of power).
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) vii. l. 2719 (MED) His pouer [sc. a king's] stant above the lawe, To yive bothe and to withdrawe The forfet of a mannes lif.
a1450 (a1396) W. Hilton Eight Chapters on Perfection 14 (MED) Whanne he was aboue þe lawe as maker and ȝeuer of it, ȝit he made him buxum vndir þe lawe.
1586 G. Whetstone Eng. Myrror iii. i. 203 The king..is aboue the law, although many good kings suffer themselues to be gouerned by their good Lawes.
1639 G. Rivers Heroinæ 25 Nero..did perswade himselfe that an Emperour was above the Law, and must also bee without it.
1749 H. Fielding Tom Jones V. xv. vi. 240 A pretty civilised Nation truly, where Women are above the Law . View more context for this quotation
a1811 R. Cumberland Torrendal iii, in Posthumous Dramatick Wks. (1813) I. 334 When the culprit is above the law, A man's own spirit must be his avenger.
1850 R. W. Emerson Plato in Representative Men ii. 91 Let such be free of the city and above the law.
1973 Harper's Mag. Oct. 111 Apparently, in the eyes of one dazzled by his own celebrity,..superstardom puts a man above the law.
2002 Independent 10 Jan. i. 2/6 Gangs of youths roiling in his constituency, feeling themselves to be above the law.
P5. above and beyond: in addition to; far beyond; in excess of the expectations or demands of. Cf. over and above prep. 2.
1565 J. Hall tr. Lanfranc Most Excellent Woorke Chirurg. iv. ii. 39 Indeuoure thy selfe to worke, aboue and beyond that whiche thou findest wrytten in bokes, and especiallye in Algebra.
1665 J. Crowne Pandion & Amphigenia ii. 139 But above and beyond all his hopes and expectations, the King looks upon him with a smooth brow.
1793 A. Fuller Calvinistic & Socinian Syst. Examined & Compared xiii. 275 His subject raises him, raises him above and beyond himself.
1846 D. Corcoran Pickings 33 A prisoner whom we at once knew was above and beyond the ordinary class of lock-up prisoners.
1916 J. Joyce Portrait of Artist iii. 125 Let us try..to make this retreat in honour of St. Francis with our whole heart... But, above and beyond all, let this retreat be one to which you can look back in after years.
1996 J. Doran Red Doran 123 She..was always there to help us out in difficult times, above and beyond the call of duty.
P6. above bridge: (with reference to the Thames) upriver from London Bridge. Now historical and rare.
1611 T. Middleton & T. Dekker Roaring Girle sig. H2v Seb. Heere take this viall, runne vpon the guts, And end thy quarrell singing. Mol. Like a swan aboue bridge, For looke you heer's the bridge, and heere am I.
1660 Don Samuel Crispe xiii. sig. C3v He intended tomorrow to wait on her, to the Castle of Sir—Admiral of Thamesis above Bridge.
1701 G. Parker Double Ephemeris sig. A2 Below Bridge the Water Ebbs 7 Hours and flows 5. Above Bridge it ebbs 8 Hours and flows 4, according to the Water-men's Observations.
1766 Public Advertiser 12 Feb. The River has been so much froze as to stop the Navigation above Bridge.
1816 Morning Post 22 Aug. The two above-bridge extra men were—John Fenton…Whitehall. Charles Smith…Arundel-stairs.
1863 Rep. Sel. Comm. Thames Conservancy p. xviii, in Parl. Papers (H.C. 454) XII. 1 Some improvements have been made about Teddington Lock, but the rest of the river above bridge seems still to merit..the censure of the official engineer.
1906 G. R. Sims Living London (rev. ed.) II. 243/1 The pleasures and sports of the Thames are principally above bridge; the business part lies below.
1998 D. Pool What Jane Austen ate & Charles Dickens Knew (new ed.) 16 From the standpoint of the riverfront, London Bridge really marked the entrance to the city; indeed, directions on the river were frequently given with reference to it as ‘above bridge’ or ‘below bridge’.
P7. above one's head: beyond one's comprehension or intellectual capacity. Cf. over a person’s head (head n.1 Phrases 1k(e)).
1655 F. Osborne Advice to Son iv. 108 If he found his side worsted, he had the dexterous sagacity to mount the Argument above the Heads of the major part.
1804 F. Ames Wks. (1809) 283 The body of the people, who cannot feel a spirit of rivalship towards those, whom they see elevated by nature and education so far above their heads, are more equitable, and..more intelligent judges.
1865 E. C. Gaskell Cousin Phillis iii. 76 Mr. Holdsworth..often talked above her head in intellectual matters.
1914 J. Joyce Dubliners 221 He was undecided about the lines from Robert Browning for he feared they would be above the heads of his hearers.
1995 K. Atkinson Behind Scenes at Museum (1996) ii. 58 Lillian took him to a meeting at the Educational Settlement but it was a bit above his head.
a. above one's station: higher than one's social position allows, merits, or warrants; beyond what is permitted or due to one by rank, age, ability, etc. Cf. station n. 12a.
a1682 Sir T. Browne Christian Morals (1716) i. 30 If our merits be above our Stations..our intrinsecal Value be greater than what we go for.
1762 O. Goldsmith Citizen of World II. 114 His wishes now rise one step above his station;..his prospects widen as he ascends.
1776 E. Gibbon Decline & Fall I. iv. 91 Maternus, a private soldier, of a daring boldness above his station, collected these bands of robbers into a little army.
1816 W. Scott Antiquary III. iii. 64 She brought me up abune my station.
1893 A. Conan Doyle Musgrave Ritual in Strand Mag. May 483/1 I've always been proud above my station in life, and disgrace would kill me.
1926 H. Keyserling Bk. Marriage iii. 288 Each person should attempt, if possible, to marry above his station.
2005 Church Times 12 Aug. 22/2 Someone who expresses cultural ambition above their station by wearing cheap, trendy clothes and jewellery.
b. ideas above one's station: ambitions or pretensions beyond what is expected or usual for one's social position, rank, etc. (usually impractical or undesirable ones).
1795 Short State Charity Schools St. Giles in Fields 4 Nothing unnecessary, or tending to instil Ideas above their Station, is provided for the Boys.
1853 R. B. Brough & W. Brough Second Calender ii. i. 26 And then she's got ideas above her station, Through having had a fairy education.
1998 S. Waters Tipping Velvet i. 16 It might give Nancy ideas above her station... We couldn't have that.
2001 S. Brett Death on Downs (2002) xxxii. 207 Like the other residents of the village, she was very quickly condemning Pauline Helling for having ideas above her station.
P9. above oneself.
a. Self-important, arrogant, presumptuous; having too high an opinion of oneself or of one's abilities; overly ambitious. Chiefly in to get above oneself.
1823 European Mag. & London Rev. Dec. 522/2 Dolly..was so highly puffed that Master Caxon's widow could not help thinking that the girl was getting above herself.
1845 F. Douglass Narr. Life F. Douglass x. 79 Does he ever venture to suggest a different mode of doing things from that pointed out by his master? He is indeed presumptuous, and getting above himself.
1915 W. S. Maugham Of Human Bondage cxi. 585 Once or twice he spoke sharply to Philip; he thought the young man was getting a bit above himself.
1928 Story-teller Mar. 895 ‘You're a bit above yourself, my dear,’ she said. ‘You're only a little girl.’
2001 P. Duncan Moon Women ii. 47 Ruth Ann and the rest of them had thought Cassandra was getting above herself, taking that office job when she got out of high school.
b. Horse Riding. Of a horse: overfed and under-exercised; not having undergone full training for a race. In extended use (of a person): in a heightened physical or mental state; in a state of extreme high spirits.
the world > animals > mammals > group Ungulata (hoofed) > family Equidae (general equines) > temperament > [adverb] > not having had sufficient training or exercise
above oneself1842
the mind > emotion > excitement > [adverb] > in a state of excitement
full scent1614
atop of the house?1651
above oneself1890
1842 ‘Nimrod’ Horse & Hound 115 Ladies' horses..should not be too highly fed; and, if at all above themselves, should be ridden by a careful servant.
1856 G. J. Whyte-Melville Kate Coventry xv They were, what is termed in stable language, very much above themselves.
1890 R. Kipling From Sea to Sea (1899) I. 455 I have..seen more decent men above or below themselves with drink, than I care to think about.
1898 Daily News 20 June 7/2 At Ascot, horses that are a little above themselves, as it is termed, always show to more advantage than the fine-drawn class.
1937 V. Woolf Years 282 He was a little flushed, a little, as nurses used to say, ‘above himself’.
2003 Sportsman (Nexis) 20 June 48 He was above himself and the run will have done him good.
P10. colloquial and English regional. above a bit: exceedingly, to a great degree.
1827 W. Hone Table Bk. I. 76 The little lads..think it must have hurt him ‘above a bit!’
1848 E. C. Gaskell Mary Barton I. ix 158 I loved her above a bit.
1876 ‘P. Pyper’ Mr. Gray & Neighbours II. 138 There's some on 'em..is gruntling over it above a bit.
1918 Punch 27 Mar. 206/1 Her funnel's caked with Cape Horn ice and blistered in the sun, She's moseyed round above a bit, and, poor old ship, she's done.
2003 A. Garner Thursbitch (2004) 93 ‘Now then, Father.’ ‘Yon was a tragwallet [= journey] and a bit.’ ‘Above a bit. But it made a mighty penny.’
extracted from aboveadv.prep.n.adj.
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