

单词 earth-wall

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(a) With the sense ‘made of soil or earth’, as earth-bank, earth-bottom, earth-mound, earth-wall, etc.
eOE tr. Bede Eccl. Hist. (Tanner) iv. xxix. 366 Þa gesohte he him nearo wic & wununesse, ond þa mid dice & mid eorðwealle [L. aggere] utan ymbsealde & gefæstnode.
OE Beowulf (2008) 2957 Gewat him ða se goda mid his gædelingum, frod felageomor fæsten secean..; beah eft þonan eald under eorðweall.
1175 in W. H. Stevenson Rep. MSS Ld. Middleton (1911) 12 In altera erþmerche del est de Serdebege ubi marlere exstat.
a1475 in A. Clark Eng. Reg. Godstow Nunnery (1906) ii. 506 To repaire and hold vp the erthe walles.
a1522 G. Douglas tr. Virgil Æneid (1959) vii. iii. l. 25 Hys first mansioun..With turettis, fowsy and erd dikis ilk deill.
c1600 (?c1395) Pierce Ploughman's Crede (Trin. Cambr. R.3.15) l. 157 Swich a bild bold, y-buld opon erþe heiȝte.
1610 P. Holland tr. W. Camden Brit. ii. 793 Doth not Bede write in plaine tearmes, after he had spoken of the Earth-wall, at Abercuruing in Scotland, that a wall was reared of strong stone where Severus had made his of turfe?
1706 tr. E. Y. Ides Three Years Trav. Moscow to China x. 55 The Naunda is very broad, provided with high Sand and Earth banks on each side.
1764 Skeffling Inclosure Act 9 The earth-bank, or breast-work..against the river.
1875 R. W. Emerson Immortality in Wks. (1906) III. 280 The Pyramids..and cromlechs and earth-mounds much older.
1883 F. G. Heath in Cent. Mag. Dec. 169/1 Over the original earth-bottom of the cave is a bed or layer of considerable thickness.
1884 H. R. Haweis in Longman's Mag. Dec. 191 The earth-envelope of mind is not the measure of mind.
1923 D. H. Lawrence Birds, Beasts & Flowers (N.Y. ed.) 103 A snake came to my water-trough... He reached down from a fissure in the earth-wall in the gloom.
1956 S. H. Bell Erin's Orange Lily ix. 136 One old man..remembered when the earth floors of the ruins around his house were polished by the traffic of feet.
2001 S. Roaf et al. Ecohouse (2002) vi. 132 It has been shown that judicious placing of earth banks around houses can cause fires to jump buildings.
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