

单词 drawn


Brit. /drɔːn/, U.S. /drɔn/, /drɑn/
Forms: see draw v.
Origin: Formed within English, by conversion. Etymons: English drawn , draw v.
Etymology: < drawn, past participle of draw v.
1. Of a sword, firearm, or other weapon: pulled from its sheath, holster, etc., in readiness for use; (of a sword or similar weapon) unsheathed, naked. Also of a person: †having drawn his or her sword, dagger, etc. (obsolete).
society > armed hostility > military equipment > operation and use of weapons > cut of sharp weapon > cut or thrust with sword > [adjective] > drawn
society > armed hostility > military equipment > arming or equipping with weapons > [adjective] > with sword > with drawn sword
c1175 Ormulum (Burchfield transcript) l. 16284 Þatt draȝhenn swerd wass inn an hannd.
c1330 (?a1300) Sir Tristrem (1886) l. 2530 Bitven hem þer lay A drawen swerd wel briȝt.
c1390 Charter Abbey Holy Ghost (Vernon) in C. Horstmann Yorkshire Writers (1895) I. 358 (MED) Muche folk comen þere wiþ liȝt lanternes and drawen swerdes.
c1400 Brut (Rawl. B. 171) 199 Robert the Brus pursuede him wiþ a drawen [?a1425 Trin. Dublin draw] sworde.
1579 T. North tr. Plutarch Liues 872 He put on his coate, and vnripping it on the right shoulder, went out of the house with his sword drawen in his hand.
1600 W. Shakespeare Midsummer Night's Dream iii. ii. 403 Lys. Where art thou?.. Rob. Here villaine, drawne & ready.
1704 W. M. Female Wits ii. 25 How Sir! my Sword in the Scabbard, and your's drawn!
1785 G. Forster tr. A. Sparrman Voy. Cape Good Hope I. ii. iv. 56 I laid myself down to sleep, with a drawn knife under my pillow.
1812 Literary Panorama May 923 We..sat on our saddles with swords drawn, and carbines ready, waiting for day-break.
1855 U.S. Rev. Aug. 118 He immediately put himself in an attitude of defense, and observing Bowie with a drawn pistol, shot him.
1924 Woman's World (Chicago) Oct. 5/3 Through their pages we can..swashbuckle down the centuries with drawn cutlass and smoking pistol.
1979 L. Simpson Stud. D. Thomas, A. Ginsberg, S. Plath, & R. Lowell (1978) 57 The police gave chase with drawn guns.
2001 C. B. Janeway tr. S. Márai Embers v. 53 The Bavarian came at me with his drawn sword and started lunging and feinting in all directions like a lunatic.
2. Extracted, subjected to a process of extraction; spec. †passed through a strainer (obsolete); blended or mixed to form a paste or liquid; (of tea) infused.See also cold-drawn adj.
the world > food and drink > food > food manufacture and preparation > preparation for table or cooking > general preparation processes > [adjective] > strained
a1425 (a1399) Forme of Cury (BL Add.) 4 in C. B. Hieatt & S. Butler Curye on Inglysch (1985) 98 For to make drawen benes..seeþ hem, and grynde hem in a morter, and drawe hem vp with gode broth; & do oynouns in the broth grete mynced.
a1450 in T. Austin Two 15th-cent. Cookery-bks. (1888) 42 (MED) Take þe drawyn Eyroun.
1543 B. Traheron Interpr. Straunge Wordes in tr. J. de Vigo Most Excellent Wks. Chirurg. sig. ζζ.iiiv The retentiue vertue is ye whyche retayneth the drawen iuyce.
1747 H. Glasse Art of Cookery ii. 25 Have a little good drawn Gravy in a Bason.
1806 J. Beresford Miseries Human Life I. vii. 151 Drawn, vapid, cold tea.
1889 C. Peters Girl's Own Outdoor Bk. 223 Take one pint of the drawn juice of red currants.
1910 Amer. Jrnl. Physiol. 36 392 When a cyanide is added to drawn blood outside the body, a bright red color is at once produced.
2019 C. P. Gooneratne et al. Instruments, Measurem. Princ., & Communication Technol. for Downhole Drilling Environments (e-book ed.) ii. 32 A probe was inserted to draw out fluids, and the drawn fluid samples were usually highly contaminated.
3. Of wire, glass, textile fibre, etc.: moulded or attenuated by drawing; made or formed by drawing (in various technical senses; see draw v. 41).
1517 S. Hawes Pastime of Pleasure (1928) xviii. 80 Her heer was bryght, as the drawen wyre.
1606 H. Peacham Art of Drawing 69 Lay with every bed of your wrought and drawn glass one of the said pieces, which are called watches.
1796 J. Wilson Tables Strength Spirituous Liquors i. 24 The quicksilver appears to the eye as a fine drawn wire of pure silver.
1826 Lancet 30 Dec. 405/1 The principal difference..consists in the substitution of a finely drawn lead wire for the ordinary ligatures.
1872 A. Carey Threads of Knowl. 15 This combing out and drawing through between rollers is repeated several times, and each time the band is doubled and redoubled, till the drawn flax is a perfectly smooth, flat, glossy band.
1930 Engineering 12 Dec. 755/3 Fourcault took out his first patents in 1904, and in 1913 a machine produced a substantial quantity of drawn sheet glass at the factory at Damprémy.
1946 Nature 28 Dec. 930/1 X-ray examination of the cold-drawn fibres shows that the crystals have become orientated in a direction parallel to the fibre axis.
1962 Gloss. Terms Glass Ind. (B.S.I.) 31 Drawn glass, glass, usually in sheet form, made by a continuous mechanical drawing operation.
2001 O. Sacks Uncle Tungsten v. 51 All this was put together: finely drawn tungsten wire, tightly coiled helices, in a bulb filled with argon.
4. Produced by drawing or making lines or marks with a pencil, pen, or other implement. Also: portrayed or depicted through words. Chiefly with modifying word, or as the second element in compounds.See also hand-drawn adj. 2, well-drawn adj. 1b.
society > communication > representation > a plastic or graphic representation > graphic representation > drawing lines > [adjective] > traced (as a line)
?a1560 L. Digges Geom. Pract.: Pantometria (1571) i. xxvi. sig. H ij v Making so many Diuisions in your drawne line, as there are Miles.
1574 E. Hellowes tr. A. de Guevara Familiar Epist. 72 Much difference is betwixt the drawen plat, & the builded house.
a1658 J. Durham Dying Man's Test. (1659) iv. ix. 351 It habituateth men to think themselves not of one body..and so becometh a drawn line of division.
1792 Crit. Rev. May 99 Unfortunately this nicely drawn character is not sufficiently brought forward by events.
1895 Athenæum 18 May 648/3 Deftly drawn studies of birds.
1947 Life 22 Dec. 78 An ossuary whose sides bore rough, charcoal-drawn crosses.
2008 T. Bianchini R U Listenin'? i. 20 Many [prisoners] had badly-drawn tattoos on their arms.
a. Dragged; hauled; pulled; (of the string of a bow and arrow) pulled back.Often as the second element in compounds; see also hand-drawn adj. 1, horse-drawn adj., ox-drawn adj., etc.
the world > movement > impelling or driving > pushing and pulling > [adjective] > relating to or used in pulling > pulled
1565 A. Golding tr. Ovid Fyrst Fower Bks. Metamorphosis i. sig. B.iiv Even lyke too marble images, new drawen and rowghly wrought, Before the keruer by his art too purpose hath them brought.
1659 T. Porter Compend. View World 112 The parable..of the drawn net cast into the sea.
1768 Gentleman's Mag. Oct. 482/2 Two archers stand one on each side of the King, holding a drawn bow as going to shoot.
1855 J. L. Motley Rise Dutch Republic (1856) I. 23 The family became..as contemptible as the ox-drawn, long-haired ‘do-nothings’ whom it had expelled.
1867 Sci. Amer. 9 Nov. 293/1 An Improved Skating Chair... For the conveyance of children, feeble persons, or ladies, it may be used either as a drawn sled or a pushed chair.
1918 Live Stock Jrnl. 4 Jan. 4/2 The regimental field trains..must be animal-drawn.
2014 J. Watkins Fund. Biomechanics Sport & Exercise vi. 162 The arrow separates from the bowstring with a kinetic energy equivalent to the strain energy stored in the drawn bow.
b. Of a curtain or curtains, a blind, etc.: pulled closed.
1612 O. Gibbons First Set Madrigals & Mottets Cantus sig. Cv Our graues..that hide vs from the searching Sun, Are like drawne curtaynes when the play is done.
1648 T. Gage Eng.-Amer. xii. 64 Ventured himselfe in a Coach with drawne curtaines.
1768 G. Baretti Acct. Manners & Customs Italy II. xxi. 105 A drawn curtain hinders him from being an involuntary spectator.
1899 Harper's New Monthly Mag. Feb. 469/1 Her red lips and bright eyes smiled out at him mysteriously through a drawn veil.
1910 H. A. Vachell Blinds Down ii. ix. 251 I walked back through Hog Lane, and saw the drawn blinds.
2000 P. Cornwell Last Precinct (2001) 43 I can tell through drawn curtains that the sun is aloof again, offering nothing but gray.
6. Attracted; drawn in; esp. (of breath, air, etc.) sucked in; inhaled.The sense of quot. 1598 is unclear: ‘drawn from cover’ and ‘eviscerated’ have both been suggested.
the world > life > the body > respiratory organs > breathing > inhalation > [adjective]
the world > movement > motion in a certain direction > movement towards a thing, person, or position > [adjective] > drawing towards or attracting > attracted by a physical force
1590 J. Hester tr. J. Du Chesne Sclopotarie 74 Sulphurie metaline, & venomous stinckes..by whose smell and drawne breath..they be almost strangled that come into the dennes of those Cyclops.
1598 W. Shakespeare Henry IV, Pt. 1 iii. iii. 117 Theres..no more truth in thee then in a drawn fox. View more context for this quotation
1788 M. Wollstonecraft Mary vii. 47 Her father's unequal breathing alarmed her, when she heard a long drawn breath, she feared it was his breath.
1826 D. B. Balch Christianity & Lit. vi. 179 A Being..whose glory burns bright in the central points of the universe, attracting the deep drawn gaze of every holy creature.
1973 Bull. from Ecol. Res. Comm. 18 184 A sticky surface..is placed vertically to the current of the drawn air.
2013 L. Parkin Magic Words viii. 287 Realising just how magical every instant is, every drawn breath, every thought.
7. Of a match or contest: having ended without an outright winner; that is a draw (draw n. 19).The more usual term in North America is tied.
society > society and the community > dissent > competition or rivalry > [adjective] > types of competition
neck and neck1828
society > armed hostility > armed encounter > [adjective] > relating to battles > undecided
society > leisure > sport > winning, losing, or scoring > [adjective] > draw
1610 D. Carleton Let. 17 June in R. F. Williams Birch's Court & Times James I (1848) (modernized text) I. 115 It concluded, as it is many times in a cock pit, with a drawn match; for nothing was in the end put to the question.
1647 N. Bacon Hist. Disc. Govt. 320 A drawn battaile, wherein he that continueth last in the field is glad to be gone away.
1709 R. Steele Tatler No. 18. ⁋6 Our greatest Captains have been glad to come off with a drawn Battle.
1750 Kentish Post 19 Sept. Yesterday was played in the Artillery Ground, the Second Match at Cricket, Five on a Side, which prov'd a drawn one.
1790 ‘A. D. Philidor’ Chess Analysed II. 90 In this position it is a drawn game.
1852 Era 22 Aug. 5/4 The match [i.e. of cricket]..was resumed on Tuesday, and brought to an untimely end on Wednesday, by a visitation of rain... This, therefore, adds another to the long list of ‘drawn’ matches this season.
1890 D. D. Bone Sc. Football Reminisc. & Sketches ix. 84 The celebrated Scotch club and the Wanderers..played a drawn game [of association football] with no goals on either side.
1920 Whitstable Times 11 Sept. 6/2 With a drawn match at Nottingham on Wednesday Kent brought an eventful season to a close.
1946 Derby Evening Tel. 9 Jan. 8/2 The Leicester City outside-right..was injured during the drawn first ‘leg’ at Stamford Bridge.
2010 Daily Disp. (S. Afr.) (Nexis) 6 Oct. Saturday's clash against Mbang is a rematch of the drawn contest between the two fighters..almost three years ago.
8. With preceding adverb. Of a distinction, comparison, argument, etc.: that has been devised, formulated, or framed in a specified manner. Of a conclusion, inference, etc.: that has been deduced in a specified manner.Recorded earliest in fine-drawn adj. 2.
1681 T. Rymer Gen. Draught Governm. Europe 3 Their [sc. Municipal Lawyers] small niceties, and their subtleties, and their inferences, are too fine drawn to bear or support a matter of this weight and circumference.
1877 Brit. Architect & North. Engineer 2 Feb. 76/2 Causes..much more attributable to physical circumstances..than to any moral conditions or far-drawn conclusions of an ethical character.
1891 Pennsylvania State Rep, 138 478 The ingeniously and cunningly drawn point of the defendant, left out the material fact of the agreement.
1920 Good Roads 8 Dec. 272/1 To point out the risk of forming unsound conclusions from superficially drawn comparisons.
2011 Econ. & Polit. Weekly (Nexis) 17 Dec. The administrative capacity to make finely drawn distinctions between core banking sectors and purely speculative activities.
9. Of an animal, esp. a fowl: having the viscera removed before cooking.
the world > health and disease > ill health > injury > maiming or mutilation > [adjective] > disembowelled
1723 E. Ward Wandering Spy: Pt. I (ed. 3) 13 He greases o'er the Skin, With Fat of some drawn Fowl.
1894 Agric. Sci. 8 33 In 7 days, the drawn turkey emitted an unpleasant odor.
1951 Rep. 36th National Conf. Weights & Meas. (U.S. Dept. of Commerce) 80 To make the total average price of the drawn chicken equal to the total average price of the dressed chicken.
2003 T. Jones Culinary Calculations iv. 88 A drawn fish can be cooked and served, as is.
10. Botany. Of seedlings, plants, or their stems: grown too long or tall and thin, typically as a result of trying to reach upwards under conditions of overcrowding or inadequate light.
1730 J. Cowell Curious & Profitable Gardener i. iv. 92 If they [sc. Espaliers] are too High, the Plants near them will be drawn and grow weak.
1847 R. Fortune Three Years' Wanderings China xvil. 307 The varieties of both wheat and barley are far inferior to ours; and as the Chinese sow them too thickly, there are generally much drawn, and the heads and corn small.
1880 W. J. May Greenhouse Managem. 142 The plants are kept as near the glass as possible, so that they do not become drawn.
1900 B. D. Jackson Gloss. Bot. Terms 82/1 Drawn, applied to attenuated shoots, diminished and etiolated, often increased in length.
1962 Listener 26 Apr. 750/1 Do not let the seedlings become weak and drawn.
2002 J. Larkcom Grow your own Veg. (new ed.) v. 86 The seedlings will become drawn and spindly as they strain towards the light.
11. Needlework. Of fabric: gathered or shirred. Of an item of clothing, esp. a bonnet: made with or featuring gathered or shirred fabric. Now chiefly historical.
the world > textiles and clothing > textiles > textile fabric or an article of textile fabric > sewn or ornamented textile fabric > [adjective] > gathered
bunched up, out1883
1736 S.-Carolina Gaz. 29 May Fine cambricks drawn for working, silk in grain drawn, pockets, small trimmings in silk and silver.
1830 in A. Adburgham Shops & Shopping (1964) iv. 38 (advt.) Whalebone drawn bonnets.
1893 Queen 18 Feb. 265/3 Spring Walking Dress in pearl-grey... Full sleeves to the elbow, whence tight gauntlets in bands of velvet and satin, with embroidery, meet a lisse drawn cuff.
1903 Country Life 13 June p. lxii/1 The picture hat..will be rampant, particularly in plissé Valenciennes lace, embroidered lawn, and drawn tulle.
2007 Star News (Wilmington, N. Carolina) (Nexis) 28 Jan. 1 She sells handmade dresses, drawn bonnets and spoon bonnets through her business.
12. Of a person's lips: drawn tight, contracted; (of a person's face or facial features) appearing thin or strained, esp. from the effects of illness, tiredness, or worry; (of a person) having such an appearance.In quot. 1813 in full-drawn: (of a person's lip) drawn tight or curled in an expression of contempt or scorn.
the world > health and disease > ill health > pain > [adjective] > of the face: tense with pain
1813 W. Scott Rokeby i. viii. 12 The full-drawn lip that upward curled.
1848 London Pioneer 6 Apr. 811/3 A low, dull moaning proceeded from the white drawn lips.
1879 E. K. Bates Egyptian Bonds I. vi. 130 With a white, ‘drawn’ look of pain on her face.
1917 Boy's Life May 61/1 His face was drawn and haggard.
1970 Life 11 Sept. 53/1 He lay in his bed at Georgetown Hospital, looking so drawn and tired.
2012 Guardian (Nexis) 23 June 16 We see the tense stillness of the face, the drawn lips.


C1. With adverbs, forming adjectives corresponding to specialized constructions of draw v.See also drawn-out adj.
drawn-up adj. that has been drawn up (in various senses).
1836 J. H. Ingraham Lafitte: Pirate of Gulf II. iii. iii. 60 With muscular arms, whose sinews, exposed by the drawn up sleeve, showed in relief out from the surface like whip-cords.
1880 C. R. Markham Peruvian Bark 247 Tall, drawn-up saplings.
1926 J. M. March Wild Party (1928) ii. x. 92 She lay with drawn-up knees In a heliotrope chemise.
2010 Jewish Chron. 15 Oct. 6/3 Under last year's hastily drawn-up rules, attendance on High Holy Days and other services counted towards entry qualification.
drawn-in adj. (a) that is or has been drawn in (in various senses); (b) (of a rug or mat) made of small lengths of material pulled through a woven fabric foundation; hooked (see hooked adj. Compounds) (now somewhat rare).
1836 Sheffield Independent 8 Oct. The drawn-in upper lip marks a man who will not enjoy much.
1872 Independent 13 June 3/2 She did put one side her best ‘drawn in’ mat, upon which was represented an impossible cat.
1894 A. B. Gomme Trad. Games I. 71 (heading) The thrust-out leg was drawn back and the drawn-in leg was shot out at the same time.
1921 Ladies' Home Jrnl. Oct. 30/3 The burlap, the foundation of these ‘drawn-in’ rugs, is then tacked down or sewed tightly to the frame.
2001 C. Whitehead John Henry Days v. 353 The postage stamp. This version is full color, blown up, bordered by drawn-in perforations for effect.
drawn-on adj. (a) (Bookbinding) (of a book cover) that is glued on to a sewn block of pages. (b) that has been produced by drawing on something with a pencil, pen, or other implement.
1925 How to use Typothetae Average Production Rec. (United Typothetae of Amer.) 17/2 This book is side-wire stitched with two wires, and has a drawn-on cover.
1940 Chambers's Techn. Dict. 265/2 Drawn on, said of a book cover which is attached by gluing down the back; if the end-papers are pasted down it is said to be drawn on solid.
1998 D. Boehm tr. A. Takagi Tattoo Murder Case 313 You probably wouldn't be able to tell the drawn-on tattoos from the real thing.
2003 Printing World 7 July 17 The cover was gloss laminated and the brochure thread sewn with a drawn-on cover.
drawn butter n. chiefly North American in later use melted or (sometimes) clarified butter, served esp. as a sauce with seafood.
the world > food and drink > food > dairy produce > butter > [noun] > types of butter
clarified butter1562
grass butter1648
green butter1654
drawn butter1661
cacao butter1662
orange butter1696
rowen butter1725
fairy butter1747
Cambridge butter1830
black jack1858
maître d'hôtel butter1861
Normandy butter1868
creamery butter1881
pound butter1888
renovated butter1888
process butter1898
pool butter1940
garlic butter1942
yak butter1962
1661 W. Rabisha Whole Body Cookery 33 Season it with Sugar and Rose-water when it is enough, and put to it a little drawn Butter.
a1739 E. Kidder Receipts Pastry & Cookery (?1740) p. A.2 For Fish Pyes. Take..Anchovies & drawn butter.
1826 in Doc. Hist. Amer. Industr. Soc. N.Y. (1910) I. 299 Cod fish and potatoes, with drawn butter and eggs.
1979 Tucson (Arizona) Mag. Apr. 80/2 Served with three dips (drawn butter, tartar, and a tomato-based cocktail sauce).
2003 Vancouver Summer 59/1 Dungeness crab with drawn butter.
drawn-thread adj. (used attributively) designating a type of embroidery in which some of the threads of warp or weft are drawn out to create patterns of openings or holes (with or without subsequent needlework); of, relating to, or featuring such embroidery; frequently in drawn-thread work; cf. drawnwork n.
1879 Myra's Jrnl. Dress & Fashion Sept. (Paris Patterns & Models Suppl.) 3/3 These bands are from three to five inches in width, with a hem nearly an inch wide on each side, and drawn thread work forming a wide hem-stitched ornament.
1895 Daily News 23 Sept. 5/3 Beautiful drawn-thread table linen.
1928 Daily Express 27 July 5/3 Kashajouraia..has an openwork drawn-thread design in kasha jersey.
2018 @ftcasey 7 July in twitter.com (accessed 17 Apr. 2019) Beautiful drawnthread work and crochet pieces on display.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2022).




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