

单词 do well

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to do (a person) well
(a) colloquial. to do (a person) well: to provide food, lodgings, or entertainment for; to treat or entertain (a person) liberally; (reflexive) to make liberal provision for one's own material comfort.
1792 Minutes Evid. House of Lords:Trade to Afr. 152 They have said, ‘No, you do me well;’ which is as much as to say, you treat me well; ‘You give me plenty to eat, plenty to drink.’
1871 Temple Bar May 466 His person was of aldermanic proportions, and went to prove that ‘he did himself well’ every day of the year.
1897 Punch 23 Oct. 185/1 The nightmare of an artist who does himself not wisely but far too well, at an unnecessary supper.
1902 Daily Chron. 16 Aug. 3/4 For ten francs a day one is done well there.
1928 Daily Express 7 Sept. 1/1 They do you well, with plenty of eggs, cream, [etc.].
1940 G. D. H. Cole & M. Cole Murder at Munition Works iv. 55 The Chief Constable will bear me out that they do one quite well there.
2008 K. Burk & M. Bywater Is this Bottle Corked? 167 You could give them yesterday's leavings..and they'd say, ‘Mmm, yes, delicious, they do me very well here, you know.’
extracted from dov.
to do well
c. to do well (with infinitive): to act prudently or sensibly in doing something. Also with admonitory force with would, will, etc.: to be well advised to.
the mind > mental capacity > understanding > wisdom, sagacity > prudence, discretion > act prudently [verb (intransitive)]
to do wellc1390
society > leisure > social event > hospitality > show hospitality to [verb (transitive)] > liberal
to do wellc1390
c1390 Prickynge of Love (Vernon) f. 331/1 Heo [sc. the soul] dude wel and wisly. forte refusen fals loue.
1476 in C. L. Kingsford Stonor Lett. & Papers (1919) II. 12 (MED) Ye do ryght welle to set hyt in a suerte.
1490 W. Caxton tr. Foure Sonnes of Aymon (1885) vii. 176 Ye have well doon, swete knyghte, for to have broughte your horse here.
a1533 Ld. Berners tr. Arthur of Brytayn (?1560) cxiii. sig. G*iiii It were well done yt I sholde cause be armed v. hondred knightes.
1575 G. Gascoigne Noble Arte Venerie lxx. 192 The Huntsman..shall do well to stop vp his earthes if he can finde them.
1626 F. Bacon Sylua Syluarum §53 You shall doe well to put in some few Slices of Eryngium Roots.
1673 J. Dryden Amboyna iii. 24 He do's well to take his time.
1725 D. Defoe New Voy. round World i. 198 Whoever shall follow the same, or a like Track,..will do well to make a Year of it.
1771 T. Smollett Humphry Clinker II. 86 You will do well to keep a watchfull eye over..Villiams.
1819 W. Scott Bride of Lammermoor viii, in Tales of my Landlord 3rd Ser. I. 220 Lord Bittlebrain would do weel to remember what his folk have been.
1856 M. Oliphant Magdalen Hepburn I. 275 ‘Boy, thou dost well to beard me’, cried Sir Roger.
1884 Christian Commonw. 1 May 688/3 Clergymen who have nothing better to do than incite to war would do well to seek some other calling.
1920 Amer. Woman Aug. 21/3 (advt.) You will do well to lay in a supply for everyday use.
2001 U.S. News & World Rep. 17 Sept. 60/1 A president does well to get his recession out of the way early in his first term.
extracted from welladv.n.4
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