

单词 amidst


Brit. /əˈmɪdst/, U.S. /əˈmɪdst/
Forms: (Word division in Middle English examples frequently reflects editorial choices of modern editors of texts, rather than the practice of the manuscripts.)

α. Middle English a-middes, Middle English a-myddes, Middle English amyddis, Middle English amydis, Middle English–1500s amiddes, Middle English–1500s amyddes, Middle English–1500s amyddys, 1500s amydes, 1500s–1600s amidds, 1500s–1600s amids, 1500s–1600s amyds; Scottish pre-1700 amyddis, pre-1700 amyddys.

β. 1500s amidste, 1500s amyddest, 1500s–1600s amiddest, 1500s–1600s amidest, 1500s–1600s amid'st, 1500s–1600s amydst, 1500s– amidst; Scottish pre-1700 1700s– amidst.

Etymology: Partly < amid adv. + -s suffix1, and partly < amid prep. + -s suffix1. The development of excrescent final -t (see β. forms) was probably reinforced by the fact that (in use as preposition) the word was frequently followed by te , variant of the adj., and perhaps also by association with superlatives in -st ; compare similarly amongst prep. 1a, against prep., betwixt prep.Compare in mids adv., in mids prep., which probably partly result from reanalysis of forms at this entry, and partly show a parallel development of in mid adv., in mid prep. Compare also in midst (of) at midst n. 2b. Variants of these with reduced first element are also found, as both adverb and preposition, e.g.:a1425 (a1400) Prick of Conscience (Galba & Harl.) (1863) l. 6451 Als þe yholk ymyddes þe egge lys..Right swa es þe erthe..Ymyddes þe hevens þat gas obout.a1500 Partenay (Trin. Cambr.) l. 4894 Enmyddes his peple hym ther gan find.c1540 (?a1400) Gest Historiale Destr. Troy (2002) f. 197v Evyne ymyddes all men..[he] Waynyt vp to the welkyn as a wan clowde.a1627 J. Beaumont Bosworth-field (1629) 78 Immid'st of flames, or through the raging tide. A similar origin is probably shown by forms with initial e- such as those in the following quots. (compare discussion at amid prep. and adv.):a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Gött.) l. 655 Ȝon a tre..þat standis emiddes [Vesp. in midward, Trin. Cambr. amidde] paradis.a1450 ( in J. Kail 26 Polit. Poems (1904) 70 Truste al in gloser charmes..May brynge a lord..Emyddis grete harmes.1550 N. Udall tr. P. M. Vermigli Disc. Sacrament Lordes Supper f. iiv Emiddes the accidentes of the breade there is a thing of quantitee.1553 C. Tye Actes of Apostles (new ed.) i. sig. B.i Peter, stode vp stoute Emyds them all trulye. Usage. In the early 21st cent. less common than amid prep. and adv. in most uses; this predominance appears to extend back to the late 19th century at least, although there is some evidence that amidst may have predominated at some periods before that. Compare also midst n., prep., and adv. N.E.D. (1884) commented that ‘there is a tendency to use amidst more distributively than amid, e.g. of things scattered about, or a thing moving, in the midst of others’, but later commentators have not been able to confirm this: thus, for example, R. W. Burchfield New Fowler's Mod. Eng. Usage (ed. 3, 1996) states that ‘the distributional pattern of the words is not clearly ascertainable’.
A. adv.
1. In the middle; in the midst; = amid adv. Now rare.
the world > space > relative position > central condition or position > [adverb] > in the middle or midst
in midsc1400
in mida1500
c1300 St. Agnes (Laud) l. 112 in C. Horstmann Early S.-Eng. Legendary (1887) 184 In þe fuyr men hire þrevȝ; Þat fuyr clef a-middes a-to.
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) iv. l. 1349 The hors..a sterre whit Amiddes in the front he hadde.
c1425 J. Lydgate Troyyes Bk. (Augustus A.iv) ii. l. 864 (MED) In þe theatre þer was a smal auter Amyddes set.
1517 S. Hawes Pastime of Pleasure (1928) xxxii. 157 The rofe was golde and a myddes was sette A carbuncle.
a1522 G. Douglas tr. Virgil Æneid (1960) xii. x. l. 23 He amyddis onto thame spak thus.
1667 J. Milton Paradise Lost x. 33 Eternal Father from his secret Cloud, Amidst in Thunder utter'd thus his voice. View more context for this quotation
1720 A. Pope tr. Homer Iliad V. xviii. 589 Two golden Talents lay amidst, in sight, The Prize of him who best adjudg'd the Right.
1846 Fine Arts' Jrnl. 12 Dec. 93/1 Above—amidst—in flaming bright array, Pensile, and standard lights o'erbranch the scene.
1876 W. Morris tr. Virgil Æneids xi. 316 Evander..comes amidst, and on the bier where Pallas lies alow He grovels.
2003 www.stylusmagazine.com 1 Sept. (Internet Archive Wayback Machine 12 Nov. 2006) Tyranny is a strictly pop album, with a couple of punk overtone songs amidst.
2. In the midst of.
the world > space > relative position > central condition or position > [adverb] > in the middle or midst > in the middle of
c1350 Psalter (BL Add. 17376) in K. D. Bülbring Earliest Compl. Eng. Prose Psalter (1891) xxi. 14 Myn hert ys made as wex meltand [a1382 E.V. meltende] a-middes of my wombe.
c1425 J. Lydgate Troyyes Bk. (Augustus A.iv) i. l. 2230 (MED) Amyddes of þis ilke tweyne, Of Loue and Schame even vp-on þe point, Stood Medea.
1483 W. Caxton tr. J. de Voragine Golden Legende f. cclxxviiiv/2 A right fayr sterre whiche shone amyddes of the celle.
1565 T. Stapleton tr. Bede Hist. Church Eng. ii. xiii. f. 66v Warme with a softe fyre burning amidest therof.
1665 E. Manning Ashrea 34 Better is it, amidst of afflictions to mourn with our Lord weeping on the Cross, than [etc.].
1685 P. Rycaut Continuation 105 in tr. Platina Lives Popes Amidst of these Combustions Don Pedro dying after a tedious sickness at Florence, the French gained the advantage.
1724 P. Blair Pharmaco-botanologia ii. 75 Amidst of these arises the flowering Stem.
1841 Veterinarian Mar. 173 They [sc. the horses of Connemara] are suffered to run wild amidst of the limestone rocks of this coast until they are about four years old.
1913 ‘H. J. Mozams’ Woman in Sci. i. 94 She lived when Holland was in the van of human progress and amidst of the splendors of the Dutch Renaissance.
1999 J. M. Barlog Dark Side ix. 96 A nice secure place to live amidst of an otherwise run-down strip of city.
B. prep.
1. In the centre of; = amid prep. 1a. Obsolete or merged in sense B. 2.
the world > space > relative position > central condition or position > [preposition] > in the middle or midst (of)
in midst (of)a1556
c1300 St. Thomas Apostle (Laud) l. 36 in C. Horstmann Early S.-Eng. Legendary (1887) 377 (MED) Huy come and metten þis Messager..a-middes þe Chepingue.
a1450 (c1410) H. Lovelich Hist. Holy Grail xiv. l. 619 Amyddes the Feld there it lay.
1517 S. Hawes Pastime of Pleasure (1928) xxix. 140 She dyde hym vp wynde Amyddes the wall and lefte hym there..fyue fadam and more frome the grounde.
?1549 R. Wyer tr. C. de Pisan C. Hyst. Troye xix. sig. E.viiv A Geant which had but one eye amyddes his forheed.
β. 1532 Chaucer's Treat. Astrolabe in Wks. G. Chaucer f. cccv/2 The centure that stondeth a myddest the narowest cercle is cleped the signet.1595 T. Edwards in C. M. Ingleby & L. T. Smith Shakespeare's Cent. Prayse (1879) 18 Amid'st the Center of this clime.a1600 T. Deloney Garland Good Will (1631) i. sig. C7v Each stroake then amidst the shield, wherewith they brake in sunder.1667 J. Milton Paradise Lost ix. 661 The Fruit of this fair Tree amidst The Garden. View more context for this quotation1870 E. Magnússon & W. Morris tr. Völsunga Saga xxxviii. 146 Many he thrust into the fire that burnt amidst the hall.
2. In the midst of, surrounded by, among; = amid prep. 2.
c1330 Sir Orfeo (Auch.) (1966) l. 191 (MED) Ac ȝete amiddes hem..Þe quen was oway ytuiȝt, Wiþ fairi forþ ynome.
a1450 (c1410) H. Lovelich Hist. Holy Grail li. l. 122 Amyddis his bretherin twelve.
1557 Earl of Surrey et al. Songes & Sonettes sig. Bb.i I thrust amids the throng, And clapt my handes.
?1614 G. Chapman tr. Homer Odysses xiii. 261 Lost, Amids the moving waters.
1666 M. Wigglesworth Day of Doom 5 The Judge draws nigh, exalted high upon a lofty Throne, Amids the throng of Angels strong.
β. 1565 B. Googe tr. ‘M. Palingenius’ Zodiake of Life (new ed.) ix. sig. GG.ijv Before whose face a thousande beastes of Angels..Doe minister with ioyfull hymnes..Amidst the ample fieldes of lyght.1594 C. Marlowe & T. Nashe Dido i. sig. A3v Build his throne amidst those starrie towers.1656 Earl of Monmouth tr. T. Boccalini Ragguagli di Parnasso 198 Base beetles which spent their lives with much gusto amidst the filth of excrements.1709 J. Strype Ann. Reformation xx. 239 A noble woman..who died amidst the tormentors hands.1766 H. Brooke Fool of Quality I. vii. 229 I daily frequented Markham's coffee-house, amidst a promiscuous resort of swords men, literati, beaux, and politicians.1853 W. M. Thackeray Eng. Humourists iv. 202 Amidst the fumes of tobacco.1867 G. MacDonald Ann. Quiet Neighbourhood III. vii. 171 And died amidst a circle of friends.1900 Academy 28 Apr. 363/1 How pleasant it is to scuff along amidst the clattering leaves!1934 B. Lehmann Rumour of Heaven (1987) ii. ii. 69 Stranded on his sofa amidst a welter of furniture.2010 Wedding Ideas Nov. 293/2 Choose a ceremony amidst tropical flowers at the historic sugar mill.
3. Without reference to physical location: in a context, setting, etc., of; in the course of; = amid prep. 3.
the world > existence and causation > existence > state or condition > circumstance or circumstances > circumstance [preposition] > amid (the circumstances)
c1400 (?a1387) W. Langland Piers Plowman (Huntington HM 137) (1873) C. xi. l. 67 (MED) Merueilousliche me mette a-myddes al þat blisse.
c1405 (c1375) G. Chaucer Monk's Tale (Hengwrt) (2003) l. 643 Yet was he caught amyddes al his pryde.
a1542 T. Wyatt Coll. Poems (1969) xxxvi. 12 Vnles I starve; For honger still a myddes my foode.
1582 R. Parsons First Bk. Christian Exercise ii. i. 204 I..superabounde in all ioye, amyddest our tribulations.
1620 Bp. J. Hall Honor Married Clergie Concl. 344 It was written..amids the heate of contention.
1660 R. Allestree Gentlemans Calling 69 Amidst all the seducements of Wealth.
1756 C. Lucas Ess. Waters iii. Ded. To smile amidst adversity.
1798 J. O'Keeffe Czar Peter i. iii, in Dramatic Wks. III. 134 Nor beats his heart amidst the general roar, But for the lovely maid he left on shore.
1849 T. B. Macaulay Hist. Eng. I. 535 Amidst the splendour and festivity of a court.
1887 Harper's Mag. Feb. 395/1 The junior class filed into the green enclosure amidst the 'rahs of their friends.
1953 Encounter Oct. 1/2 Appearing at this time, and amidst these problems, Encounter seeks to promote no ‘line’.
1976 W. E. Griffis Mikado's Empire 83 A healthy skepticism, amidst dense superstition, has been maintained.
2006 Nature 4 May 4/3 Demand for the drug..has soared amidst fears that bird flu might mutate and trigger a human flu pandemic.
C. n.
The middle, temporally or spatially; the midst. Chiefly in in the amidst of. rare.
the world > time > [noun] > stretch, period, or portion of time
space of timec1500
time slice1938
the world > space > relative position > central condition or position > [noun] > middle or centre
1664 J. Owen Vindic. Animadversions Fiat Lux viii. 173 The same Apostle being at Rome, in the reign of Nero, in the amidst of the time allotted unto the abode of Peter there, never once mentions him in any of the Epistles.
1866 A. Buzacott Mission Life Islands of Pacific xiv. 203 The first Sabbath was a season I shall never forget, once more to be in the amidst of an affectionate people.
1977 Link (New Delhi) 28 Aug. 28/3 In this respect, they are in the amidst of a cut-throat bargain with the authorities.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2021; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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