

单词 all-dimming

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(i) In occasional formations (frequently poetic), as all-acting, all-appointing, all-burning, all-confounding, all-defying, all-dimming, all-ending, all-filling, all-living, all-maintaining, all-ordering, all-relieving, all-searching, all-space-filling, all-telling, all-triumphing, all-upholding, all-working, etc.
OE Ælfric Catholic Homilies: 2nd Ser. (Cambr. Gg.3.28) x. 84 Cuðberhtus..eallbyrnende hus ana ahredde wið fyres dare mid halgum benum.
OE Ælfric Old Eng. Hexateuch: Gen. (Claud.) xix. 24 God sende to þam burgum ealbyrnendne renscur mid swefle gemencged.
1560 A. L. tr. J. Calvin Serm. Songe Ezechias sig. Aa.4v Thou with allpearcing eye beheldest me, Without regard that sinned in thy sight.
1597 W. Shakespeare Richard III iii. i. 78 To all posterity, Euen to the generall all-ending day. View more context for this quotation
1598 W. Shakespeare Love's Labour's Lost ii. i. 21 All telling fame Doth noyse abroad. View more context for this quotation
1598 J. Marston Scourge of Villanie iii. x. sig. I2v Close his eyes with thy all-dimming hand.
1612 M. Drayton Poly-olbion v. 76 What all-appointing Heauen will.
1623 W. Drummond Flowres of Sion 34 All-acting Vertues of those flaming towres.
a1649 W. Drummond Poems (1656) 129 Thy all-upholding Might her Malice reins.
1650 W. Beech View of Englands Present Distempers 122 Not a hair will fall from our heads, without the All-ordering providence.
1694 R. South 12 Serm. II. 133 His Infinite, All-searching Knowledge, which looks through and through the most secret of our Thoughts.
1768 A. Tucker Light of Nature Pursued II. iii. 505 The all-space-filling Mundane soul.
1827 J. Keble Christian Year II. lxxx. 116 An all-defying, dauntless look.
1865 J. Bright Speeches Amer. Question 175 Christian morality, ever widening and all-blessing in its influence.
1900 S. J. Weyman Story Francis Cludde (new ed.) ii. 18 His face, which seemed the paler and grimmer, the more saturnine and all-mastering.
1914 Mother Earth Mar. 14 There rises up an all-silencing rebuke.
1922 J. Masefield Dream 25 I do not know what power led me on Save the all-living joy of what came next.
2002 Burlington Mag. Apr. 255/3 One had the Babel-like sense of industrious workers busily..going about their work on this all-dominating object.
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