

单词 days of pardon

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days (also years) of pardon
a. Roman Catholic Church. Remission of the punishment still due after the sacramental absolution of a sin; an indulgence (indulgence n. 3a). Also in days (also years) of pardon, indicating the extent of the remission. Now historical and rare.
society > faith > worship > sacrament > confession > penance > remission of penance > [noun] > indulgentiary
c1300 St. Thomas Becket (Laud) 2421 in C. Horstmann Early S.-Eng. Legendary (1887) 176 (MED) Þe pope ȝaf alle pardon þat þudere wolden gon.
c1400 (a1376) W. Langland Piers Plowman (Trin. Cambr. R.3.14) (1960) A. ii. 184 (MED) Pardoners..ȝaf pardoun [v.r. pardones] for panis poundmel aboute.
a1425 Symbols of Passion (Royal) l. 205 in R. Morris Legends Holy Rood (1871) 195 (MED) Wat man..For his sinnus sori and schereuen be, Þre ȝer of pardon is þe summe Of sent petrus grant.
?c1430 (?1383) J. Wyclif Sel. Eng. Wks. (1871) III. 331 (MED) Þis bischop of Rome..stireþ men bi grete perdon to breke opynly Goddis hestis.
c1475 Mankind (1969) l. 146 Yf ȝe wyll putt yowr nose in hys wyffys sokett, Ȝe xall haue forty days of pardon.
1481 W. Caxton tr. Hist. Reynard Fox (1970) 17 I gyue to hem alle pardon of her penance and relece alle theyr synnes.
1533 J. Gau in tr. C. Pedersen Richt Vay To Rdr. sig. Aivv Sa mony thousand ȝeris, of pardone pouers, and remissione of sine and payne.
1560 J. Daus tr. J. Sleidane Commentaries f. iv Lamenting that the ignoraunt people should be so far abused as to put the whole trust of their saluation in pardons.
1565 J. Jewel tr. Pope Clement V in Replie Hardinges Answeare xxi. 616 For the first Euensonge, Matins, Masse, and Later euensonge, Prime, and Houres, for euery of these times a hundred daies of pardon.
1610 G. Marcelline Triumphs King James 94 Thy Pardons are too pardonous, and thy Indulgences haue too much indulgence.
1664 Bp. J. Taylor Disswasive from Popery ii. iii. 86 In the Church of Sancta Maria de Popolo there are for every day in the year, two thousand and eight hundred years of pardon, besides fourteen thousand and fourteen Carentanes.
1675 T. Brooks Golden Key 312 The Papists..who..for the obtaining of pardon, &c. have appointed Penances and Pilgrimages, and Self-scourgings, and Soul-masses.
1720 J. Giles Hist. Acct. Lives Eng. Poets 68 Whoso Prayed for the Soul of John Gower, so oft as he did it, should have a M. and D. (1500.) Days of Pardon.
1726 J. Boys Expos. 39 Art. 146 Pardons or Indulgences, which are promis'd to those that visit such a Saint or Chapel.
1796 V. Green Hist. & Antiq. Worcester I. iii. 30 The superstitious mention it [sc. the charter] makes of the number fifty, the number of the years of pardon.
1840 tr. J. H. Merle d'Aubigné Hist. Reformation in Eng. (ed. 3) I. 268 The penitent was himself to drop the price of his pardon into the chest.
1860 B. Scott Contents & Teachings Catacombs Rome (ed. 2) iv. 118 Pope Sixtus, in consideration of a prayer to be devoutly repeated before the image of the Virgin, granted 11,000 years of pardon.
1901 E. Hoskins tr. Horæ B. Mariæ Virg. 125 The pope John the xxii..hath granted unto all them that devoutly say this prayer..v thousand days of pardon.
1997 A. Winston-Allen Stories of Rose v. 130 Who could know how many years of pardon a person (or one's friends) might really need.
extracted from pardonn.1int.
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