

单词 damask leach

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damask leach
2. A dish consisting of sliced meat, eggs, fruits, and spices in jelly or some other coagulating material. Often in adoptions of Anglo-Norman combinations, denoting particular varieties, e.g. leche frye [compare Old French lechefroie, modern French lèchefrite, dripping-pan] , damask leach, dugard leach, lumbard leach, purple leach, royal leach, etc. dry leach: a sort of cake or gingerbread, containing dates, etc.white leach: see the first element.
the world > food and drink > food > dishes and prepared food > food by way of preparation > [noun] > dish in jelly
the world > food and drink > food > dishes and prepared food > cake > [noun] > a cake > gingerbread
dry leach1570
pepper bread1611
gingerbread nut1734
ginger cake1758
ginger nut1786
parliament gingerbread1809
parliament cake1818
Hoosier cake1859
?c1390 Forme of Cury 36 Leche Lumbard. Take rawe Pork [etc.].
c1440 Anc. Cookery in Coll. Ordinances Royal Househ. (1790) 449 And therwith daryolus, and leche~fryes, made of frit and friture.
c1460 J. Russell Bk. Nurture 516 Cow heelis and Calves fete ar dere y-bouȝt some tide To medille amonge leeches & Ielies.
c1460 J. Russell Bk. Nurture 708 Quynces bake leche dugard.
?a1500 in F. J. Furnivall Queene Elizabethes Achademy (1869) i. 92 Leche maskelyn... Leche rubby.
?a1500 in F. J. Furnivall Queene Elizabethes Achademy (1869) i. 91 Leche damasque.
?a1500 in F. J. Furnivall Queene Elizabethes Achademy (1869) i. 90 Leche ffloree...leche dalmayn.
a1513 R. Fabyan New Cronycles Eng. & Fraunce (1516) II. f. clxxxiv Leche Damask wt the kynges worde or Prouerbe Flourysshed.
1530 J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 238/1 Leche made of flesshe, gelee.
1570 in J. Gutch Collectanea Curiosa (1781) II. 8 For vj lb. of almones to him, for drie leche.
?1600 H. Plat Delightes for Ladies sig. B11 This is your Gingerbreade vsed at the Court... It is otherwise called drie Leach.
1615 G. Markham Eng. House-wife (1668) ii. ii. 96 To make the best Leech take Ising-glass..then take Almonds.
1848 W. H. Ainsworth Lancashire Witches i. ix I pray you taste this pippin jelly..or some leach of almonds.
β. c1450 Two Cookery-bks. 75 Lese fryes.1452 in A. Wood Hist. & Antiq. Univ. Oxf. (1792) I. 599 Leshe damask.c1460 J. Russell Bk. Nurture 504 Alle maner of leessez ye may forbere.
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