

单词 ale shot

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ale shot
ale shot n. (a) = scot-ale n. (obsolete (historical in later use)); (b) = ale score n. (now historical (chiefly English regional (northern) in later use)).
society > trade and finance > fees and taxes > impost, due, or tax > payment or service to feudal superior > [noun] > things on or for which payment due
ale shotc1450
share acre1641
c1450 in R. L. Greene Early Eng. Carols (1935) 307 (MED) Jacke wol pay for my scoth A Sonday atte the ale-schoch.
1626 H. Spelman Glossarium 506 Quasi dictum à scot, i. pecunia, et ale, i. cervisia: quod inverso vocabulo alii an aleshot nuncupant.
1685 R. Brady tr. M. Paris in Compl. Hist. Eng. 143 No Forester or Bedell for the time to come shall make any Ale-Shots,..nor shall make any Gathering or Imposition whatsoever.
1721 N. Bailey Universal Etymol. Eng. Dict. Ale-shot, a Reckoning, or Part to be paid at an Ale-House.
1830 Sheffield Independent & Yorks. & Derbyshire Advertiser 2 Jan. He did not think there was anything due to the plaintiffs more than would pay the ale shots they had left unpaid.
1845 H. Martineau Forest & Game-law Tales I. 176 We have seen too much of this practice of ale-shot and corn-sheaves before.
1875 J. H. Nodal & G. Milner Gloss. Lancs. Dial.: Pt. I (at cited word) He's an aleshot at th' back o' th' door yon, th length o' my arm.
1988 Garden Hist. 16 21 Everyone had to pay the first ale shot of eighteen pence,..though liqueur drinkers were excused from paying later ale shots.
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