

单词 all manner of

> as lemmas

all manner of
a. With a singular noun, as all kind of, all manner of, all sort of, etc. Cf. alkin adj.
c1300 St. Barnabas (Laud) l. 82 in C. Horstmann Early S.-Eng. Legendary (1887) 29 (MED) Alle manere turmenz huy him duden.
?a1425 (c1400) Mandeville's Trav. (Titus C.xvi) (1919) 140 Spices & all manere of marchandises.
a1500 ( J. Yonge tr. Secreta Secret. (Lamb.) 193 The ije caus is that matremony ys to be comend is the oldennysse of hit..of oldennys hit passith all manner of orderis in erth.
1548 N. Udall et al. tr. Erasmus Paraphr. Newe Test. I. Pref. 14 Void of almaner parcialitie of affection.
1583 in J. D. Marwick Extracts Rec. Burgh Edinb. (1882) IV. 277 Yorkschyre clayth, cairsayes, and all sort of schrynking clayth.
1609 W. Shakespeare Louers Complaint in Sonnets sig. K3v All kinde of arguments.
c1680 W. Beveridge Serm. (1729) II. 21 Avoid all manner of evil.
1711 R. Steele Spectator No. 32. ⁋2 I shall be quite out of all manner of Shape.
1799 J. Duncan Libertine & Infidel led to Refl. (new ed.) v. 332 The germination of all manner wickedness and depravity continues still to shoot forth.
1817 J. Mill Hist. Brit. India II. v. iv. 437 Orders which might be construed all manner of ways.
1878 A. Trollope Is he Popenjoy? I. xiii. 174 I hate all kind of strictness and duty and self-denying.
1922 J. Joyce Ulysses ii. 137 Our galleys,..laden with all manner merchandise furrow the waters of the known globe.
1979 J. Muirden Sidgwick's Amateur Astronomer's Handbk. (ed. 4) xxi. 387 This affects all type of cell.
2002 Eastern Eye 26 July (Classifieds section) Helping and guiding people of all nations with all kind of social and psychological problems.
extracted from alladj.pron.n.adv.conj.
all manner of
b. In singular, modified by a plural determiner such as all, many, these, etc., or a numeral: kinds, sorts. Now only in all manner of. Cf. kind n. 8b.by all manner of means: see mean n.3 Phrases 5.
the world > relative properties > kind or sort > generality > in general [phrase] > all kinds of
high and lowa1200
all manner of?c1225
?c1225 (?a1200) Ancrene Riwle (Cleo. C.vi) (1972) 8 Þer beoð twa dalen to twa manere þe beoð of religiun.
c1300 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Otho) 894 Somme seiden elles mani manere spelles.
c1300 St. Barnabas (Laud) 82 in C. Horstmann Early S.-Eng. Legendary (1887) 29 Alle manere turmentz huy him duden.
a1450 Castle of Love (Bodl. Add.) (1967) 1595 The threttenyth day all maner men Shull dyen.
1485 Act 1 Hen. VII c. 10 §9 To have and enjoie almaner seisours forfaitures and penaltees.
1525 Ld. Berners tr. J. Froissart Cronycles II. ccvi. [ccii.] 633 In many maner of wayes.
1526 Bible (Tyndale) Matt. x. f. xijv To heale all maner of sicknesses, and all maner off deseases.
1542 N. Udall tr. Erasmus Apophthegmes f. 142 These-maner monstres.
1556 in J. G. Nichols Chron. Grey Friars (1852) 79 Dyschargyd from the crowne and from almaner of possessions of the kynge their fader.
1612 L. Andrewes 96 Serm.: Nativity (1629) vii. 54 Many manner waies.
1614 S. Hieron All the Serm. 181 These manner of speeches the Scripture vseth.
1658 P. Heylyn Stumbling-block of Disobedience v. 178 I shall endeavour to make [that] good by two manner of proofs.
1664 J. Playford Brief Introd. Skill Musick (ed. 4) i. 88 There are three Sorts of Basse Viols, as there is three manner of ways in playing.
1729 W. Law Serious Call iii. 33 To practise all manner of righteousness.
1789 J. Bentham Introd. Princ. Morals & Legisl. xii. p. clix The weak would..be oppressed and injured in all manner of ways, by the strong at home, and both together..by oppressors from abroad.
1856 N. Hawthorne Jrnl. 10 May in Eng. Notebks. (1997) II. iv. 4 The English nose..disports itself in all manner of irregularity.
1873 T. W. Higginson Oldport Days iv. 91 Jelly-fishes..shot through and through in the sun-light with all manner of blue and golden glistenings.
1901 B. T. Washington Up from Slavery xvi. 283 We were flooded with invitations to attend all manner of social functions.
1969 A. Carter Heroes &Villains i. 16 Moon-daisies, buttercups and all manner of wild flowers hid in the foaming grass.
1988 L. Appignanesi Simone de Beauvoir iv. 73 All manner of food and basic commodities were in short supply.
extracted from mannern.int.
as lemmas




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