

单词 court of the lord high steward

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Court of the Lord High Steward
a. (Lord High) Steward or †Great Steward of England. Recorded since the 15th cent. as: The title of a high officer of state, the earlier senescallus Angliae. Since the accession of Henry IV this officer has been appointed only on the occasion of a coronation, at which he presides, or for the trial of a peer, which takes place in the Court of the Lord High Steward if Parliament be not sitting.Originally this office seems to have carried little more than the privilege of waiting on the king's table, especially on state occasions. But it soon became hereditary in the earls of Leicester, and powers similar to those of the French seneschal were claimed for it by Simon de Montfort. This development was checked by the attainder of Simon, and the office finally fell in to the crown by the accession of its holder Henry IV.
society > authority > office > holder of office > high officials of state > [noun] > Lord High Steward of England or Scotland
Great Steward of England1454
Steward of Scotland1507
1454 Rolls of Parl. V. 249/2 Thomas erle of Devonshire, uppon an enditement of high treasons..afore Humfrey Duc of Bukingham, steward of Englond for that tyme assigned.
1522–3 Act 14 & 15 Hen. VIII c. 20 §1 Before Thomas Duke of Norffolk for that tyme oonely beyng greate Stuarde of Englande by the Kynges lettres patentis.
c1660 J. Evelyn Diary anno 1641 (1955) II. 27 Tho: Earle of Arundell & Surrey..was made high Stuard.
1710 J. Chamberlayne Magnæ Britanniæ Notitia (ed. 23) i. ii. 83 The Lord High Steward of England or Vice-Roy.
1769 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. IV. xix. 257 They usually (in case of an impeachment of a peer for treason) address the crown to appoint a lord high steward.
1842 J. G. Nichols in Gentleman's Mag. May 485/2 To the high office of Steward of England the Duke of Lancaster became entitled in right of his wife, on the death of his father in law Henry Duke of Lancaster in 1361.
1907 Harcourt His Grace the Steward 379 We may regard the Southampton trial as the true source of the court of the lord high steward.
extracted from stewardn.
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