

单词 cost dear

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to cost (a person) dear (also dearly)
P1. to cost (a person) dear (also dearly): to cause (a person) to incur a significant loss or a heavy penalty.Formerly also † to cost dear: to entail significant loss or a heavy penalty (obsolete).Cf. similar earlier use of costen v.2 (see quots. ?c12251, ?c12252 at costen v.2).
c1380 Sir Ferumbras (1879) l. 3494 A sholde delyuery me out of prisoun..Coste hit noȝt so dere.
c1390 Castle of Love (Vernon) (1967) l. 1094 Ȝif þou wolt him bugge to his feore, He schal costen þe ful deore.
c1405 (c1395) G. Chaucer Canon's Yeoman's Tale (Ellesmere) (1875) l. 1133 I haue a poudre..þat coste me deere.
?a1430 T. Hoccleve Ad Filium l. 66 in Minor Poems (1970) ii. 281 Syn þat we so deere costed thee.
a1500 (?a1400) Tale King Edward & Shepherd (Cambr.) (1930) l. 373 (MED) Þis wold ha costed dere, In þis maner to be fed With alkyn dentethe wel bested.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Othello (1622) v. ii. 262 If thou attempt it, it will cost thee deere. View more context for this quotation
1634 T. Herbert Relation Some Yeares Trauaile 121 This cruelty cost him deerely afterwards.
1707 J. Stevens tr. Life Estevanillo Gonzales x, in Spanish Libertines 448 I Lov'd her, because she cost me Dear.
1726 E. Young Universal Passion (Satire the Last) 6 Even denials cost us dear at court.
1810 Christian Observer Jan. 21/1 On that occasion he made a brave retreat, which cost them dear.
1871 E. A. Freeman Hist. Norman Conquest IV. xviii. 162 To keep strict watch over the city whose conquest had cost William so dear.
1915 A. Alexander tr. A. Lagarde Lat. Church Middle Ages ix. 306 Their negligence cost them dear.
1963 Flying Apr. 83/1 It was costing us dearly in ballast.
2015 Sc. Express (Nexis) 13 May 30 Paying for excess baggage at the airport can cost you dear.
extracted from costv.
to cost dear
Formerly also † to cost dear: to entail significant loss or a heavy penalty (obsolete).extracted from costv.
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