

单词 communism


Brit. /ˈkɒmjᵿnɪz(ə)m/, U.S. /ˈkɑmjəˌnɪz(ə)m/
Origin: A borrowing from French; partly modelled on a German lexical item. Etymon: French communisme.
Etymology: < French communisme theory advocating the abolition of private ownership (1840 in this sense: see note) < commun common adj. + -isme -ism suffix; with the early use of the term in French perhaps compare also French commune commune n.1, especially in its application to the Paris Commune of 1789 to 1794. In sense 2 after German Kommunismus (1847 in Marx and Engels in passage translated in quot. 1850 at sense 2a, 1918 in sense 2b; 1841 in sense 1; < French communisme ; probably via English; 1794 in isolated unrelated use: see below). Compare Russian kommunizm (1843 in sense 1; 1917 (in Lenin) or earlier denoting both the stage of society characterized by state ownership of means of production, historically following capitalism (according to the teaching of Marx and his followers), and (more specifically) the highest, classless stage of society; 1920 (in Lenin) or earlier in sense 2a; 1925 or earlier in sense 2b (apparently rare in this sense before c1990)). Compare communist adj., communist n. Compare also socialism n.The coinage of the French term has been variously attributed to Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve (1804–69), French poet, novelist, and critic (in a letter of 3rd August 1840: see C. A. Sainte-Beuve Correspondance génerale III. 332), Étienne Cabet (1788–1856), French philosopher ( E. Cabet Histoire populaire de la révolution française IV. (1840) 331), and Théophile Thoré (1807–69), French art critic ( T. Thoré La verité sur le parti démocratique (1840) 27). All three seem to have arrived at the term independently in 1840. Compare also quot. 1848 and quot. 1840 at sense 1. For a full discussion of the origins and development of French communisme (and related terms), see Geschichtliche Grundbegriffe III. at Kommunismus. Compare also discussion at communist n. and adj. German Kommunismus is attested earlier (1794) in an isolated and apparently unrelated attestation with reference to the theories of Franz von Hebenstreit (1747–95), one of the Viennese Jacobins. Senses 3 and 4 are apparently not recorded in dictionaries of French and perhaps show a semantic development within English, although with sense 4 compare French communiste communist n. The following quot. probably does not reflect an accurate recollection of the coinage of the term:1848 J. G. Barmby in Apostle Aug. 2/1 I also conversed [in 1840] with some of the most advanced minds of the French metropolis, and there, in the company of some disciples of Babœuf, then called Equalitarians, I first pronounced the name of Communism, which has since..acquired that world-wide reputation.
1. A theory that advocates the abolition of private ownership, all property being vested in the community, and the organization of labour for the common benefit of all members; a system of social organization in which this theory is put into practice.
society > authority > rule or government > politics > political philosophy > socialism > [noun] > non-Marxist or Leninist communism
society > authority > rule or government > politics > political philosophy > socialism > [noun] > non-Marxist or Leninist communism > involving socialistic communities > community of
1840 N.-Y. Spectator 22 Aug. 2/1 A man named Dufraisse..concluded with an exposition of the doctrines of Communism..much the same as what Mr. Owen preaches in England, under the name of Socialism.
1841 Times 20 Dec. 3/3 In every faubourg in Paris and Lyons there was established a sort of wine-shop pulpit, from which horny-handed pastors preached almost publicly the doctrines of Communism.
1848 W. E. Forster Diary 11 May in T. W. Reid Life W. E. Forster (1888) I. vii. 237 I learn that the great distinction between communism and socialism is that the latter believes in payment according to work done, and the former does not.
1882 A. M. Fairbairn in Contemp. Rev. 42 870 Communism seems to the new-born religious society but the proper social expression of its brotherhood.
1915 Encycl. Relig. & Ethics VIII. 339/2 Mahdīism..was an enforced communism, maintained by plunder, divided arbitrarily by the Mahdī.
1951 W. Lewis Rotting Hill ix. 281 The communism existing in primitive societies is conditioned by supernatural pressures.
1995 New Scientist 4 Mar. 40/2 A slim but potent strand of agrarian communism and ideals about community that was still alive and well among ‘alternativists’ in the 1970s.
2. Frequently with capital initial.
a. A political doctrine or movement based on revolutionary Marxism, seeking the overthrow of capitalism through a proletarian revolution, the social ownership of the means of production, and the creation of a classless society. Cf. Marxism–Leninism n., Eurocommunism n.
society > authority > rule or government > politics > political philosophy > communism > [noun]
1850 H. Macfarlane tr. Marx & Engels's Manifesto of German Communist Party in Red Republican 23 Nov. 181/3 It is not..the abolition of property generally which distinguishes Communism; it is the abolition of Bourgeois property.
1896 B. Russell German Social Democracy 71 The ‘honourable’ Social Democrats, as they called themselves, the party of thorough-going Marxian Communism.
1906 Our May Day Manifesto (Communist Working Men's Club) 8 This is our ‘First of May’, the May-Day of those who believe in Anarchism and Communism!
1919 tr. V. Lenin State & Revol. v. 99 We are right in speaking solely of the inevitable withering away of the State, emphasising..its dependence upon the rapidity of development of the higher phase of Communism.
1921 E. Paul & C. Paul Communism 1 Communism to-day signifies an organised attempt to overthrow the existing social order and to replace it by a better.
1954 J. Plamenatz Marxism & Communism xiii. 319 From 1902 until 1926 German Marxism..was gradually transformed into what is nowadays called Communism.
1997 N.Y. Times Mag. 2 Nov. 84/1 Misguided and dangerous though Communism was, the passion for social justice and compassion for working people that it represented is gone from the planet, and I, for one, miss it.
b. A system of government in which all economic and social activity is controlled by the state acting through the medium of a single authoritarian political party, with the purported aim of realizing the doctrines of revolutionary Marxism. Cf. Bolshevism n.This system has been particularly associated with that established in the Soviet Union (1922–91) and countries considered to have come within its sphere of influence, and in the People's Republic of China since 1949, though in the latter case a market-driven economic system has become increasingly dominant.
society > authority > rule or government > a or the system of government > systems based on specific principle > [noun] > Soviet communist system
1918 Times 19 May 6/3 British residents here are..accounted the greatest capitalists and therefore the greatest enemies of Bolshevist communism.
1935 S. Webb & B. Webb (title) Soviet Communism: a new civilisation?
1957 R. N. C. Hunt Guide to Communist Jargon i. 1 Wars waged by the Soviet Union for the purpose of ‘liberating’ oppressed countries and imposing Communism upon them.
1980 Times 24 May 14/7 You can poke fun at life under Communism... How to fiddle your work-norms.
1994 Barbados Advocate 10 Aug. 12/3 Communist China, the last stronghold of Communism, has launched a vigorous market order.
2006 Toronto Star 29 July a10/6 The ‘proxy wars’ fought in foreign fields by the U.S. and Soviet Union ended with the fall of communism.
3. Community of feeling; the spirit of a community. Now rare.
1870 Daily News 18 Nov. A tribunal where the natural bias of mercantile communism could not influence the judgment of those who had to decide the question.
1892 E. F. Newberry Sara, Princess ii. 33 There is among these honest fisherfolk a strong feeling of communism, which shows itself in the kindliest ways.
1907 M. A. Brown Child Life in Our Schools (ed. 2) xi. 150 There is a feeling of communism, of fellowship and brotherhood about that plot of garden, which belongs to the children as members of the same school.
4. The political movement represented by the Paris Commune of 1871 (see commune n.1 1b(b)); the socialist doctrines espoused by its adherents. rare.
society > authority > rule or government > politics > French politics > [noun] > principles or policies
Church and Kingism1794
society > authority > rule or government > politics > political philosophy > principles of or attachment to types of government > [noun] > provincial or local autonomy
1871 Graphic 3 563/2 The Hotel de Ville..is now a complete wreck..an everlasting reproach to Communism and its doctrines.
1994 Church Hist. 63 404 The teachings of the Protestant church were the last, best hope for preventing future outbreaks of ‘communism’ in France.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, September 2009; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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