

单词 agog


Brit. /əˈɡɒɡ/, U.S. /əˈɡɑɡ/
Forms: late Middle English agogge, 1500s–1700s a gog, 1500s–1600s a gogge, 1500s– agog.
Origin: Of uncertain origin. Perhaps a borrowing from French. Etymon: French en gogues.
Etymology: Origin uncertain. Perhaps < Middle French en gogues in good humour (late 14th cent.; < en in, + the plural of gogue entertainment, fun, amusement (c1307 in Old French) < a Romance base of imitative origin), with remodelling of the initial element (compare on prep., a prep.1). Perhaps compare also Middle French à gogo joyfully, uninhibitedly, extravagantly (see a-go-go adj.), estre en ses gogoi to have fun, to joke (1403), gogoier (reflexive) to enjoy oneself (1372; c1275 in Old French in sense ‘to boast, to swagger’). Compare later gog n.2An alternative etymology < the imitative base of goggle v.1 has also been suggested, but is not generally accepted.
A. adv.
In excited readiness, expectation, or desire; in or into a state of great eagerness, enthusiasm, excitement, suspense, or (in later use) astonishment. Often in all agog, to set agog.
a. Without construction.
the mind > emotion > excitement > [adverb] > in a state of excitement
full scent1614
atop of the house?1651
above oneself1890
the mind > will > wish or inclination > willingness > [adverb] > eagerly
c1450 (c1405) Mum & Sothsegger (BL Add. 41666) (1936) l. 1590 (MED) He shal be hourled so in high courte and holde so agogge, That hym were bettre lose his lande þenne long so be toylid.
1559 W. Baldwin et al. Myrroure for Magistrates Glendower xxiii. 1 And for to set us hereon more agog.
1600 P. Holland tr. Livy Rom. Hist. xlv. xxxv. 1225 c These words set them agog [L. His verbis incitatis].
1720 N. Amhurst Poems Several Occasions 75 I suppose you now sit all agog, In hopes to hear a smutty Epilogue.
1784 W. Marshall Minutes in Rural Econ. Midland Counties (1790) II. 33 This harrowing was given, rather to save appearances, and to give in with the established custom of the country (set agog by so new a practice).
1837 T. Carlyle French Revol. II. i. viii. 59 The February swearing has set them all agog.
1901 J. C. van Dyke Desert vi. 97 The æsthetic world is perhaps set agog by this ceramic blue.
1955 S. Harkness Career S. Butler i. 15 All these events stimulated widespread comment, the earlier of them setting critics and a limited public agog.
2010 R. Newsome Billionaire's Curse 48 Gerald blinked. He had a cousin? He stared agog at the stranger.
b. With prepositions, as about, after, against, at, for, on (also upon), over, with.
1542 N. Udall tr. Erasmus Apophthegmes ii. f. 277 A man of excedyng crueltee, and sette a gog with toto muche bothe presumpcion & auarice.
1593 R. Bancroft Suruay Holy Discipline viii. 127 It is chiefly he, that hath set the pretended reformers, in this whole land, so much a gogge against Bishops.
1650 J. Trapp Solomonis Παναρετος (Prov. xvi. 28) 195 Buzzing into Saul's eares ever and anon, that that might set him agog against him.
1656 J. Trapp Comm. New Test. (ed. 2) (John xi. 53) 479 To set men agog upon mischief.
1663 A. Cowley Cutter of Coleman-St. v. xiii. 70 I ha' set her a gog to day for a husband.
1713 J. Echard & R. L'Estrange tr. Terence Phormio i, in Terence's Comedies made Eng. (ed. 4) 212 In short, we were all set agog at the Story.
1760 Tristram Shandy's Bon Mots 50 There is ne'er a Lord or Squire, Tho' senseless as king Log, When once set a gog After a Miss Tawdry, By the help of your bawdry, But will give you as good a living as you can desire.
1786 H. Mackenzie Lounger No. 98. 389 The great Lady who first set my wife and daughters heads agog about fashion and finery.
1862 T. Carlyle Hist. Friedrich II of Prussia III. xiii. ix. 534 The Eldest, age fourteen, had gone quite agog (s'étoit amouraché) about my little Girl, age only nine.
1867 T. Craddock Charles Lamb 166 When once the microscopic fact started up, the pen would immediately expand it in all directions, and set wonder agog over it.
1914 R. Cullum Way of Strong i. ix. 63 San Sabatano stood agog with breathless expectancy for weeks.
1968 Black Belt Oct. 48/2 The sumomen standing by, having never seen their teacher bested, stood agog at the battle.
2007 I. Welsh If you liked School, you'll love Work 25 Eugene looked agog at the glinting blade in Scott's hand.
c. With infinitive.
1542 N. Udall tr. Erasmus Apophthegmes ii. f. 296 Beeying sette agog to thynke all ye worlde otemele.
1639 J. Taylor Part of this Summers Trav. 44 You have set them a gog (with a vengeance) to doe injury with a mischiefe.
1680 R. L'Estrange tr. Erasmus 20 Select Colloquies ii. 19 You have set me agog to go thither too.
1778 Monthly Rev. Mar. 396 Even the forward Miss in her teens..will not be in danger of ‘being set agog to flourish as the little heroine of a romance’, by reading the adventures of Miss Barlowe.
1837 Slavery in Amer. Aug. 311 Whose example has set them agog to live without labour, upon the labour of the producing classes?
1904 Brain 27 264 Our attention is set agog to learn what it is that the writer is about to tell us of scientific prose.
1953 R. H. Tawney Attack i. 134 What convinced him of the virtues of nationalisation, and set him agog to propound plans for applying it, was the fatuity of the arguments advanced by Mr. Smith against it.
1994 A. Palmer Twilight of Habsburgs (1997) xiv. 226 He had a way of talking that held everybody, and a facility for setting all about him agog to solve the riddle of his personality.
B. adj.
1. In predicative use. Excited, eagerly expectant, enthusiastic; (in later use) astonished. Also: on the move, busily astir.
a. Without construction.
1664 J. Wilson Andronicus Comnenius iii. v. 50 They are all agog, And may do mischief.
1694 R. South 12 Serm. II. 455 As for the meaning of the Word it self, that may shift for it self:..only let it sound full and round, and chime right to the Humour, which is at present a Gog.
1772 W. O'Brien Cross Purposes i. in Coll. Farces (1792) VI. 68 The women are so agog now-a-days, that you can't provide too soon for them.
1814 J. Fennell Apol. for Life 161 Plans upon plans rushed into my head, of this or that, which I would do on the obtainment of such or such sums of money; and my brain was, to use a vulgar expression, all agog.
1855 Harper's Mag. July 248/2 The merchants were all agog; for they were, of course, unable to detect the under-current that disturbed the once even tide of commerce.
1922 J. Joyce Ulysses ii. xv. [Circe] 425 Mrs Breen (All agog.) O, not for worlds.
1951 R. Campbell Light on Dark Horse vi. 97 When we had got the spectators agog we would dive in.
1979 B. Moore Mangan Inheritance i. 27 Everyone agog, everyone loves gossip.
2010 A. Laing Different Day, Different Destiny xv. 264 At that moment, Henry ran up, coming to a screeching halt when he saw that Hannah was dressing. He looked agog for a second, and then said pompously, ‘You two ought to be attending to your duties.’
b. With prepositions, as about, after, against, at, for, on (also upon), over, with.
1674 S. Butler Hudibras (new ed.) ii. i. 259 Wedlock, that's worse than any hole here, If that may serve you for a Cooler; T' allay your Mettle, all agog Upon a Wife, the heavi'r Clog.
1727 A. Pope Sylvia in J. Swift Misc.: Last Vol. (1731) 222 Now coy and studious in no Point to fall, Now all agog for D——y at a Ball.
1735 T. Blackwell Enq. Life & Writings Homer xii. 323 They were all agog after Miracles.
1745 A. Macdonald Let. 24 Sept. in Culloden Papers (1815) 414 It is not surpriseing that they are somewhat agog about the adventure of their brother Highlanders.
1792 G. Morris in J. Sparks Life G. Morris (1832) II. 230 They are now agog with their republic.
1835 Knickerbocker Aug. 120 All the world was agog at this large advertisement.
1871 Lit. World 1 Apr. 162/3 The scene changes to Stockholm, which is all agog over the advent of Madame Dorbino.
1893 Morning Leader 17 June 3/4 The town is agog with people bearing catalogues in their hands.
1901 Gunton's Mag. May 454 A few years ago Europe was agog against the Turk for his massacres in Armenia.
1903 H. James Ambassadors iii. vii. 102 He was now so interested, quite so privately agog, about it, that he had already an eye to the fun it would be to open up to her afterwards.
1908 E. Syers in E. Syers & M. Syers Bk. Winter Sports 68 Among writers of the middle period who have carried forward the history of skating, the wonder-loving Pepys, always agog after any novelty, must be mentioned.
1916 C. Courtenay Empire of Silence xxv. 400 As time slipped by, public excitement was all agog on the subject.
1937 J. G. Fletcher Autobiogr. xii. 152 All London was agog for the event.
1952 Coast to Coast 1951 169 Three hundred Second Preference men all agog at the prospect of becoming Federation men in the next few blessed hours.
1988 Times 1 Nov. 2/4 Labour MPs were agog yesterday over signs of a feud between the two men.
2006 B. C. Paton Adventuring with Boldness i. ix. 116 The city was agog with activity. Men were seeking the vote and trade unions were gaining power.
c. With infinitive.
the mind > will > wish or inclination > willingness > [adjective] > eager
1683 J. Oldham Poems & Transl. 101 And she too fires my Heart, and she too charms, And I'm agog to have her in my arms.
1733 A. Pope Satires of Horace in Wks. (1738) II. 132 But Fools are ready chaps, agog to buy, Let but a comely fore-hand strike the eye.
1782 W. Cowper John Gilpin x Six precious souls and all agog To dash through thick and thin.
1838 J. B. Fraser Winter's Journey Constantinople to Tehran II. xii. 316 The little fellows who had gone a-fishing with me before, were all agog to be at the sport again.
1887 M. Arnold in Fortn. Rev. July 2 Still, still I see the figure smart—Trophy in mouth agog to start, Then, home return'd, once more depart.
1921 G. L. Hill Tryst xxvi. 257 You can't beat this kind of dope for bringing in the people, and getting everybody agog to hear him.
1965 Life 19 Nov. 10/2 At the end, determined hands shot up and a clamor of strident voices arose, all agog to discuss their biters [sc. children who bite people].
2008 M. Keyes This Charming Man 38 She was agog to hear and I was agog to tell.
2. In attributive use. Excited, eagerly expectant, enthusiastic; astonished.
1878 ‘Reformed Inebriate’ Back from Mouth of Hell iii. 40 Her strong arm nobly sustains the agog monster and stuffs to repletion its distended maw.
1933 Washington Post 9 July 19/5 A unique innovation in golf handicapping will be thrust upon an agog sport world.
1984 Irish Times 28 Jan. 3/4 The agog soccer public of Tobermore will have to wait for their big day.
1996 P. Des Barres Rock Bottom 127 The [Jimi Hendrix] Experience attacked the stage with a frenzied combination of rock/blues/jazz/Dylan that completely totaled the agog audience.
2003 P. Stevens Politics is Greatest Game xvi. 291 While they waited, an agog world watched, linked by technological satellite dishes.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, September 2012; most recently modified version published online December 2021).




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