

单词 child of god

> as lemmas

Child of God
13. Theology. Esp. in Child of God. A person considered as belonging to God, either by creation, or by regeneration or adoption.
society > faith > aspects of faith > spirituality > soul > regeneration > [noun] > person
Child of Goda1200
OE Ælfric Catholic Homilies: 1st Ser. (Royal) (1997) xix. 326 We men sind Godes bearn for þan ðe he us geworhte, & eft þa ða we forwyrhte wæron he asende his agen bearn us to alysednysse.]
a1200 MS Trin. Cambr. in R. Morris Old Eng. Homilies (1873) 2nd Ser. 19 Alle men ben godes children, for þat he hem alle shop, and ches hem to sunes and to dohtres.
?c1225 (?a1200) Ancrene Riwle (Cleo. C.vi) (1972) 170 Hwen god ȝef him leaue on [his] leoue children.
a1425 (a1400) Prick of Conscience (Galba & Harl.) (1863) l. 6148 Commes now til me, My fadir blissed childer fre.
1526 W. Bonde Pylgrimage of Perfection i. sig. Civ The christen man, as the welbyloued chylde of god.
1549 Bk. Common Prayer (STC 16267) Confirmacion f. ix*v In my Baptisme, wherein I was made a member of Christe, the childe of God.
1645 E. Pagitt Heresiogr. 33 Huttites, who boast themselves to be the only children of God, and heirs of heaven.
a1656 Bp. J. Hall Shaking of Olive-tree (1660) ii. 144 Which way should I become the child of God?
1758 J. Wesley Let. 6 Jan. (1931) III. 245 He evidences our being justified by bearing His testimony with our spirits that we are the children of God, and by enabling us to bring forth first the inward and then the outward fruits of the Spirit.
1796 S. T. Coleridge Compl. Poet. Wks. (1912) 153 O Lord! to thee I bend... Thy overshadowing Spirit may descend, And he be born again, a child of God.
1845 R. C. Trench Fitness Holy Script. iv. 75 Marvellously does He thus run oftentimes the lives of his children parallel with the life of the Church at large.
1850 F. W. Robertson Serm. (1878) 1st Ser. iv. 54 Man is God's child, and the sin of the man consists in perpetually living as if it were false.
1951 M. L. King in R. E. Luker & P. A. Russell Papers of Martin Luther King Jr. (1992) 424 Man may be described as the child of two parents: God, the formative agent in the process, and ‘meonic freedom’, the passive stuff which simply ‘consented’ to God's creative act.
2010 Church Times 12 Nov. 8/4 The Dean hoped that ‘conversion could be at hand, in which we recognize liberals and conservatives, Tea Partiers and socialists, libertarians and every one else, as fellow children of God.’
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