

单词 chervil


Forms: Old English cærfille, cerfelle, cerfille, Middle English chareuille, Middle English chiruylle, Middle English–1500s cheruell(e, Middle English cherefelle, 1500s cheruyle, cheruel, cheruyll, charuiel, charuel, charvyle, 1500s–1600s chervill, chervile, 1600s cherfill, sherville, 1500s– chervil.
Etymology: Old English cærfille , cerfille , -felle , < Latin chaer(e)phylla plural of chaerephyllum , < Greek χαιρέϕυλλον , applied to the same plant. Compare Old High German kervela , kervola weak feminine, Middle High German kervele , < kervel (masculine), German kerbel (masculine), Middle Low German and Middle Dutch kervele , kervel , Dutch kervel (feminine), from the same Latin word or ? its variant cærefolium . The second element of the Greek is ϕύλλον leaf, the first possibly from the verb χαιρ- rejoice, be glad, χαῖρε hail. Compare cerfoil n.
1. A garden pot-herb ( Anthriscus Cerefolium, formerly Chærophyllum sativum, family Umbelliferæ) the young leaves of which are used to impart an aromatic flavour to soups, stews, salads, etc.
the world > food and drink > food > fruit and vegetables > vegetables > herb > [noun] > chervil
the world > plants > particular plants > cultivated or valued plants > particular food plant or plant product > particular vegetables > [noun] > culinary herbs > chervil
a750 Corpus Gl. in T. Wright & R. P. Wülcker Anglo-Saxon & Old Eng. Vocab. 12 Cerefolium, cerfelle.
c1000 Sax. Leechd. II. 80 Wið springe..cerfillan.
a1300 in T. Wright & R. P. Wülcker Anglo-Saxon & Old Eng. Vocab. (1884) I. 558/7 Herba Roberti, i. herbe Robert, i. chareuille.
1362 W. Langland Piers Plowman A. vii. 281 Chibolles, cheruelys [v.r. & chiriuellis, B cheruelles] and ripe chiries monye.
c1450 Alphita (Anecd. Oxon.) 38 Cerfolium, gall. cerfoil, angl. cherefelle.
1541 T. Elyot Castel of Helthe (new ed.) 27 a Cheruyle is verye profytable unto the stomacke.
1573 T. Tusser Fiue Hundreth Points Good Husbandry (new ed.) f. 41v Necessarie herbes to growe in the garden for Phisick..Charuyle.
1580 C. Hollyband Treasurie French Tong Cerfueil, Charuel.
1664 J. Evelyn Kalendarium Hortense 58 in Sylva Sow Chervil, Lettuce, Radish, and other..Salletings.
1813 C. Marshall Introd. Knowl. & Pract. Gardening (ed. 5) xvi. 265 Chervil..was formerly in much estimation for its warm taste.
1855 ‘E. S. Delamer’ Kitchen Garden 124 Chervil..is largely used, though in small quantities, chopped fine, in salads, stuffings, sauces, and omelettes.
2. With various qualifying words:
bur chervil n. Anthriscus vulgaris. sweet chervil n. Myrrhis odorata. hemlock chervil n. rough chervil n. Torilis Anthriscus. cow chervil n. mock chervil n., wild chervil also called Cow Parsley, Anthriscus sylvestris. needle chervil n., wild chervil n. Scandix Pecten, commonly called Venus' Needle.great chervil: see the first element.
the world > plants > particular plants > plants and herbs > according to family > Umbelliferae (umbellifers) > [noun] > shepherd's needle
shepherd's needle1562
needle chervil1578
wild chervil1578
lady's comb1597
Venus needle1597
Venus's comb1597
pink needle1611
Adam's Needle1872
the world > plants > particular plants > plants and herbs > according to family > Umbelliferae (umbellifers) > [noun] > cicely or chervil
sweet cicely1597
sweet chervil1688
sweet fern1849
the world > plants > particular plants > plants and herbs > according to family > Umbelliferae (umbellifers) > [noun] > cow-parsley
mock chervil1548
wild cicely1597
pig's parsleya1697
wild chervil1783
cow parsley1785
cow chervil1804
beaked parsley1841
Queen Anne's lace1873
the world > plants > particular plants > plants perceived as weeds or harmful plants > weed > [noun] > hedge-parsley
rough chervil1785
hedge parsley1830
sheep's parsley1896
1578 H. Lyte tr. R. Dodoens Niewe Herball 615 In Englishe, Shepheardes Needel, Wilde Cheruel, and Needel Cheruill.
1597 J. Gerard Herball ii. 883 Myrrhe..is called..great Cheruill, and Sweete Cheruill.
1688 R. Holme Acad. Armory ii. 98/1 Sweet Cisley, or Chervil..[hath]..the leaves much cut and jagged.
1689 in Bk. Thanes of Cawdor (1859) 353 4 drop sherville.
1783 Ainsworth's Thes. Linguæ Latinæ (new ed.) ii Pecten Veneris, a kind of herb, wild chervil.
1785 T. Martyn tr. J.-J. Rousseau Lett. Elements Bot. xvii. 238 Two umbellate plants..under every hedge, called Wild Chervil and Rough Chervil.
1804 Med. & Physical Jrnl. 12 370 Wild Cicely, Cow weed, Cow parsley, Cow weed chervil.
1879 J. Lubbock Sci. Lect. i. 21 The common Wild Chervil, Chærophyllum sylvestre [now Anthriscus].
This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1889; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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