a piece of land which is left fallow, or sown with a fallow crop, for a summer; (also, and in earliest use, with reference to a piece of land) the…
单词 | θ52063 |
释义 | the world > food and drink > farming > farm > farmland > land suitable for cultivation > [noun] > fallow land > other fallows (6) summerlea1572 a piece of land which is left fallow, or sown with a fallow crop, for a summer; (also, and in earliest use, with reference to a piece of land) the… summer fallow1601 The condition of lying fallow, or practice of leaving land fallow, during the summer. Also: an instance of this. winter fallow1601 the state or fact of lying fallow during the winter; (also) land that lies fallow during the winter. twifallowing1610 fallow1684 With preceding modifying word, indicating either that the land is left uncultivated for a full year (bare fallow, naked fallow), or that a green… rag fallow1784 Land which is used for a grass crop and then ploughed several times prior to the planting of wheat in the autumn; the process of preparing land… |
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