

单词 chalco-

chalco-comb. form

Stress is usually determined by a subsequent element and vowels may be reduced accordingly.
Forms: Occasionally chalko-.
Stem and combining form of Greek χαλκός copper, brass, used in the names of many minerals.
ˈchalcocite n.
Brit. /ˈkalkəsʌɪt/
U.S. /ˈkælkəˌsaɪt/
[Dana's alteration of the older name chalcosine (see below)] native sulphide of copper, copper glance.
the world > the earth > minerals > types of mineral > sulphides and related minerals > [noun] > chalcocite group > copper sulphide
grey orea1728
1868 J. D. Dana Min. (1884) 53 Specimens referred to chalcocite.
ˈchalcodite n.
Brit. /ˈkalkədʌɪt/
U.S. /ˈkælkəˌdaɪt/
[named 1851; < Greek χαλκώδης like copper + -ite suffix1] a hydrous silicate of iron, found in velvety coatings, having a brass-like lustre, a variety of stilpnomelane.
1857 C. U. Shepard Treat. Mineral. (ed. 3) Chalcodite.
1868 J. D. Dana Min. (1880) 460 Brush ascertained the identity of chalcodite and stilpnomelane.
ˈchalcolite n.
Brit. /ˈkalkəlʌɪt/
U.S. /ˈkælkəˌlaɪt/
[see -lite comb. form1] a synonym for torbernite, which was erroneously supposed to be an ore of copper.
1801 tr. Klaproth's Ess. Min. Werner has given it the name Chalcolite.
1868 J. D. Dana Min. (1884) 586 Chalcolite has since crept back again, but is no more appropriate now than it was sixty years ago.
chalcoˈmenite n.
Brit. /ˌkalkəˈmiːnʌɪt/
U.S. /ˌkælkəˈmiˌnaɪt/
[Greek μήνη the moon; named with reference to selenite, < σελήνη moon] a copper selenite from South America.
1881 Nature 12 May 41/2 A new selenite of copper..Chalcomenite..occurs in the Argentine Republic.
chalˈcophacite n.
Brit. /kalˈkɒfəsʌɪt/
U.S. /kælˈkɔfəˌsaɪt/
[Greek ϕακός lentil] a synonym for Liroconite, a native arseniate of copper, occurring in small lentil-shaped crystals.
1850 J. D. Dana Syst. Mineral. (ed. 3) 529 Chalcophacite.
chalˈcophanite n.
Brit. /kalˈkɒfənʌɪt/
U.S. /kælˈkɔfəˌnaɪt/
[Greek ϕαν- appearing, showing] a hydrous oxide of zinc and manganese, having sometimes a bronze-like lustre.
1875 Amer. Chemist July 1 On chalcophanite, a new mineral species.
chalcoˈphyllite n.
Brit. /ˌkalkə(ʊ)ˈfɪlʌɪt/
U.S. /ˌkælkəˈfɪˌlaɪt/
[Greek ϕύλλον leaf: named 1847] a green, foliated arseniate of copper.
1850 J. D. Dana Syst. Mineral. (ed. 3) 529 Chalcophyllite.
chalcoˈpyrrhotite n.
Brit. /ˌkalkə(ʊ)ˈpɪrətʌɪt/
U.S. /ˌkælkəˈpɪrəˌtaɪt/
[named 1870] a variety of pyrrhotite n. a sulphide of iron and copper, resembling chalcopyrite.
1875 J. D. Dana Min. App. ii. 11 Chalcopyrrhotite.
chalcoˈsiderite n.
Brit. /ˌkalkə(ʊ)ˈsɪdərʌɪt/
U.S. /ˌkælkəˈsɪdəˌraɪt/
[Greek σίδηρος iron] a hydrous phosphate of copper and iron, a variety of Dufrenite.
1884 J. D. Dana Min. App. iii. 24 Chalcosiderite.
ˈchalcosine n.
Brit. /ˈkalkəsiːn/
U.S. /ˈkælkəˌsin/
[badly formed on Greek χαλκός + -ine suffix1] earlier name of chalcocite (see above).
1835 C. U. Shepard Treat. Mineral. 123 Chalkosine.
chalcoˈstibite n.
Brit. /ˌkalkə(ʊ)ˈstɪbʌɪt/
U.S. /ˌkælkəˈstɪˌbaɪt/
[Greek στίβι (στίμμι), sulphuret of antimony: named 1847] a rare sulphantimonide of copper.
1868 J. D. Dana Syst. Mineral. (ed. 5) 85 Chalcostibite.
chalˈcotrichite n.
Brit. /kalˈkɒtrᵻkʌɪt/
U.S. /kælˈkɑtrəˌkaɪt/
[Greek (θρίξ), τριχ- hair] a variety of cuprite occurring in acicular or capillary crystals, known as plush copper-ore.
1832 C. U. Shepard Treat. Mineral. 123 Chalkotrichite, the capillary variety of red copper ore.
1868 J. D. Dana Syst. Mineral. (ed. 5) 133 Capillary cuprite, chalcotrichite.

Draft additions 1997

chalcophil adj.
Brit. /ˈkalkəfɪl/
U.S. /ˈkælkəˌfɪl/
(also chalcophile) [ < German chalkophil (V. M. Goldschmidt 1923, in Skrifter utgit av Videnskapsselsk. I: Mat.-nat. Kl. iii. 7); see -phile comb. form 2] Geology and Chemistry applied to elements which are commonly found as sulphides or native and are supposed to have become concentrated in the mantle when the earth was molten; also as n., (a naturally occurring form of) such an element.
the world > matter > chemistry > elements and compounds > metals > specific elements > sulphur > [noun] > chalcophile elements
the world > matter > chemistry > elements and compounds > metals > specific elements > sulphur > [adjective] > chalcophile elements
1923 Mineral. Abstr. II. 159 The chemical elements are divided into..: (1) Siderophil elements.. (2)Chalcophil elements of sulphide fusions, represented in meteorites by the troilite phase (S, Se, Te, Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, As, Sb, Bi, Ag, Au, Hg, Pd, &c.); (3) Lithophil elements of silicate fusions.
1979 A. H. Brownlow Geochem. i. 31 The electrons of lithophile and chalcophile elements are more available; thus these elements tend to form ions.
1981 J. W. Buttle et al. Chem. (ed. 4) viii. 190 Metallic sulphides (chalcophils) would dissolve in the iron sulphide phase.
1984 N. N. Greenwood & A. Earnshaw Chem. of Elements (1986) xv. 760 The chalcophiles..are associated with copper, specifically as sulfides.
This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1889; most recently modified version published online March 2022).
comb. form1801




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