

单词 chambering


Brit. /ˈtʃeɪmb(ə)rɪŋ/, U.S. /ˈtʃeɪmbərɪŋ/
Forms: see chamber n. and -ing suffix1.
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: chamber n., -ing suffix1; chamber v., -ing suffix1.
Etymology: Partly < chamber n. + -ing suffix1, and partly < chamber v. + -ing suffix1. With sense 5 compare cameration n. 2.In sense 3 perhaps originally arising from a misapprehension of Luther's translation of Romans 13:13. Luther's translation of the New Testament (1522) renders the passage as Last vns erbarlich wandeln,..nicht ynn fressen vnd sauffen, nicht ynn kamern vnd geylheyt ‘Let us walk honestly,..not in eating and drinking immoderately, not in chambers and wantonness’ (the revised edition of 1546 reads nicht in kamern vnd vnzucht ‘not in chambers and fornication’), where kamern is the plural of kamer chamber n. However, kamern could be misapprehended as a verb, owing to the perceived parallelism with the preceding infinitives fressen fret v.1 and sauffen sup v.1; this misapprehension is reflected also in later use in German, where †kammern ‘to fornicate’ is occasionally attested from 1699 onwards. In the so-called Adventspostille (1522), Luther also cited the passage in Romans, but eliminated the ambiguity by substituting schlaffkamern, lit. ‘sleeping chambers’, for kamern.
1. Restraint in speech. Cf. chamber v. 1a. Obsolete. rare.
a1425 J. Wyclif Sel. Eng. Wks. (1871) II. 124 (MED) Crist bi chaumbring of þes wordis tauȝte men to flee boost.
2. (a) The furnishing of a room. (b) concrete. Hangings, drapery; cf. chamber n. 1b.
society > inhabiting and dwelling > inhabited place > a building > furniture and fittings > covers or hangings > [noun] > hangings
society > inhabiting and dwelling > inhabited place > a building > furniture and fittings > [noun] > of a house > furnishing > of room
c1449 R. Pecock Repressor (1860) 521 What point in chaumbring, stabiling, gardeins, beddis..plesith oon gist, plesith not an other.
1454 in J. Raine Testamenta Eboracensia (1855) II. 174 (MED) j blake bede with the chawmering of the same.
1480 Wardrobe Accts. Edward IV in N. H. Nicolas Privy Purse Expenses Elizabeth of York (1830) 130 Chamberyng off tapicery white and grene.
3. Sexual indulgence, lewdness, wanton behaviour; an instance of this. Now chiefly historical.Frequently in conjunction with wantonness, in allusion to Romans 13:13 (see quot. 1526).
society > morality > moral evil > licentiousness > unchastity > [noun] > sexual indulgence > illicit
buttock banqueting1555
1526 Bible (Tyndale) Rom. xiii. 13 Let vs walke honestly..nether in chamburynge [Wycliffite Bible E.V. couchis, L.V. beddis; L. cubilibus; Gk. κοίταις] and wantannes.
1581 J. Bell tr. W. Haddon & J. Foxe Against Jerome Osorius 80 b Nor in eating and drinking nother in chambring and wantonnesse.
1653 R. Saunders Physiognomie 50 Given to Sodomy, Bestiality, Incest, Chambering, and such dishonest actions.
1698 G. Ridpath Stage Condemn'd 84 Our Religion..condemns all Rioting, Chambering, Wantonness, and making Provision for the Flesh.
1739 G. Whitefield Contin. Rev. Mr. Whitefield's Jrnl. (ed. 2) 4 Others can spend whole Nights in Chambering and Wantoness, why should Christians be ashamed to sing the Songs of the Lamb?
1799 A. Kessell Two Adams 15 Hence sportive chambering, and wanton lust, With beastial scenes, too black to be exprest.
1827 R. M. Bird Caridorf i. iii, in America's Lost Plays (1941) XII. 82 You have more to say—some delicate passages—Letters and kisses—perhaps chamberings—Corner encounters? Have you not? Confess it.
1883 O. Wilde Duchess of Padua iii. 61 I have done the tricks! I know the partings and the chamberings; We are all animals at best, and love Is merely passion with a holy name.
1915 N. Munro in Evening News (Glasgow) 6 Dec. 4/1 Naething in our minds but pleesure, the raiment we should wear and the worship o' the belly; gallivantin' here and there: chamberin' and wantonness.
1938 L. MacNeice I crossed Minch vi. 76 Charles Edward..sank into chambering and soddishness.
2005 Pittsburgh (Pa.) Tribune Rev. (Nexis) 25 Dec.Chambering’ was a euphemism for the indoor equivalent of spending May nights out in the woods.
4. The size or arrangement of the chambers (chamber n. 9c) of a gun; the provision of chambers.
society > armed hostility > military equipment > production and development of arms > [noun] > manufacture of firearms and ammunition > processes in
fine boring1789
1827 Mechanics' Mag. 3 Mar. 143/1 The shooting of a gun greatly depends on the chambering of the breech.
1877 Times 5 May 12/6 Ascertain if the gun's powers would be so increased by the chambering as to justify the chambering of the four weapons.
1916 Waterloo (Iowa) Evening Courier 18 Feb. 12/3 The Colts ·38 Army Special is simply the old Colts D. A. improved, the improvements consisting of better lock work..and a change in the chambering.
2004 Backwoods Home Mag. July–Aug. 74/1 The 20-gauge may be your best compromise, and anyone who makes a good pump shotgun will offer it in this chambering.
5. Zoology and Botany. The state of being divided into chambers or loculi. Cf. cameration n. 2.
the world > life > biology > physical aspects or shapes > indentation or cavity > [noun] > depression or cavity > formation
1885 Encycl. Brit. XIX. 846 The test has usually a chambered structure... The chambering of the test does not express a corresponding cell-segmentation of the protoplasm.
1936 New Phytologist 35 425 In B. Erucago the two normal loculi become converted into four chambers... That is to say, the chambering is due to the peculiar conformation of the fertile carpels.
2002 Proc. National Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 99 8455/2 Although there are no open sinus cavities in the supraorbital regions of either skull, both skulls show the presence of bilateral chambering.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, November 2010; most recently modified version published online December 2021).


Forms: see chamber n. and -ing suffix2.
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: chamber n., -ing suffix2.
Etymology: < chamber n. + -ing suffix2. Compare later chamber v. 6.
Characterized by self-indulgence or wantonness. Cf. chamber v. 6, chambering n. 3.
society > morality > moral evil > evil nature or character > lack of magnanimity or noble-mindedness > self-interest > [adjective] > selfish > pleasing oneself or self-indulgent
1607 R. Niccols Cuckow 10 Their chambring fortitude they did descrie By their soft maiden voice and flickering eie.
1652 M. Nedham tr. J. Selden Of Dominion of Sea 82 Andronicus Palæologus..lived a chambering idle life within his Palace.
1815 H. H. Milman Fazio ii. i. 26 Oh, in a capering, chambering, wanton land, The lozel's song alone gains audience, Fine loving ditties, sweet to sickliness.
1874 A. C. Swinburne Bothwell iii. ix. 314 These are no chambering times, nor sit we here To sing love's catches.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, November 2010; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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