

单词 θ22577
the world > plants > particular plants > plants and herbs > according to family > Cruciferae (crucifers) > [noun] > other crucifers (40)

Originally: †the root of the cultivated radish; (also) the root of the turnip (obsolete). In later use (in form Raphanus): a genus of plants of the…


Usually with distinguishing word. Any of various other (chiefly cruciferous) plants likened to watercress in appearance, pungency of taste, or…

boor's mustard1548

either of two brassicas: pennycress, Thlaspi arvense, and narrow-leaved pepperwort, Lepidium ruderale; cf. peasant's mustard n. at peasant, n. adj.co…


Turner's name for Thlaspi arvense.


With distinguishing word: any of various other plants, chiefly of the family Brassicaceae (Cruciferae), that resemble rocket in some respect (as…

treacle mustard1548

A name applied by 16th cent. herbalists to the plant Thlaspi arvense on account of its supposed medicinal virtue; by later writers applied to Clyp


A name formerly given to species of Alyssum, called also heal-bite.


A genus of cruciferous plants (tribe Thlaspideæ), containing about thirty species, chiefly annuals, bearing insignificant white, pink, or…

candy mustard1597

candytuft, Iberis umbellata.

Grecian mustard1597

some plant of the family Thlaspideæ (‘Thlaspi Græcum’, Gerarde).

Italian rocket1597

= rocket, n.4 2.

knave's mustard1597

a white-flowered cruciferous plant, perhaps hoary cress, Lepidium draba.


Any of various plants identified with Greek ἄλυσσον and formerly reputed to cure hydrophobia. In early use: †any of several hoary plants of the…

mithridate mustard1597

(a) pepperwort, Lepidium campestre, a plant of the family Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) once credited with great medicinal virtues (now rare, perhaps obs


Any of various plants of the genus Alyssum; = madwort, n. 2. Obsolete.


= mithridate mustard n. at compounds 2. Obsolete. rare.


(a) = wild rocket n. at wild, adj. n.compounds 1; (b) Diplotaxis tenuifolia.


a name applied by Gerard to species of Thlaspi; by others to some plant not identified (? broomrape).


A herbaceous annual plant, Iberis umbellata (family Brassicaceae), grown as an ornamental for its white, pink, or pale purple flowers in flat…


A plant of the genus of herbs so named belonging to the family Cruciferæ, found in temperate and arctic regions, and cultivated as hardy annual…

Turkey cress1633

see quot.

rock cress1650

Any of several similar small plants of the family Brassicaceae (Cruciferae); esp. any plant of the genus Arabis, characterized by a basal rosette of…

shepherd's cress1713

the dwarf cruciferous plant, Teesdalia nudicaulis.


Originally: any of several plants of the family Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) with flat round seed pods. Later: spec. a member of the genus Thlaspi, esp…


Any of the numerous plants constituting the genus Alyssum (family Brassicaceae (Cruciferae)), comprising herbs and small shrubs typically found in…


Any of numerous plants comprising or formerly included in the genus Arabis (family Brassicaceae (Cruciferae)), consisting of herbaceous annual or…

tower mustard1760

Sometimes applied to Arabis Turrita (see tower-cress n. at tower, n.1 compounds 5); also called bastard tower mustard.


A name of various plants. Draba verna, whitlow-grass.


Sir J. Hill's name for: a plant belonging to or formerly included in the genus Arabis; rock cress, wall cress.


The cruciferous plant Diplotaxis muralis.

wall cabbage1796

(see quot.).


the genus Arabis; also (see quot. 1796).


a plant (Subularia aquatica) so named from its leaves.


an American species of rock-cress.

Kerguelen cabbage1847

a cabbage-like plant, Pringlea antiscorbutica, of the family Cruciferæ, which is confined to several islands in the region of the Kerguelen Islands.

sun cress1848

any of various South African plants of the genus Heliophila (family Brassicaceae), typically having blue, pink, or white flowers which open in…

sand rocket1854

the wall mustard.

wall mustard1904

= wall-rocket n.


Biscutella auriculata.


the cruciferous plant Arabis Turrita; sometimes applied to tower mustard, n., Turritis glabra.





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