

单词 false
(fɔːls )
1. adjective B1
If something is false, it is incorrect, untrue, or mistaken.
It was quite clear the President was being given false information by those around him.
You do not know whether what you're told is true or false.
His sister said he had deliberately given the hospital a false name and address.
Synonyms: untrue, fraudulent, unreal, concocted  
falsely adverb [ADVERB with verb] B2
...a man who is falsely accused of a crime.
falsity (fɔːlsɪti ) uncountable noun [oft the NOUN of noun]
...with no clear knowledge of the truth or falsity of the issues involved.
Synonyms: lie, fraud, cheating, deception  
Synonyms: untruth, deceit, dishonesty, inaccuracy  
2. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] B2
You use false to describe objects which are artificial but which are intended to look like the real thing or to be used instead of the real thing.
...the items she'd secreted in the false bottom of her suitcase.
...a set of false teeth.
I was wearing false eyelashes and a sweater two sizes too small.
3. adjective
If you describe a person or their behaviour as false, you are criticizing them for being insincere or for hiding their real feelings. [disapproval]
She bowed her head and smiled in false modesty.
'Thank you,' she said with false enthusiasm.
Even to himself the geniality rang false and he came to a stop.
falsely adverb [ADVERB adjective, ADVERB after verb]
He was falsely jovial, with his booming, mirthless laugh.
'This food is divine,' they murmur, falsely.
a false dawn [mainly British, journalism]
a situation in which you think that something is finally going to improve but it does not
National elections are scheduled for next year, but this country has seen many false dawns before. Is it really heading for democracy and peace this time?
sail under false colours
to deliberately deceive people
This report sails under false colours. The author had reached his basic conclusions long before he even began gathering any fresh evidence.
false hope
Such sellers have essentially commodified false hope.
The Sun (2016)
This was much more than a false hope.
Zindell, David The Broken God (1993)
I don't want to give false hope but there have been advances in this field.
The Sun (2016)
Or whether it was a beacon of false hope lit by the unique electricity of a motley group with an idiosyncratic manager.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
false idol
He talks about government as a false idol.
Christianity Today
She used to hide her pop posters inside her wardrobe, because otherwise he'd rip them down and say they were false idols.
Times,Sunday Times
Through its production of the false idol of the public, it diverts attention away from individuals to a mass public that loses itself in abstractions, communal dreams, and fantasies.
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Immediately after, he created a false idol.
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In a sporting world bloated by hype and false idols, a true great bowed out last night with the record books covered in tears and thanks.
Times, Sunday Times
false image
Psychometric tests are cleverly designed to notice when people are trying to put across a false image of themselves.
Times, Sunday Times
The public can see through it if you are putting on a kind of false image.
Times, Sunday Times
She worries about playing up to some false image of femininity.
Times, Sunday Times
I have long argued that these are patronising and reinforce the false image of a helpless continent in desperate need of our salvation.
Times,Sunday Times
A commitment to authenticity helps us refuse the false image some project onto us.
Christianity Today
false impression
The lack of honesty then sustains a false impression.
Times, Sunday Times
Scoring a hatful of points against relatively easy opponents may look good but can create bad habits and a false impression.
Times, Sunday Times
The tougher walks will often include overnight stops in huts - a word that conjures up a false impression.
Times, Sunday Times
It's trivialising something that should not be trivialised and gives a false impression of surgery.
Times, Sunday Times
He always seemed content to let the false impression linger, however.
Times, Sunday Times
false information
Any listed company allowing false information to cause share prices to move by more than 20% could face a criminal investigation.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
They said that it had printed false information to distort the facts.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
The case was blighted by false information given by officials.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
To have false information removed you simply have to make your case to a site administrator.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
He is charged with three counts of fraud, two counts of transferring criminal property and two counts of furnishing false information.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
false lashes
Double-check the position - you don't want your false lashes too close to the inner eye.
The Sun
We live in a world of false lashes, she lives in a world of real lashes.
The Sun
False lashes are the must-have fashion accessory of the moment.
Times, Sunday Times
I immediately reapply a full face including false lashes and that won't come off until the next morning.
The Sun
But the double false lashes that she wears to enhance her striking blue eyes are 'crucial' — without them she would have no eyelashes at all.
The Sun
false lead
A semi-interested assistant in a third shop pointed me to a back shelf, but it turned out to be a false lead.
Times, Sunday Times
It was a false lead gleaned from her mobile phone messages.
Times, Sunday Times
Then, after so many false leads, came a tip-off that sounded promising.
Times, Sunday Times
They have had their hopes raised and dashed so often over the years by false leads and attention-seekers.
The Sun
Look-alike pets are identified to avoid false leads in the future.
Times, Sunday Times
false modesty
He had no false modesty about the poems.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
That sounds like false modesty to us.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
There's no such thing as false modesty with you.
The Sun (2015)
This false modesty is a bit nauseating but no one can deny you look glam.
The Sun (2015)
false name
He was finally given it but then allegedly resorted to a false name so he could be granted British citizenship.
The Sun (2011)
She provided police with a false name and description when asked to identify who had been driving her car.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
The hotel room had been booked under a false name and using stolen credit card details.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
The police arrested him and he gave a false name.
James Fergusson KANDAHAR COCKNEY: A Tale of Two Worlds (2004)
Although this man gave the gang a false name, Goody claims he always knew his real identity.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
false notion
Let's not have people hiding their concerns to protect a false notion of unity.
Christianity Today
All have been based on a false notion of the incontrovertible nature of scientific proof; a misunderstanding that provided a perfect ground for tyranny.
Times, Sunday Times
Institutional bad faith renders those extraordinary conditions invisible and advances as a norm the false notion a shared ordinary set of conditions.
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I've found these false notions are also removed by making baptism a regular part of morning worship.
Christianity Today
Many false notions are believed by many people.
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false optimism
So why not another dose of false optimism?
Globe and Mail
Self-pity on the one hand, false optimism on the other - you've got to strike a balance, haven't you?
Times, Sunday Times
But one too many rejections had made this false optimism hard to hold on to.
Times, Sunday Times
Apparently, when we're young we're full of 'false optimism' about life.
The Sun
He didn't go along with false optimism.
Times, Sunday Times
false passport
She faces charges of tax evasion and using a false passport.
Times, Sunday Times
He has in the past fled to avoid a court order and was found in possession of a false passport.
Times, Sunday Times
She was convicted of using a false passport.
Times, Sunday Times
During the fraud trial he jumped bail and left the country under a false passport.
Times, Sunday Times
He had at least one false passport in this name — and nine more years of 'close protection' ahead of him.
Times, Sunday Times
false perception
In this case, there may also be a false perception of norms.
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The phenomenon consists of a false perception of angular displacement about the roll axis and therefore becomes an illusion of bank.
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This has lead to a widespread false perception that the genres are synonymous.
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They used to be persecuted by anglers for the false perception that they stopped trout colonising stretches of rivers and streams.
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Our work highlights the successes in this area and dispels the myths and false perceptions about a career in local government.
Times, Sunday Times
false premises
We are now prepared to stand before the congregation and expose false premises and penetrate self-deceptions.
Christianity Today
All the polls proving this and that, prove nothing because they are based on false premises and future guesses.
Times, Sunday Times
Logical minds working from false premises, unfailingly arrive at erroneous conclusions.
Times, Sunday Times
They base their arguments on two false premises.
Times, Sunday Times
When we start out with false premises, we are sure to arrive at an unsound conclusion.
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false promise
It also holds out the not-entirely false promise of self-renewal.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
It has got to be about real hope not false promise.
The Sun (2015)
The false promise of protectionism must be resisted.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
false reading
But new research suggests that carbon dating gave a false reading.
The Sun
But the paramedics thought they must be getting a false reading when they checked my oxygen.
The Sun
That was based on an entirely false reading of history.
Times, Sunday Times
In some cases, reluctantly, he has been forced to leave a clearly false reading unchanged, conceding final editorial bafflement.
The Times Literary Supplement
This false reading may be caused by abnormally large changes in an aircraft's pitch.
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false report
The consequence of your false report led police down a blind alley, chasing and checking unnecessary details.
The Sun
A false report from a government official then raised hopes that 50 survivors had been found.
Times, Sunday Times
He was charged with making a false report, arrested and taken to a local jail, although he was released on bail later that day pending a court appearance.
Times, Sunday Times
He was charged with filing a false report to a police officer.
Houston Chronicle
She was charged with offences including filing a false report.
The Sun
false representation
She admitted pretending to be a medical practitioner and fraud by false representation.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
He denies four charges of obtaining money by deception and false representation.
The Sun (2011)
She denies misconduct in public office and false representation.
The Sun (2009)
She admitted two charges of fraud by false representation and asked for 17 others to be taken into consideration at Portsmouth crown court.
The Sun (2016)
Last month she was jailed for eight months after admitting six charges of false representation.
The Sun (2009)
false rumour
When your shares are being thumped by a persistent false rumour, do not panic.
Times, Sunday Times
One false rumour blamed mobile phone masts for spreading the virus and several were then set alight.
The Sun
Ask what objections he has to you - maybe he's heard some false rumour.
The Sun
He described how, in the space of a minute, five bank trading desks independently telephoned him to relay the same false rumour about the bank.
Times, Sunday Times
Just one false rumour that this fund was moving out of dollars, or stockpiling copper could dramatically hit prices - or governments.
Times, Sunday Times
false self
But if we don't make the effort to know our true self, we'll be stuck in our false self.
Christianity Today
You need to chip away at that false self.
Times, Sunday Times
No matter how great a job we do at constructing a false self, people eventually recognise an inherent lie.
Times, Sunday Times
It's called the false self.
Times, Sunday Times
In his view, narcissists have lost their true self, the core of their personality, which has been replaced by delusions of grandeur, a false self.
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false statement
He accepts that a move in the language game can be a true or false statement about something independent of the game.
The Times Literary Supplement
She now faces charges of giving a false statement over an imaginary offence and will appear in court today.
Times, Sunday Times
She pleaded guilty to three charges of dishonestly making a false statement or representation and failing to notify a change in circumstances.
The Sun
She allegedly deleted text messages relating to the case and made a false statement to police.
Times, Sunday Times
You will have to make a declaration, and if you make a false statement you will be liable for criminal prosecution.
Times, Sunday Times
false testimony
Prosecutors announced an investigation last week into claims the former prime minister and 44 others gave false testimony or corrupted witnesses at previous trials.
Times, Sunday Times
It ordered a review over claims of false testimony.
The Sun
They were held on suspicion of giving false testimony to the police, a crime punishable by up to three years in jail.
Times, Sunday Times
A number of others also tried to hide the problems, including by providing false testimony while under oath, according to the watchdog.
Times, Sunday Times
Several other witnesses, it has emerged, are also being investigated on suspicion of providing false testimony.
Times, Sunday Times
false trail
But it may also be a false trail.
Times, Sunday Times
But it proves another false trail.
The Sun
They thought it was the discovery, after a few false trails, of a different path.
Times, Sunday Times
There have been the false trails, of course.
Times, Sunday Times
He came across many rumours and false trails.
Times, Sunday Times
patently false
The tech giant responded that any suggestion that it didn't care about working conditions was 'patently false and offensive'.
Times, Sunday Times
His lawyer insisted the allegations were 'patently false'.
The Sun
Nor was it fair that 'patently false' accusations should be allowed to follow teachers through their entire career.
Times, Sunday Times
In a statement, the mogul apologised for past 'bad behaviour' but a later statement from his lawyer said he 'denies many of the accusations as patently false'.
The Sun
Shame, especially, tatkes on the idea of raised expectations generated by the media and nails it down as patently false.
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totally false
He also angrily decried the leaking of information, much of which was 'totally false' and had been voluntarily recounted by the maid herself.
Times, Sunday Times
It's totally false to say you can't practise.
Times, Sunday Times
The bank rushed out an announcement saying that the claims in the spoof press release and website were 'totally false and groundless'.
Times, Sunday Times
The rumours were totally false.
The Times Literary Supplement
There had been so many accusations against me, which were totally false, and yet there they were on the front pages of the newspapers.
Times, Sunday Times
utterly false
The debate became one of disproving utterly false propaganda.
Times, Sunday Times
A letter from his old schoolteacher dismissed it as 'utterly false and grievously mischievous'.
The Sun
His lawyers sent a letter to this newspaper saying that the allegation that he had offered to amend legislation for a fee was utterly false and without foundation.
Times, Sunday Times
The choice between custody and rehabilitation should be an utterly false one.
Times, Sunday Times
But he said that it had been completely and utterly false to blame the fans for the disaster.
Times, Sunday Times
wholly false
He said yesterday that the allegations made against him had been 'wholly false and seriously defamatory'.
Times, Sunday Times
Western policymakers were often castigated by anti-nuclear critics as heedless of the threat to civilisation, and the charge was wholly false.
Times, Sunday Times
Memories of specific events experienced after the age of 10 can be highly accurate, highly inaccurate and sometimes wholly false.
Times, Sunday Times
Undo their machinations with a surfeit of wholly false information, the more baroque in its imagining the better.
Times, Sunday Times
To say that technical expertise sits at the opposite end of the spectrum from personal communion with nature would be to create a wholly false opposition.
The Times Literary Supplement
Chinese: 假的
Japanese: 偽りの




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