

单词 stall boat
释义 stall boat Obs.
In 5 stallbote, 6 stalboat, 7 stale-boat, 8 (Dict.) stall-boat.
[Prob. f. stall n.1, in the sense of ‘fixed station’.]
A kind of fishing-boat, placed at anchor at the mouth of a river.
1328–9Exch. K. R. Memor. m. 125 Quolibet piscante cum batello vocato stalbot.1488Act 4 Hen. VII, c. 22 §2 For a singuler covetyse and lucre in takyng of a fewe grete fysshes certeyne persones have used to set and ordeyne certeyne botes called Stallbotes festened with ankres.1558Act 1 Eliz. c. 17 §1 No person..withe any..Trimmenet, Trymebote, Stalbote, Weblyster..shall take..Spawne or Frye of Eeles, Salmon, Pyke or Pyckerel.1584–5Act 27 Eliz. c. 21 By the contynewall standinge of the saide Stalboates & usinge of the saide Nettes..the saide Haven and Gull..are become of muche lesse depthe.1614T. Gentleman England's Way 19 These men..do set forth stale-boates, amongst the sands in the Theames mouth, for to take sprats, with great stale-nets.Ibid. 21 If that these men will needs vse their stale-boates and nets, let them go where the good Sprats be.1706Phillips (ed. Kersey), Stall-boat, a kind of Fisher's Boat.1720Strype Stow's Surv. I. i. xv. 71/1 The Stal⁓boats, which are wont to belong to the Constable; and as yet do belong..[margin Ex Rotul. Claus. 9 R. II.].




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