

单词 splenectomy
释义 spleˈnectomy Surg.
[ad. mod.L. splēnectomia, f. Gr. σπλήν spleen n. + ἐκτοµή excision. So F. splénectomie.]
Excision or removal of the spleen. Also spleˈnectomist, one who removes the spleen (Cent. Dict. 1891); spleˈnectomize v. trans., to excise the spleen of (an animal or person).
1859Mayne Expos. Lex. 1192/1 Splenectomia,..old term for excision of the spleen;..splenectomy.1897Allbutt's Syst. Med. IV. 516 Effects of splenectomy in man.Ibid. 522 Experiments on rabbits that had been splenectomised.Ibid. 528 Laudenbach found them in a splenectomised dog.




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