

单词 correspondency
释义 correspondency Now somewhat rare or arch.|kɒrɪˈspɒndənsɪ|
[f. as prec.: see -ency.]
1. = correspondence 1: agreement, congruity, etc.; an instance of correspondence.
1589Puttenham Eng. Poesie iii. xxiii. (Arb.) 269 So as there be found a iust correspondencie betweene them.1594T. B. La Primaud. Fr. Acad. ii. xli. 241 According to that correspondencie, which is betweene the bodie and the soule.1622Callis Stat. Sewers (1647) 110 This..holds good correspondency with other Cases in our Law.1664H. More Myst. Iniq. i. xvii. (summary), The punctual correspondency of the Events..to the Predictions.1778Phil. Trans. LXVIII. 681 The general correspondency of our results.1876J. P. Norris Rudim. Theol. i. 10 The correspondency..between plants and animals—plants..preparing..food which..the animal can assimilate.
b. quasi-concr. A corresponding or fitly answering condition or arrangement of (things).
1607T. Walkington Opt. Glass i. (1664) 14 Yet not fitting them with a correspondency of diet.1657Tomlinson Renou's Disp. Pref., Heaven will follow it with a correspondency of Blessings.1800Coleridge Piccolom. i. iv, To move and act In all the correspondencies of greatness.
2. = correspondence 2: analogy, similarity.
1598Barret Theor. Warres v. i. 123 The confines of a Kingdome, doth hold some correspondency with the circuit of a city.a1665J. Goodwin Filled w. the Spirit (1867) 101 His faith..holds good correspondency with the faith of Abraham in the nature and truth of it.1728R. Morris Ess. Anc. Archit. 21 A Correspondency or Resemblance to it.
3. = correspondence 3: concordant or sympathetic response; compliance. Obs.
1587Fleming Contn. Holinshed III. 1578/1 She..promised correspondencie in all that she might.1612Sir R. Dudley in Fortesc. Papers 7 note, Howe to give fitte correspondency to this your exceedinge lovinge kindnes.1647N. Bacon Disc. Govt. Eng. i. lv. (1739) 97 Duke William must give all correspondency to the Normans.
4. = correspondence 4. Obs.
1588D. Rogers in Ellis Orig. Lett. ii. 233 III. 144 The maintenaunce of all good correspondencie to be enterteined with the Crowne of Englande.1634W. Tirwhyt Balzac's Lett. 169 What kind correspondency can be expected betweene the Mistresse of the house, and the Concubine?a1655Bp. G. Goodman Mem. Crt. Eliz. & Jas. I. 362 When they desire the love and correspondency of a foreign prince.a1718Penn in Pa. Hist. Soc. Mem. I. 412 I have..settled a firm and advantageous correspondency with them.1724T. Richers Hist. R. Geneal. Spain 132 The good Correspondency which then subsisted between that Prince and King Alphonso.
5. = correspondence 5: communication, intercourse; also in some of the specific uses, as secret communication, commercial intercourse, etc.
1613Sherley Trav. Persia 113 Because of the great separation by distance, and difficult meanes of correspondencie, which could be made betweene the Princes Christian and himselfe.1656Burton's Diary (1828) I. 231 They had correspondency in the plot.1660Willsford Scales Comm. A iv b, The honourable Society of Merchants..keeping a correspondency with the habitable world.1681Glanvill Sadducismus i. (1726) 23 In their Correspondencies with Witches.1753Hanway Trav. (1762) II. i. vi. 26 Messieurs Cliffords..have, by an extensive corresponency..acquired a very considerable fortune.
6. = correspondence 6: communication by letters. Obs.
1642Fuller Holy & Prof. St. iii. iv. 160 Continue correspondencie with some choyce forrein friend after they return.1647May Hist. Parl. ii. iii. 48 A Cypher, whereby to hold correspondencie with her in writing.1826Beddoes Lett. 1 Apr. Poems 55 You would have little to complain of on the score of slack correspondency.
b. = correspondence 6 b: the letters sent and received. Obs.
1699Addison in Four C. Eng. Lett. 177 You will be surpris'd..to find among your Correspondencies in Foreign parts a Letter Dated from Blois.
c. concr. (from 5 and 6). A corresponding agency. Obs.
1712Addison Spect. No. 452 ⁋5, I have already etablished Correspondencies in these several Places, and received very good Intelligence.1796Morse Amer. Geog. I. 520 Having long been accustomed to send their produce to..Philadelphia and New York, and..having their correspondencies established.




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